Friday, August 29, 2014

Back From the Void

My Stuart M5 (Stuart VI)  for my 1000 point Bolt Action British Force.

 Well no excuses really, I fell of the cliff this summer, work, vacations, the kids, two basement floods (nothing major) and some painful dental work had resulted in extremely little hobby time. I have recently got back to getting my hands on couple things. One being finishing a couple units for my Bolt Action Army for the Operation Sting tournament taking place the weekend of Oct 18th. The Stuart here was one of my two additions after the Adepticon Tournament last spring. Finally I buckled down and finished this guy, and am quite happy with the way he came out.
 The other thing being my actual table for Bolt Action which I am helping out bringing to the tournament. If you look at the photo from my last post in late June you can see the table in it raw state. This pics should give you an idea of the finished look. It 9 pieces that fit together in a couple of configurations with the tons of other stuff we have should make for couple decent setups. I wanted a table that would work for all of the rulebook scenarios with slightly different setups and  I think will accomplished when its all said and done...
 Work on the table will progress all the way up to the tournament, there are a zillion little details but even its being rebuilt state it will playable in probably a week or so.  The Stuart here was good "first tank" project for me...I took an the Humber AC first., next I move onto Warlords new plastic Sherman M4 which I picked up awhile ago, while not using in the upcoming tournament, Aaron and I have talking some 1500 point games, so with the Sherman, and a few other loose teams (Flamer team) and another squad...My British are done for this game, next I'll moving on to my Germans..
 I'll leave this post here with and almost pornographic spam of  pics of my new tank. I've got Saga and some generic Sci Fi and Fantasy gaming to talk about coming up thru the fall so hopefully, now that I am back posting I can do so  alot more frequently, its not like I dont have enough miniatures
or games to talk about.

Scratch building by Aaron Schmidt