Tuesday, January 13, 2015
In miniature/ board game related news, I have been watching for sometime the development of Monlith's new Conan miniatures/board game. Anyone that knows me more than casually, knows I am a lifelong fan of two things- Lord of the Rings and Conan, while the latter has been seriously neglected in the Miniatures department. I have far more literature in my collection from Robert E Howard and his disciples than I do from Professor Tolkien by about ten fold. The sculpts are what sold me on this, and unlike others on the fence over at the LAF, I'm not worried about the scale ( 32mm) here as I like then as a self contained set, Ideally I'll paint them but it really depends on the quality of the plastic, heres to hoping Monolith gets it right on the material they use., Another Reaper Bones/ Sedition Wars type polymer will be seriously disappointing and waste these epic sculpts.
We will see as I am in on the $135 Pledge, check it out here!.
Ok, back to painting my Germans!