Saturday, October 4, 2008

Chicago GT

I am just about to crash for about 5 hours before I get up to go to the Chicago GT, as promised here are some shots of the display I am bringing. Lot of late nights the last few weeks in order to polish everything up, I would have loved another week but whatever. New Display base- Done. Forge World- Cannon Emplacements- Done, New Swordsmen Detachment- Done..I touched up all my bases so they match but fell short on touching a up few lose ends (my one unit of 6th ed Handgunners is really just basic table top compared to some the rest.) I am running a bunch of stuff I haven't had much of chance to practice with like the Arch Lector with two warriors priests, and a few Items I don't usually use..I'm just gonna wing it- but I know how to play this army if the dice gods cut me a break I think I'll do ok, I will report back after day 1 and you know how I did.

The model I use as Karl Franz ( with his superman style custom cape) is my Arch Lector
I am real happy with the way the display base came out my new miter box and borrowed nail gun did the trick..thanks Joe!!


  1. John,
    The box looks great, and from what I can tell the cannon emplacements came out very nice as well. I know I've said it before but I admire the fact that you choose to go into a tournament like the GT playing your army "your way" and not a cheese ball x2 STanks and WAlter. Armies like that are exactly why I avoid the tourney scene.
    Can't wait to hear the final write up as to how it all went.

    P.S. any chance of seeing the emplacements by themselves (with the cannons in em of course).

  2. You can see them up close tuesday, I am bringing them into the shop, I used them as bases for my cannons in 4 of 5 games...yeah it gives my opponent a slight advantage but so what it looks super cool!.

  3. How do they give your opponent an advantage? It shouldn't affect how close combat lines up against your cannon crews...

  4. hey Billy

    Just in the fact they constitute a very large base..once an enemy is in contact with the base they are considered "in" so you're giving an an extra inch and half of distance to your opponent to get to your cannons they normally wouldnt have....overall in play at the GT it was a non-issue..

  5. That's not actually how it should work- war machines never have bases, you line up your crew as soon as the enemy touches a crew member or the machine itself... At least that's the way it was ruled back when I started making my Dwarf war machine bases. The bases just look pretty, as long as you're not using them as an actual terrain piece.

  6. That is very good to know thanks bill
    I should have asked a Judge how to rule it, but didnt since I have seen plenty of people with based warmachines and have seen them just standard measurement to the base...
    that probably just a casual thing out of I just assumed if I used those bases I'd do the same, when I didnt have to..obviously my opponent didnt complain!
