Friday, April 18, 2008

Adepticon 2008 Part II

Adepticon Day 2, 4/12/08..Crown Plaza, Rosemont, IL

My tourney report is pretty long, just thought I post some pictures and quick thoughts about Adepticon separately. My pictures overall didn't come out so good, either light or I just didn't take the time to sort out the settings, I was running on "auto" without a flash. Alot of my pictures looked ok in the preview but turned out blurry, probably it was just a matter of
manually changing my Aperture and using the flash, I am not sure but next year I think I might borrow my pals SLR with wide angle telephoto. Anyway most the best stuff I took was macro shots and there are better Adepticon galleries already posted so I will spare you the trouble.

(above) 40k Team Tourney underway. Maybe I just didn't get around the hall enough but it seem like the displays where as over the top as last year. Yeah that club 300 table was epic and I really loved this army below, but last year my jaw was on the floor for half and hour walking around, this year I just could find enough Oooo-Ahhhh.

I don't know what gets into 40K players during these tourneys. Between rounds on saturday I made couple trips around the ballroom while the team tourney was going on and saw two different really ugly arguments, one was between like 4 guys. The opposing teams where "M-F'ing" each other up and down I really thought some punches were going to get thrown. I guess with an 80 page FAQ and relaxing the sports and composition requirements for sanctioned events this year they are begging for problems. Time for 5th edition for sure, getting everybody on same page again should help. Adepticon should continue to keep rigid soft scoring that keeps peoples behavior in check. If you can't behave yourself you should just stay home. For whatever reason this crap doesn't go on in a Fantasy as far as I have seen. I saw one minor dust up that required a judge to involved and it was quickly settled.

This is Jeff Schiltgen's Empire Army. I met Jeff on Saturday as I saw the army and immediately went to talk to him. Again my photo's are not doing this army justice. Jeff told me he was kind of bummed by his scores on Friday during escalation, I didn't get that either. Jeff got my vote for best appearance hands down on Saturday. The detail and presentation here was incredible.
Even if you don't like the color orange, if you were there saturday. You couldn't deny jeff was in the top three armies there. He also won best overall in the Championship. which I thought was awesome as with all the broken demonic legion chaos armies I saw, I was thrilled that The Empire carried the day. I later found out Jeff won this event in 2006 as well playing Brets, so he obviously knows whats he's doing. Congrats to him across the board.

Below is Jon Cash's Feastmasters. His Ogre army mixed with halflings taking the place of the Gnoblars. He's got the whole story worked out and tons of little details to play up this theme.
I played in Jon in round 1 and named him my favorite opponent of the day, super nice guy and great looking and creative army. I think Jon ended up 12th, so congrats to him as well- he also won best ambassador model (an award I think I was in the running for as I got alot of compliments on mine and know I got at least 3 votes)

I really like this beast of chaos army above, tons of conversions and excellent painting
top 10% of the armies there for sure. I didn't quite meet its owner of this one of the next.

This blue and orange schemed chaos army really grew on me, at first I didn't really like it as its alot brighter than this photo. However,The more and more times I passed it, the more and more it grew on me. The detail was amazing and alot of conversions. In end it won me over -definitely in my top 5 of the armies there.

This Goblin Circus themed army is great one as well. Alex who owns it sets it up under a tent for display and where the strong circus colors and conversions are plentiful.

Overall the Warhammer Fantasy Championship was blast, I saw some awesome armies and met some great people. I definitely look forward to it again next year, where my main dilemma will be "what" other event to do I want to play in. I might actually hang all three days next year if I get a pass from the wife.

By now if you read much about this event you've heard all about the hotel, the over priced food, parking, etc. I forgot to mention I had to get some cash early saturday morning so I could get some breakfast and I had to go to three hotels to find one with a working ATM. While I loved the extra space, I would love it if Adepticon would find a convention style hotel off the beaten path, say near Midway airport, or to west, equidistant to either Airport where there would be less "airport style" bullshit going on. Can't wait to see what they come up with next year.

OK now for my tourney report....

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