Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Mission 4- The Lost Journal

The following is a play-through of tutorial mission 4 from the FWW campaign book, it incorporates the previous sections of the rulebook discussed in the three earlier play-throughs  but adds in advanced weapons and varying conditions including Radiation and Radiation Damage, I am changing the characters up for a change of pace using more advanced characters with wider range of items. This game and the next will feature Nate , instead of Nora and I’ll bring them all together for some campaign scenarios moving forward

SCENARIO – Nate awakens from his cryo-bed in Vault 111 to discover Nora missing,  despite his brief awakening where he saw her  killed and baby Shaun Kidnapped.  Finding Codsworth, he headed immediately toward Diamond City recruiting Cassidy along the way. Eventually connecting with the Brotherhood of Steel  at the Boston Police Station. Though BoS reports he discovers  Nora is alive and with another group at their own settlement. In exchange for equipment, supplies and information to help seek them out,  Nate agrees to join Aspirant Goddard , A senior BOS initiate looking to prove himself  in an attempt to recover valuable information for the BoS  located in an old safe in the center nearby junkyard. The problem the Junkyard is directly adjacent to the neighborhood base of  Hammer, a  local Super Mutant Warlord.


Nate-Sole Survivor- Loner, Hunting Rifle, 10mm Pistol,  1 Radaway, 2 Frag Grenades
          Nate also has the Lone Wanderer perk, which he can use under the right conditions.
Cassidy - Settler- Combat Shotgun, 1 Stimpak, , Damaged  hazmat suit
Aspirant Goddard- Brotherhood of Steel, T-60 Power Armor,  Laser Rifle,
Codsworth- Robot,  Mr Handy Flamer and Buzzsaw.

The Survivors begin the game with the Advantage Marker.
Survivors are assumed “readied”  before they are activated I'll only point  out "readied" if  they are holding their action. (the games version of "overwatch")

Hammer- Super Sledge and Missile Launcher
Mutant Hound- Hound Bite
Aviator- Pipe Pistol, Aviator Cap
Brute – Sledgehammer
Super Mutant (Soldier)- Bolt Action Pipe Rifle and Board

Each turn I roll a die to  which order the AI activates its squad.  Each models AI Cards will dictate its action I will refer to this as "action roll" or "action die"

#1 Hammer
#2 Aviator
#3  Super Mutant
#4  Mutant Hound
#5  Brute

OBJECTIVES  (Victory Conditions)

Survivors- Recover  the Journal.  1 Model leaves the battlefield with the Journal
Super Mutants – Journal not recovered, more meat for the meat bag!

TERRAIN-  Radiation Danger , there a 4 areas of Toxic Sludge bleeding Radiation on site, and figure that ends it turn within yellow distance of  any Sludge must check for random radiation damage. 

****** Super Mutants and Robots are Immune to Radiation Damage.***************
 ****** The Game will last 6 Rounds****************************




I move Nate first, his 1st action is to move to the car in front of him for cover, using his hunting rifle he has a clear LoS at The Super Mutant Brute, the Brute has cover from another car in the way giving Nate a -2 to hit lowering his "5"  to a 3
He shoots (roll  Critical, -3,-3 ) whoa  certainly a hit,  2 base damage vs the Brutes 2 Armor his armor check is a 1 meaning he block 1 dam so the Brute takes 1 wound.


AI  says Super Mutant Soldier is up next, his action roll is a single bottle , meaning  he should recklessly attack the objective ( The Survivors) at Range, He has not shot so he moves once finding all Survivors bases are hidden behind Scrapped Vehicles, he moves again behind another Car looking for a better vantage point to shoot next turn.



I have Cassidy move next, shes move behind a junk barrier finds a searchable  markers and recovers a Nuka Cola. She can see the Super Mutant Soldier but has 2 pieces of terrain in the way for a -4 to hit meaning she will need a 2, she rolls a 7..and misses.
Cass finds herself a nice warm Nuka Cola


AI chooses the Hammer to go next , his action roll is also a single bottle , meaning  he should recklessly attack the objective ( The Survivors) at Range, except he has a loaded missile launcher  ready to go and \ lights on off at Nate and Codsworth.  Hammer needs a  4 or better (Roll Crit!, -12, Xtra damage) Ouch!  4 damage to Nate and 3 damage to Codsworth , Nate with his Armor Bonus has an Armor of 4 , rolls a 3, so he takes 1, but Codsworth has 3 Armor rolls a 4 and takes all 3 points of damage, ouch again!
Hammer on the Left unloads his first and most damaging missile, 1st turn!




I put Codsworth into the action as we wont be around long if he takes another hit like the last one., since he’s  not in potential attack range of anyone,  I have him move the safe which he examines and tell us we are looking for key to open it, according to Aspirant Goddard that key is here in the junkyard (we are looking for Key A)
Codsworth examines the safe, but they are all ready on him!


AI chooses the Aviator next, his action roll is double star which in this case means  “cautiously attack”  (where as in this scenario both “Attack” and Objective” are the same , kill the survivors, The Aviator moves to some cover and fires his pipe pistol at Codsworth , who has Cover, which Lowers the Aviators very good “to hit” to a “4” he rolls (6, Blank, bonus damage) but it’s a miss.



Aspirant Goddard is next , I have him move up to nearby searchable marker near a barrel of toxic radioactive sludge
He flips it and finds marker A - the Key to the safe!  (luck of the draw)  he then fires of a shot with Laser Rifle at Super Mutant Soldier, and rolls an (Action Point , Roll -Cog, Bottle, Explosion)  all he can do is prepare an action and wait for the Super Mutants to move

 RADIATION DAMAGE.  Goddard has end his turn right next to a sludge barrel, I roll for Rad damage and its one point, he is well protected in his Power Armor at 4 with a +1 Strong Armor Bonus versus Radiation and he easily saves it.


AI Chooses the  Mutant Hound followed by the Brute both Action’s rolls are  to “Recklessly Attack!"  They do, but due to Terrain they cant quite reach any Survivors and the end the round closing distance with Codsworth and Nate



Sides are 4 Survivors to 5 Super Mutant so the Survivors retain the Advantage Marker



Codsworth charges the nearby Mutant Hound as his 1st Action, unloading his flamer as a second action picking up a bonus black dice.  Roll  (3, bonus damage, bottle) A easy hit..unfortunately the range on he flamer is very short otherwise that brute is directly behind them..with the Armor break and extra damage the Hound takes a full 3 damage
BBQ Hound


AI  says Super Mutant Soldier is up next, his action roll is a double bottle or “recklessly attack the objective” or in this case, again “kill the humans!” he turn an opens fire on the nearest unengaged target the wide open Aspirant Goddard
BUT, Goddard has an action prepared from last turn and gets the drop on him with his laser rifle  Roll (3, 2x bonus damage, double bottle)  now that is actually one of the best rolls I have had playing this yet,, a hit (he needed a 3) 2x damage and the double bottle  special effect of the laser rifle is YOU ARE ON FIRE
Generic Super Mutant (soldier, I call him) not only fails his 1 energy save and take 4 energy damage but is now on fire

This Super Mutant has a particularly bad game. 

Moving back to start of its turn, The Super Mutant now  immediate takes a point of Fire Damage with no save, we then flip a luck token to see if the fire goes out, it DOES NOT (fails)
His first action is now to try to put out the fire with an Agility Test he needs a  5 or better rolls a 6 fails ,Still on fire and  he will be dead on his next activation anyway…

He fires at Goddard in a last act of desperation, seems like if you are “on fire” you should have some form of “to hit” penalty but I cant find it..the doomed mutant rolls a 10 to hit anyway missing so hes just firing wildly , which makes sense,  being on fire.



I choose to move Nate next,  As the Sole Survivor Loner, Nate gets the free “Lone Wanderer” perk  which gives some very powerful bonuses but you have to be Black Distance away (the longest) from any allies eventually.

As it stands he moves yellow distance to the rear of the vehicle and shoots and the Brute who is now a blue distance away optimum distance for both his weapons, I choose the hunting rifle for the 2 x yellow dice but roll an 8 so he misses.

Nate end his turn way to close to the Toxic barrel field and now must face radiation damage, the black die comes up blank so now damage yet.


 The AI chooses the Hammer next.. Action Roll is again a single bottle..meaning he stays put and reloads the missile launcher and fires away, he’s go equal chance to hit both Goddard or Nate so I 50/50 it and the Target is Nate, with the Cover from the vehicle he again needs a 3, but rolls an “X” so the missile is off track and it scatters max distance in this case red!  I flip a scatter token and it behind him so the missile over shoots..
Bombs away, the missile launcher could be extremely effective when paired with say the Aviator Cap (+2 Per) as it stands Hammer was shooting at 50% not terrible, but not as effective as it could have been . The lucky hit round 1, did set Codsworth up for any early exit from the game.



Aspirant Goddard, Readies and Holds


AI says The Brute. Action is a single star or “Cautiously Attack”  he can move into but not charge into Codsworth getting a bonus black die for his Strength of 8 and a Bonus Green Die for the Mutant Hound also being in Combat. The Roll is (5, 2 armor breaks, a -1 and bonus damage. Ouch Codsworth armor is reduced to 1, he fails the save and takes 3 damage an s reduced to a non functioning heap!  Oh No.

Cant Charge- has to go around.



Cassidy activates moving up to a toxic sludge barrel she shoot the Brute with her Combat Shotgun, unfortunately the range is not optimal and she gets no bonus dice  she needs a 6 rolls a 6 a hit!  2 damage vs 2 armor the Brutes save blocks 1 and he takes his second wound. 

She now must face potential radiation damage, the black die says 2 potential damage, her damage radiation suit gives her 3 resistance, she rolls a 2 and is safe.

This Also now activates Goddard who will shoot the Laser Rifle twice at the Brute, the first shot is a critical, with a single bottle effect meaning a bonus AP damage. The Brute tries to save the initial damage fails and take the full 3 energy damage..he now has 5 wounds



AI chooses the Aviator next, his action roll is bottle which in this case means  “recklessly attack”  at range
So the Aviator opens fire from where he is at  at Aspirant Goddard who is in range of his pipe pistol, the first shot misses due some barrels being in the way reducing the aviators “to hit”  from 6 or less to 5 or less second shot is a critical with Bonus damage for 3 damage total, Goddards Power Armor saves all the damage

Lastly the Mutant Hound is up and its all its options are to recklessly attack no matter what in this particular case so it charges I take the extra green die on the charge rolls is 2, -1, bonus damage, armor break, explosion
3 damage total vs 3 +1 Strong Armor on the power armor which becomes 2+1 due to the Armor Break, Rolls is 4 Goddard saves none but gets 1 for the Strong Armor  so he takes 2 damage,
The explosion gives him an injured arm and -2 to all Skills much worse than the 2 damage.


Survivor’s down 3 vs 5 retain the Advantage Marker.




I activate Nate and decide to use a frag grenade on the Brute, he’s also far enough away that the lone wander perk can kick in , he still needs a 5 to hit with Grenade and the first attempt misses  scatters  back toward him and narrowly misses him with Orange blast radius, I decide to throw the 2nd grenade this on hits with 2, a bonus damage and 3 armor breaks…the Brute gets no save taking 4 damage and hits the dirt out for the count..making his wound total now 9!

Nate again faces Radiation Damage he looking at 1 point from the black dice, Lone Wanderer gives him a Rad Armor bonus , and he saves it easily

Throwing Grenades


AI says Super Mutant Soldier activates next, no need to roll anything else he is STILL ON FIRE and immediately takes 1 point of damage which is all he has left., he dies.



 I have Goddard go next locked in melee combat with the Mutant Hound is no way to be when your arm is damaged and you have no melee weapon, hoping the Power Armor can take abuse he leaves combat and faces Hound free attack the Dog misses but gets an action point as Goddard Moves the dog just follows, he trys again, this time the dog hits with a Bonus damage for three total but  he manages to save all three damage.


AI chooses Hammer to go next , his action roll is  a single star , meaning  he should recklessly attack ( The Survivors) at Range, again its seems to be rinse repeat here  , Action 1 is to reload , Action 2 is to Fire . He can see both Cassidy and Nate , both have the same cover bonus , He will get the mutant hound in the blast if he fires at Cassidy, Makes sense he’d keep going after Nate. He does. Roll, 2 Direct hit, with 2 bonus damage, so Nate is facing 5 damage total,  with his Survivor Armor Boost, Lone Wander Perk h Nates Armor is 5 , we can save up to 4, he rolls 2 so we take 3 damage bringing Nates damage total to 4



Cassidy turns and unloads on the Mutant Hound at optimal range  Rolls 6 plus 2 bonus damage for 4 total, the Hound only has 2 health so its 1 Armor wont Save it, it goes down hard,

Cassidy  moves to the Trailer and a searchable container in it she finds an Institute Laser Rifle…nice..
Shes still too close to the toxic barrels and black die says shes looking at 1 damage, her hazmat suit saves her again, no damage,


AI just has the Aviator,  his action roll is to again cautiously attack., He moves behind the Trailer giving him cover and nice clear shot at Aspirant Goddard, He hits with a Critical and 2 Bonus Damage for 3 total, Goddard saves 1 +1  so he takes one damage and that degraded his Power Armor



Things are coming to a head here at 2 vs 3 , The Super Mutants get the Advantage Marker



AI picks the Aviator, he just keep shooting at Goddard hoping to get lucky, hits first time but even in degraded power armor (3 protection)  he still makes the save, the second shot he rolls a 7 and misses.


Aspirant Goddard  is activated, he needs that intel and he has the key ,  he moves twice in a dash to get to the safe.



Hammer is next, a double bottle this time finally means hes ready to attack in Melee with his nasty Super Sledge He makes a single move then is able to charge making contact with Aspirant Goddard.  They wont fight this round But Hammer adds a green die to his pool

Goddard dashing for the Safe gets intercepted by the Hammer.


I activate Nate next, he moves to nearby searchable marker finding a Machete, which will be useful if hes in close combat, I then have him prepare and action and wait for the Aviator to show his face.

Again he is too close to the Toxic Sludge Pile and is threatened with 1 radiation damage, but again he saves it (im thinking the Radiation damage here is not enough of a threat.)



The Aviator is next and his action roll is a double star meaning he “cautiously attacks” I have move behind the Nuka Cola machine and since he’s go no target (Nate is too far away) he prepares an action!

I was hoping his movement would trigger Nates prepared action but he far past Nates long awareness range of black


Cassidy is next, she moves out and tries to take out the Aviator, she crosses his path and he shoots at her with his Pipe Pistol, he misses with an “X” and it’s a good thing for here since he rolled 3 Bonus damage!

Cassidy Moves near the car with a clean LoS an unloads the Combat Shotgun  nearly point blank shes roll a Crit, an armor break and 2 bonus damage nice…the Aviator saves 1 and takes 3 damage

The battle continues….


A 2 vs 3 The Super Mutants Continue to have the Advantage



AI picks Hammer of course,  his extra charge dice ready he unloads with the Super Sledge missing but getting an action point he swings again and misses again he prepares an action.


This turn here get the most complicated yet

Aspirant Goddard leaves melee dashing toward the safe, he suffers a free strike from Hammer (not his prepared action)
This time Hammer connects with the Super Sledge doing 3 damage, with an Armor Break Goddard saves  2 and takes 1 damage.
Hammer  then uses his prepared action to follow Goddard

Hammers movement is close enough to Nate to allow his use his prepared action to fire at Hammer, he does Roll (3, armor break, bonus damage)  Hammer looking at 3 damage, saves 1 and takes 2 he then reconnects with Melee into Goddard

Goddard still has a second action, the scenario says grabbing the journal once you have the key is a “free action” So I have Goddard  get the journal from the safe and FLEE AGAIN

AGAIN Hammer responds with another free swing from the Super Sledge  Hammer rolls (6, double armor break, 2 stars) Stars mean nothing here, but the double armor break is key  it lowers Goddards armor to 1 he rolls a 4 and takes all 3 which is enough to put him in his degraded power armor down for the count.



Aviator is next , a single star on the action dice says he finally with “recklessly attack” in melee, he charges  into Cassidy getting an extra black die.  Super Mutants get to use the melee stat when using a improvised weapon in close combat so, the Aviator is hitting on a 7 with a black and green die…ouch..  he hits with a 6 and 1 bonus damage,  Cassidy still has her armor boost token giving her a chance to block both, but she rolls 1, saving and also taking 1 damage.


Cassidy isn’t going to do much in CC so she withdraws , The Aviators free strike hits with an Armor Break, it’s a single point of damage but she get no save.. she down to 2 health

Cassidy fires the Combat Shotgun again she shoots hit with a critical but no extra damage,  The aviator has 3 armor and saves the base 2 points from the Shotgun, this is bad.

Nate is up last things aren’t looking good, but Nate has a machete now an will be nasty in Melee if he lets the Hammer Charge  he will pick up Lone Wander Bonuses, Nate decides to put 2 shots on Hammer with 10mm Pistol
He Hits both times but gets NO BONUS DAMAGE, even with the extra yellow die from the perk, Hammer saves both times  the 2 point s of damage.,..OOOFF
10mm rounds just bounce off, Nate shoots, the Hammer Charges

Nate still taking Radiation Damage, but the die comes up empty so either he’s turning into a Ghoul or its not effecting him


2 vs 2 Advantage goes to the Survivors.



Cassidy will get creamed in melee so shes on run she makes a double move toward the board edge.

Retreating , Mission failed.


 AI chooses The Hammer action is roll is explosion , which stay engaged on Nate so he Charges as he’s in range. He’ll take a green die as bonus to help hit, he attacks. He misses! But gets an action point



Nate attacks twice with his new Machete, he misses but follows up with a hit and Hammer fails his armor save taking a point of damage
Nate with 4 armor with the Perk vs the Hammers 3 Armor these two could go at for awhile until dice let one of them down


Aviator’s  action roll is a double bottle meaning “recklessly move” in this case pursue the easy target- Cassidy! He cannot catch her as shes beyond his Charge range.

The Game ends with the Aviator chasing Cassidy off the board and the Hammer and the Sole Survivor locked in melee combat,  even an couple extra rounds with some really lucky dice it be unlikely the Survivors pull it off it’s a clear VICTORY for the SUPER MUTANTS.

“ Whatever the Survivors where after, the were denied. The Junkyard now burns to ensure they do not return!”

Bad guys win this one.

 Overall a very fun match,  I gave the Survivors a bunch of fancy gear and they had additional skills but were bested by Super Mutants with the basic gear and a single character, granted the Hammer is a tough customer.  Probably due to my inexperience using them but even thou the Survivors lost, I really enjoyed this mission. I don’t think the Radiation Damage is much of a threat, I’ll have to re-read the rules and see if I missed something.

Next up the final tutorial scenario: The Coming Storm.