Thursday, August 23, 2012
Reaper Miniatures Wins!
I've followed various kickstarters going on in the last year, but I honestly havent seen anything like this. I got in way early when its around 100K and a couple days, currently at 1.6 Million dollars
the above shot is what you get for $100.00 Vampire Pledge. I was commenting on our forums that I was speculating it might hit 1M, no with 63 hours to go, it might hit 2M!!!...crazy.
you can follow the goings on HERE . The average pledge is $200.00 which is pretty substantial, (Rich and I are both in on this and we've increased our pledges numerous times for new options that keep popping up) I heard mixed things about the plastic but, have also seen some positive reviews. Look forward to this box showing up!
In other news this summer has been woefully unkind to my hobby pursuits, I havent gotten much of anything done, and I have big display to put together for this years Bilbo's Birthday Bash, an Ancients Campaign to get off the ground with almost a whole army to build, and couple of other -not small projects. Here is to September getting me some Hobby time back!.
Monday, August 13, 2012
"The Hobbit"- rampant speculation?, not really.
Lord of the Rings fans everywhere have been following the development of the upcoming Hobbit films since long before their official announcement. Like us few and proud fans of the Games Workshop miniatures game, its difficult to observe the creation of such a thing, that is the deeply rooted canon to so many, without adopting a Sauron-like cynical eye. An eye that scans the land for something as small as two hobbits or in this case, umbrage of too much meddling in the Professors beloved work.
When I recently read that the upcoming Hobbit movies, were growing into another cash creating trilogy, from the originally proposed two films, I wasnt really much surprised. When I read the third film was "greenlit" by New Line with no budget or even a script, I wasn't that particularly thrown either. (although one has to wonder *what* exactly is going to translate at best a 300 page story into 7-9 hours of blockbuster cinema) However, when I saw the leaked release schedule for 2013/2014 for Games Workshop's Hobbit film miniature releases, I about soiled my trousers.
First appearing on the Dakka Dakka wargaming forums. The release leak was immediately latched onto for discussion of its 40K material. Trying to get information about the Lord of the Rings miniatures game in a 40K thread is akin to wearing a pork chop necklace to a dogfight. Despite cries
of un-authenticity from 40K players over this that or the other thing, one only had to look at the Hobbit releases to confirm the documents legitimacy (Something I that found strangely overlooked in what I could handle reading in the thread) First of all while strange people in 40K and even WFB world have occasionally made up false rumors to gain some kind of attention to themselves or some personal agenda. (I for one was accused of this when I posted some of the first pictures of the GW's plastic Valkyrie that fell into my lap from an early release of the Feb 09 White Dwarf)
Noone in the tiny universe of us LotR players is going bother to manufacture such an elaborate list of models from the Hobbit, especially since much of it isnt even in "the Hobbit" is clearly created fiction based on the source material by the filmmakers. If you followed the film you have seen some of these things mentioned from the Beornings, to the Werebeast, to things that are acutally Pre-hobbit material like the start of the War between the Dwarves and Orcs, and the ousting of the Dwarves at Erebor.
Despite the last years new rules falling flat, mainly due to the new lists invalidating old armies competitively. ( something GW has been doing forever to its other games.) That and general antipathy toward GW over the lack of support for the game and it crazy price hikes, really kicked a game that was down, down even further. Despite the initial splash and positive reaction and even some milestone tournament turnouts, by the time we reached Adepticon this year the "new and shiny" luster had burned out and despite a better showing than the previous year and some new players, several notable national events have since been cancelled due to, either lack of support from GW, low player turnout or both.
If the face of this customer negativity Games Workshop fought hard to win a renewed license to produce Hobbit miniatures from New Line Cinema for the films after their confirmation early last year. The cries of "Nooooo" from the premier games fanbase were plainly ignored. GW accounting feels they sell enough models to justify the lines expenses, enough to throw down a gigantic investment to go back for seconds. The list I am posting here is next year and beyond and doesnt even cover the initial releases we will see this fall. We are talking over 100 releases posted here. Most notable, and I think one thing that bring this game new life are the titles called "Adventure" which are coded with various box sizes.My hope is these are similar to old GW scenario packs from the mid eighties Things like the "The Tragedy of McDeath" or similar which were self contained campaign style games with miniatures, These will be great shot in the arm to many LotR players, as getting off the tournament roller coaster and just some having some fun with your models is something I think alot of players have forgotten.It something I think could make many enjoy the hobby again.
Anyway here is the list of models and some of the corresponding packaging codes for you to make sense of., use some common sense here...if you see an Adventure Box with the *a18 Medium single vehicle (rhino size) code* assume it contains some sort of terrain and models etc. In short
Games Workshop is going whole hog, crazy with the Hobbit, the investment in plastic molds alone is staggering, they are planning on pumping these films for the next decade like they have done with initial Trilogy, while I move farther and father away from GW material in my Hobby pursuits, this is certainly the kind of stuff that can keep me and my money around.
500061211470209 Dwarves: Kili & Fili & Longbeard Archers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500062630170206 Dwarves: Bombur with Kettle RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504018730770200 Wargs: Dire Warg RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
505007311470201 Dol Guldur: Leaping Spiders / Shiverfang Spiders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505007630170202 Dol Guldur: Spiderlings RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500063330170206 Dwarves: Drogo Baggins & The Tavern Maid RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507012730970209 White Council: Mounted Rivendell Nobles RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
505000112070298 Adventure: Gandalf's Quest PL a20 Sou_A 02 507060412070297
507060412070297 Adventure: Gandalf's Quest PL a20 Sou_A 02 505000112070298
507017730170208 White Council: Lindir the Harper RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500071011870291 Adventure: The Battle at the East Gate PL a18 Sou_A 02 501100211870295
501100211870295 Adventure: The Battle at the East Gate PL a18 Sou_A 02 500071011870291
500071411470206 Dwarves: Dáin & Iron Hill Berserkers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500071511470205 Dwarves: King Thráin & Longbeard Vanguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500071711470203 Dwarves: Young Thorin & Longbeard Mattockguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500072030170201 Dwarves: King Thrór RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
501061111470209 Mountain Orcs: Azog & Orc Needlers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501063230170206 Mountain Orcs: Azog (Wounded) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
506005530170208 Men of Esgaroth: King Girion RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504019211470206 Wargs: Grinnah & Mirkwood Werewolves PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508000011570292 Adventure: The Fall of Dale PL a15 Sou_A 02 506000111570293
506000111570293 Adventure: The Fall of Dale PL a15 Sou_A 02 508000011570292
508000811570201 Grey Mountain Dragons: Fire-wyrms PL a15 Sou_A 02 cc
503024630170201 Beornings: Woodmen Healer RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
503025130170203 Beornings: Fair Daughter RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507020230170203 White Council: Arwen & Estel RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507021430170208 White Council: Galadriel (Barrel) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
506000112070297 Adventure: The Belltower PL a20 Sou_A 02 508020112070293
508020112070293 Adventure: The Belltower PL a20 Sou_A 02 506000112070297
508008011870299 Adventure: A Thief in the Night PL a18 Sou_A 02 500100511870293
500100511870293 Adventure: A Thief in the Night PL a18 Sou_A 02 508008011870299
506006230170208 Men of Esgaroth: Fram the Watchman RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
506004130170205 Men of Esgaroth: The Master of Lake-Town RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
508009912070207 Smaug the Golden PL a20 Sou_A 02 cc
508008211470206 Grey Mountain Dragons: Braga & Goldscale Worshippers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508008730170205 Grey Mountain Dragons: Venomblade Assassin RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
508008930170203 Grey Mountain Dragons: Goldscale Priest RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
503024411570206 Beornings: Meneldor & Swiftbeak Flock PL a15 Sou_A 02 cc
506007411470209 Men of Esgaroth: Bard & Greystreak Bowmen PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
506003211470203 Men of Esgaroth: Bain & Quickstrings Gang / Trout Guild Militia PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508000611570296 Adventure: Assault on the Aerie PL a15 Sou_A 02 503030111570293
503030111570293 Adventure: Assault on the Aerie PL a15 Sou_A 02 508000611570296
508000730770201 Grey Mountain Dragons: Bofur on Cold-Drake RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
508009130170208 Grey Mountain Dragons: Dragon Thrall RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502065111470299 Adventure: The Clearing of Foul Roots PL a14 Sou_A 02 505040111470293
505040111470293 Adventure: The Clearing of Foul Roots PL a14 Sou_A 02 502065111470299
505016330970203 Dol Guldur: The Willowhags RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
507010912070297 Adventure: Assault on the Barrows PL a20 Sou_A 02 505040712070298
505040712070298 Adventure: Assault on the Barrows PL a20 Sou_A 02 507010912070297
502054111470200 Silvan Elves: Legolas & Mirkwood Fire Archers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
503025511470205 Beornings: Gorm & Woodmen Axethrowers / Skin-Changers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
503025711870201 Beornings: Whisperbark / Gnarlfir PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
504017811870297 Adventure: Clash of the Beasts PL a18 Sou_A 02 503030711870298
503030711870298 Adventure: Clash of the Beasts PL a18 Sou_A 02 504017811870297
505017830770201 Dol Guldur: Bloodwraiths RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
505017930170277 Dol Guldur: Gwethil RE c01 Sou_A 02 li
503023811570205 Beornings: Black Bear Pack PL a15 Sou_A 02 cc
504017211470202 Wargs: Feral Wolf Pack PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504018111870208 Wargs: The Werebeast PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
501084411870296 Adventure: Raid on the Wizard Hut PL a18 Sou_A 02 504030111870293
504030111870293 Adventure: Raid on the Wizard Hut PL a18 Sou_A 02 501084411870296
504016311470204 Wargs: Lagdush & Orc Wolfcloak Warriors PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504018211470209 Wargs: Narzug & Orc Warg-Riders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504018430770203 Wargs: Dol Guldur Orc Overlords RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
507013330170204 White Council: Radagast with Roäc & Swoop RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507015330170208 White Council: Galadriel (Water Steed) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504018530770202 Wargs: Orc Chieftain on Warg RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504018930770208 Wargs: Orc Wolfbone Shaman RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507013130770208 White Council: The War Council RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
507021730170205 Gandalf (Dual Sword) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500075811470293 Adventure: The Last Stand PL a14 Sou_A 02 501100511470294
501100511470294 Adventure: The Last Stand PL a14 Sou_A 02 500075811470293
500076330970202 Dwarves: Dragon Mithril Company of Dwarves RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
502074211470290 Adventure: The Raven Hill PL a14 Sou_A 02 501100811470291
501100811470291 Adventure: The Raven Hill PL a14 Sou_A 02 502074211470290
503026230970205 Beornings: Enraged Beorn RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
506006311470296 Adventure: Thorin's Folly PL a14 Sou_A 02 500100411470296
500100411470296 Adventure: Thorin's Folly PL a14 Sou_A 02 506006311470296
506005811470294 Adventure: The Battle of Five Armies PL a14 Sou_A 02 502090111470291
502090111470291 Adventure: The Battle of Five Armies PL a14 Sou_A 02 506005811470294
500076111870295 Adventure: Breaking the Siege PL a18 Sou_A 02 508020711870294
508020711870294 Adventure: Breaking the Siege PL a18 Sou_A 02 500076111870295
500075611470202 Dwarves: Dáin Ironfoot & Iron Hill Boar Riders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500075611470202 Dwarves: Dáin Ironfoot & Iron Hill Boar Riders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501085611470200 Adventure: Revenge of the Goblin King PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501085711470209 Mountain Orcs: Bolg & Great Goblin Bodyguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
502074530770200 Silvan Elves: Mirkwood Warhost RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
506002311470205 Men of Esgaroth: Alfrid & Loyal Town Guard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
506007711470206 Men of Esgaroth: Garf & Footsoldiers of the Dale PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504017611470291 Adventure: Blacksoil Slope PL a14 Sou_A 02 500100111470299
500100111470299 Adventure: Blacksoil Slope PL a14 Sou_A 02 504017611470291
504019411470204 Adventure: The Final Onslaught PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508008411470204 Grey Mountain Dragons: Money Bags & Hired Knives PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501087411470206 Mountain Orcs: Armoured Hill-Trolls / Frenzied Trolls PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501085930170201 Mountain Orcs: Orc Stone Thrower RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502055430170208 Silvan Elves: King Thranduil (Battle Garb) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502055630170206 Silvan Elves: Tauriel (Mounted) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502055930170203 Silvan Elves: Castellan Amroth RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
503026411870201 Adventure: The Clouds Burst PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
505025011470208 Adventure: The Ritual PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505025111870205 Dol Guldur: The Necromancer / Flesh Avatar PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
505024830770209 Dol Guldur: Narzug & Orc Summoner Coven RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
505014611470206 Dol Guldur: Tomb Wights PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505015211470207 Dol Guldur: Mounted Tomb Wights PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507011511470204 White Council: Galadriel & Lórien Drumhooves PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507012511270207 White Council: Chief Aravir & Dúnedain Rangers PL a12 Sou_A 02 cc
507021630170206 White Council: Dúnedain Runecaster RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
505026311470202 Dol Guldur: Saruman & The Ringwraiths PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505024611470205 Dol Guldur: Vampire Bat Swarms PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507010211470293 Adventure: The Haunted Tombs PL a14 Sou_A 02 502090611470296
502090611470296 Adventure: The Haunted Tombs PL a14 Sou_A 02 507010211470293
507011811470201 White Council: Elrond & Rivendell Spearguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507012011470206 White Council: Elros & Rivendell Outriders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
503023512070295 Adventure: The Blight Breach PL a20 Sou_A 02 505040312070291
505040312070291 Adventure: The Blight Breach PL a20 Sou_A 02 503023512070295
503025030170204 Beornings: Grimbeorn (Greataxe) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507012111070207 White Council: Radagast's Chariot / Spellfire Cart PL a10 Sou_A 02 cc
508012330170206 Grey Mountain Dragons: Fell Hatchlings RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500076630170203 Dwarves: Dís, Mother of Kili and Fili RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500076830170201 Dwarves: Gimli (Stubble) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500077230170204 Dwarves: Samwise Gamgee (Red Book) RE c01 Sou_A 02 c
507010611470299 Adventure: Gollum's Escape PL a14 Sou_A 02 505040611470298
505040611470298 Adventure: Gollum's Escape PL a14 Sou_A 02 507010611470299
507020530170200 White Council: Cirdan the Shipwright RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
Packaging Codes.
PL- plastic
RE- Resin (finecast)
a10 upgrade pack - sprue in a plastic wrapper? Both resin and plastic codes.
a12 Plastic Small single vehicle (buggy/vyper size)
a14 standard squad size box
a15 Plastic Vehicle squadron boxes (bikes etc)
a18 Medium single vehicle (rhino size)
a20 Large single vehicle/building (building/land raider size)
a23 Huge building box (Astartes battle fortress)
b07 Resin blister/clamshell
b09 bigger resin blister/clamshell?
c01 Resin character packs
I also have just noticed this is my 400th post on the blog...crazy.!