12 days since my last blog entry, I was thinking this morning what the hell have been doing the last 12 days that's hobby related, this month has really flown by. Let's see, I played my fellow Warhammer rookie, Felix over at the Oak Park store last tuesday, his Wood Elves versus my Empire, a close game that ended a solid draw, hoping to get back in there this week or get something happening at home this weekend.
I've been WIP on another 5 Empire Swordsmen, trying to batch paint to go a bit quicker, I save time with the base coating using this method for sure, its details that are the time sink. I need to get a little less particular on guys that are in a 25 man block, it's coming along, slowly but surely...I have 2 finished and 3 more to go from the current group, then only 8 more. I hope to have the 24 swordsmen complete, by mid next week, so I can move on to some handgunners. I am going to be hard pressed to get 2000 pts built and painted to my standard by the time Adepticon 08, rolls around in the spring. There is going to come a time in fall when the event schedule is posted that I am going to need to quit screwing around with multiple projects choose my events and hammer it out, as well as practice playing.
If I get time to work on anything on Sundays, its usually terrain and I got another modular hill done yesterday...I now have threehills, one woods and the Arcane Ruins built, I still have 2 woods and the new watch tower to go.
I was also messing around with my "Battle for Skull Pass" miniatures. I find the quality of these better than their 40K "Macragge" counter parts which is pretty cool, my intent with these was figure out a way to come up with a way to paint these fast and clean with three colors.. starting with everyone primed black. the goblins are pretty easy...snot green the face...give it a quick wash, red the eyes and spear handle and metal brush the shield and speartip, then give it a quick drybrush of fortress grey, Dwarfs are bit more complicated I am kind of stumped on how to do them..as they have alot more detail.. ideally I want a pair of 500 pt starter armies that are painted a solid TT standard just to have around, need to pick thier army books too.. I will post some pics later.
As far as 40K goes I haven't done jack, I still haven't finished my Assault Marines, and I want to get my Devastor Squad done after that, then dig into three Rhinos. As I am pretty much focused on the Fantasy right now, its not a big deal...As soon as Scott gets time to schedule our next round of Ultramarines VS Thousands Sons ( Which I am sure will be after he gets his hands on the new Chaos book) that will kick me in ass to spend a couple days on 40K.
I've been thinking alot about strategy and tactics for both games. I consider myself a serious strategy game player, so the mechanics of such in any game are important to me. Both games have a strong tactical phase in list creation, but the army list is far more powerful in 40K, putting the most firepower on a target per turn is base concept as I see it, (something my Ultramarines are aspiring to) Developing a list that accomplishes that is half the battle once you put your guys on the table. Since I don't like going with the formulatic list I constantly see for Marines ( 6 man Las/Plas squads), but small squads are definitely key so I am experimenting with 5 man squads in my list right now, which went very well for me when I played against some Dark Angels recently. my next goal is beat Scotts Ksons, good freaking luck there after my last slaughter against him., will see how the new lists go. I think my lists for Fantasy are solid, and since more of the tactical aspect of that revolves around movement, I need to practice, practice, practice.
Wow, You're sweating about beating me? I think the fact that you've declared yourself "serious strategy game player" gives you a leg up over me.
ReplyDeleteI might just keep putting off our re-match until the new codex.
AP3 is good for me!
yeah I figured that about the new codex thing it makes sense, I am super curious about how the lists will play out since your Ksons are already a brick wall for me. don't sell yourself short, unlike me you know how to use your army!!. Let me know, when you're ready for the rematch.
ReplyDeleteI need to get some of my skeletons done so I can play you and Felix soon. There are too many items on my to do list these days... grrr.
ReplyDelete5 man marine squads- if you are playing generic marines try taking the cleanse and purify trait and you can take two plasma guns. I like running a six man squad in a razorback with a heavy bolter. One of the marines is upgraded with terminator honors and I give him a pair of lightning claws as the rest take bolt pistols and chain swords (take the fight to them trait) and the last marine a flamer. A very heavy hitting assault squad for realativlt small points- at least as marines go. Take the no mercy no respite trait (I think) and you get furious charge which will let you strike first in the assault with an I of 5.