Thursday, May 24, 2012
Brilliant Business Strategy
Despite the strong showing at this years Adepticon and its continued strong fanbase despite the total lack of support. Warhammer Historical has now had its last throes and is dead. I wont bother too much with jumping in on the public flogging over the epic stupidity of no longer officially supporting WAB, The post title says it all..(.I just wish I had a font that bled sarcasm.) Needless to say, Warlord Games certainly thanks you. I guess its cool we move all the Historical events at Adepticon over the Hail Caesar rules since The rule system is in print and well supported. That just makes good business sense.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
LPL 6 Concludes!!
Round 10 and the contest has concluded over at the LAF for Lead Painters League Season 6. (link is the final standings)
What a ride, I ended up coming in 14th place out of 46th..I did'nt meet my goal of the top ten but close enough. Above is my final entry. "The Capture of the Griffon" which lost by 30 or so votes. leaving me with a 6-4 Record. I would have to have won this one, one of the others I lost and figured out how to get at least half of 20 bonus I couldn't take advantage make the top ten. Pretty big it wasn't really doable even if I won Round 10.
Couple on interesting notes. 1. I called the winner in round 3 after he beat me in round 2, and I saw his round 3 entry. He ended up going 10-0 (which I think is a first) anyway this guy can always find side work as studio painter if he wants it (a bunch of these guys could, some might be, not sure).
2. Getting max bonus points and winning every round is a huge accomplishment, every entry you put in really needs to be jaw dropping. Otherwise your subject to losing to any oddball entry that strikes peoples fancy for whatever reason not just the painting. Whether that be, naked ladies, comedic dioramas, or just damn creative entries These things will beat a better painted, less attention craving entry 9 times out of 10, so you need to be that one of ten, that still can trump those occasional match ups to consistently win. 3. Your Photography needs to be good. If you cannot consistently take excellent pictures of your stuff, dont waste your time here. Good photos make all the difference. I let a shoddy photo slide in round 2, and it cost me, and I am usually quite happy with my photos but I must say during this process, I learned a couple tricks to make them better, so it was a fair trade off.
A fantastic contest, quirky with a great scoring system and a incredible of amount of awesome eye candy, If you are miniatures enthusiast and are not particularity interested or married to GW this contest is certainly for you. Hat's off to Dr Mathias for winning this and going 10-0. The top 4 guys this year all undoubtedly paint at Studio professional level, the majority of the top 25 are all, serious painters with long term hobby skills...or guys that would routinely win best appearance awards in public events, if you will. Hell of a contest...I know some guys who read here, who should definitely think about this just for the experience, and they're all LotR players so you guys know I am talking to you!.
In other news we "finally" play Kings of War this Tuesday, after talking about it forever. The first time our WFB models are going to use for more than just myself in over a year. looking forward to see how the game plays and if it puts the fun back in large scale Fantasy gaming for us.
I reached the light at the end of tunnel on the personal front with my real life work debacle, that I have mentioned here. Things have sorted them out for the best, its all good and life is moving on. I am actually going to have pretty easy summer, on the work front, so I look forward to a vacation
and digging in to finish a couple of large hobby projects I've been secretly talking about.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
LPL 6 - Round 10- Maritime Bonus Round
Round 10, The final round has begun over at the LAF for Lead Painters League Season 6.
Above is my round 9 entry "Crew of the Atramentous" which your Privateer Press fans should be familiar with. This guys squeaked out a victory over some nicely painted Dwarves. My round 10 entry "Capture of the Griffon" is somewhat old hat around've seen these models alot with my Legends of the High Seas stuff. I did spend some time getting a good photo to meet all the bonus criteria. Except "newly painted" which I could honestly try to claim. I was very confident going into the last round unless I got paired up with one of the top 10 or so, or I thought..My entry is currently losing by a close margin, (but close enough to beat me in this thing) to a very ool 15 mm river scene that makes up for what its lacking in paint department in a really great idea. That's one of the things about this contest I am discovering- is that paint will not always get your thru..its combination of things not least of which is the whims of the voter on what's fresh or immediately eye catching, and unfortunately Pirates are seemingly a bit long in the tooth this round. So I could really use your vote, if you think my entry deserves it. Overall its been a great first time LPL, I was shooting for a top 10 finish..but dont think I can pull it off without winning this last round...