Friday, May 15, 2009

Tavern Fight!

Last night one of my fellow Pirates stopped by in preparation for our Spanish Main campaign for Legends of the High Seas which takes place tonight! here we have Jasons awesome Tavern Fight battle board Jason put hours of pain staking work into this all the way down to the awesome liquor bottle and wooden stump seats and bar tables and mainly all green stuff work. The table itself is all from various Hirst Arts molds, you got the standard block, small brick, cobblestone and accessory molds in action here. at this point I think I've posted all the terrain that is on the tables..I will save the few missing set ups for my full report on the evening which I post this weekend. it's been a great month of Legend of the High Seas and it all comes to a head tonight!

These liquor bottle tokens as well as the seats are all improvised weapons
in this scenario, you fight completely unarmed except for using these tokens.
did an incredible job on these!

The stairs and walkway here are carved basswood..again
excellent work


  1. Man, That is a nice little set up for the Tavern Fight. John, your seriously making me want to move to Chi town to be able to particapate in the games!

    Tell Jason he did a great job on the Tavern!

  2. This would be great to use for the GW Orc game barroom brawl. You can download the rules from the GW site and getting an Orc for each player should be a snap!

  3. Fantastic Bar Scene table. Kudos to your friend Jason!
