Saturday, September 8, 2007

New Pics!!

Finally got the camera back and set up, still working on an ideal lighting source, thankfully I have Lightroom and Photoshop, which help alot.

Pistolier/ Outrider parts make great swordsmen conversions.
I dont love that parchment/scroll on the one guy -I need to redo it.

So do the Free Company /Milita heads, I wanted my army to
have a ragtag whats left after the Storm of Chaos ravaged our province "look"
veteran looking troops, pieced together uniforms, etc.

Rank of swordsmen, all out of the box.

Here everybody 5x5, 24 swordsmen, with warrior priest (spot 1)

Side view

Other side, with back of banner, I hope all the little details
free hand, etc..pop thru.

Next up 10 Handgunners, only 120 more models to go until Adepticon, LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Lookin' good. This is almost motivating me to get working on those goblins... but don't hold your breath.

    Anyway, I really like the sigmar comet banner.
