Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mighty Empires VI- Round 5- Warbands

Player Army Wins Losses Draw Battle Comp Sports Total EP
Rich Warriors 3 0 1 55 20 12 87 6
John Empire 2 1 1 45 18 14 77 5
Anthony O&G 3 1
50 17 9 76 4
Bill Vampires 1 2 1 35 20 16 71 5
Billy Dwarfs 2 1 1 45 16 0 61 5
Nate Lizardmen 1 2 1 35 20 3 58 3
Aaron Warriors
3 1 25 20 8 53 3
Chris Wood Elves 1 3
30 16 4 50 3

Scores after Round 5

10- Orcs and Goblins- Anthony
8- Warriors of Chaos- Rich
7- Empire- John
7- Vampire Counts- Bill
6- Lizardmen- Nate
5- Wood Elves- Chris
5- Warriors of Chaos- Aaron
3-Dwarfs- Billy

Warbands was good time, we had no problems with time limits and everyone took to the spirit of the event. In the end it shook the map up a little, nice change of pace to get in four games instead of one, in an evening. In fact the suggestion was made we try a whole campaign with lower point games in order to get a couple games in an evening...not a bad idea. Anyway great primer for those of us playing in Warbands at Adepticon, we did my own awards for Sportsman, based of Favorite Game votes (congrats Bills) and Favorite Theme /Comp'd list (congrats Aaron) but otherwise its identical to upcoming event. Ill post a brief write up on my own list and 4 games, with some in game photos next.

1 comment:

  1. Round of applause for both John and Billy for running the warbands event. Tightly run, easy & effective system, fun.
