Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Antiquity Campaign Round 1

The Campaign Map after one round of play. Stars are number of Armies in individual territories.

We started our antiquity campaign using Warlord Games. Hail Caesar rule set a few weeks ago, a sick day today gave me the time to get this map posted.

Again the participants are :

Rome (Rome)

Rome (Byzantium)

Totally quasi historical based on time frame around the Peloponnesian Wars. Syracuse and Macedonia were the big winners on Tuesday scoring close to 30 points a piece while the rest of us scored less than 10 points. My Spartans looks to Syracuse in a game that seem close until it broke open huge for Rich around round 4. it was all downhill from there.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Arnor Vs Angmar- BBB 2012

 Finally got my entries for this years Bilbo's Birthday Bash completed. This year the format is presenting 2 -600 point armies , One good, One Evil in 6 games over two days. I've already shown you my Arnor / Grey Company army awhile back, but here is the whole set up with Angmar half.
I chose one display for both, after racking my brain with alot of ideas that would include time I didn't have, so I've modified this years big Hirst piece I did with the box that used to house the Skirmish Dungeon (which has grown much larger than this)  All in all I didn't paint too many new models for this years Angmar entry, Buhrdur, the Witch King, some more Orc Trackers and some more old metal orcs that's about it. I'm throwing in my Shelob and my 1985 Gollum back into the paint contest this year and see how they do. Looking forward to next weekend as this always a great event. I dont have high personal expectations, in fact I haven't gotten a chance to even play my final version the Angmar Army, just going to roll some dice and have fun and look at all the awesome stuff people bring out.

Adepticon has some event changes for 2013 for LotR, the Team Tourney this year is being restructured as a partnered singles event (which was the original format) which should be pretty cool given the lower model counts with the new rules, I may even squeak out that fiefdoms army I've been talking about for years..its all modeled up and primed (more of less) I'd just have to paint it.

We were all hoping we'd see some of the Hobbit new release this month, no idea how thats going to change the game but as its now Decemeber, I'll guess we will find out soon enough.

On with the picture show, I'll have full BBB write up post event.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Reaper Kickstarter Locks in

Yup this is what $100 got you when it was all said and done, WOW.

While I doubt any of you haven’t heard about Reapers Epic Kickstarter  that  concluded in late August and blew expectations out of the water bringing in almost 3.5 Million dollars. They recently got the software configured to organize all the orders.  The Kickstarter standard survey wouldn’t suffice here so it took some time to get all the details ironed out.  I ended up going in for $180 with options on my initial $100 pledge.My full order was: 

Vampire pledge level x1 $100
 W/ Options
-- Figure Case x1 $25
-- Red Dragon x1 $10
-- Hydra x1 $15
-- C'thulhu x1 $10
-- Undead Giant x1 $10
-- Mythos Monsters x1 $10

The big pay off here will be if the plastic versions of these miniatures are up to snuff, I have heard good reports of the quality of these. Considering I have well over 100 metal Reaper figs, I do expect them to be lesser quality but lets hope its solid, The success of this entire project in the end will boil down to the quality of the figures..I guess we shall see this spring.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hail Caesar! Fall Campaign

Summer has turned to Fall for our next Hail Caesar Campaign.  With our homebrew rules defined.
a new map in order, armies being built and itchy dice we are now just working on an agreeable date to start, which I am hoping is Oct 16th.  The participants are Syracuse, Rome, Sparta, Macedonia, and two different Persian lists: The Seleucid Empire, and Achaemenid Empire.

Again our quasi historical re-imagining of the Peloponnesian War. Not sure on everyone else's army status, (other than Chris and Rich are fully built and painted) while the rest of are in some build phase. Time is my worst enemy of late, I hope to be losing the proxies of at least the full army by the end of the month. If you want to read more about the campaign join up on the blog forum (link on the left) activity has been slow of late but once we get going on this it certainly will pick up alot.

I'll of be doing our bi-weekly updates here on the blog. Ok back to trying to paint some Angmar!.