Monday, June 16, 2008
Plastic Legions hits 10K!
So I broke past the 10,000 hit mark for this blog yesterday , not bad since I only put the counter on in mid January this year. My unique visitors have dropped to around 65 or so day from a high of around 85, but that's not surprising as my content output has been a little soft of late. I've got some bigger updates in the works, as you know its just a time thing but I am going to push for bigger and better content this summer, lots of pictures, battle reports on some other games like 40K and Legends of the High Seas, chronicling the evolution of my Celt barbarian Ancients army and my VC army for WFB. I doubt I will make it to Games Day Chicago this summer due to the arrival of my new daughter but I will definitely get back to some event coverage this fall with the Chicago GT. Anyway the point of this post is to say thanks to all of you who read my blog and the compliments and kind emails I have received about it. So THANK YOU and best of luck in your own endeavors.
Gratz, nice little milestone in your cap... :)
ReplyDeletecongrats, and congrats again on becoming a father! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought you meant you had 10k in Empire points...