Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Talabecland Swordsmen!

Since this month is Adepticon, I am going to be posting a bunch of new pics of the all the stuff
I am lugging out to the 3 day event this year. I have been woefully behind in taking pics of lots of new stuff I have been working and hope to get that corrected this month. Starting off here
we have my new unit of Talabecland Swordsman, My Hochland Swordsmen made the rounds for the last couple years and have now been relegated to my back up unit replaced by these guys as my command block. These guys started as a 9 man detachment and are now a full unit. Joining them I also have my new General hitting the field this year (from GW's great new 3rd wave of Empire Releases last summer) and the requisite Warrior Priest, and older model for me I know..I should probably do up another one of these eventually. I started Empire right when
the 7th ed Army book was released (Jan 07) and now have over 3ooo points fully painted.

Bunch of Empire Kit bashing going on here, the command rank is Left to Right
Warrior Priest, New Unit Champion, Standard Bearer and Musician are all converted
from a host of Empire kits, lots of heads coming from that Greatsword kit, Then the General.

When I saw this model, I said I am definitely running this guy WYSIWYG, as either a Captain or this case the Army General.

The Standard bit swivels and is set in the post with a pin. so I can angle is better for
photos. I may leave that way for easy transport.

I have already posted one shot my new Razorfish Militia, but I have some new shots of them a host of new units coming of the next couple weeks..thanks for checking them out!.


  1. Nice new sword-mans there John. Its been cool watching the progression of your forces (from way back when you were running the green huntsmen), to these new units and characters. The army general guys looks top notch as usual. Can't wait to see him in person.

    my only question? When are my Vampire Counts gonna start seeing their Stirland (green and yellow I believe) neighbors? I remember seeing one of those crazy Games Day Displays that was Stirland vs Vampire Counts and I thought it was one of the cooler ones I had seen...Of course its a little dated now.


  2. Funny you mentioned Stirland bill, I am working on the Stirland Deathjacks
    (an elite huntsman unit from the Empire Heraldry book), as you say Stirland's colors are Green and Yellow, but also with some Red accompaniments so Stirland blends perfectly with the Hochland and Talabecland forces..Stirland Spearman would be next!

  3. Superb stuff ! I was going to ask you to join the Battle Reporter forum so we can post some of your mini pics on the forum slideshow but I just noticed you're already a member :)

    Where is that pic showing your whole army (with the unit notations) that was posted on the Trading Post blog ? Can I post it on my blog ? I have a lot of praise to dish out in your direction !

    Battle Reporter

  4. Hey Sigmar, thanks for your support
    and postive comments
    the photo your ask about is at

    but you might to look at my whole Empire Gallery (over 100 pictures)
    which can be accessed on under "galleries" in the left side bar on the blog.

    I do need to spend some time on your forums..I lurk there occasionally but between the local forums I do post on and the blog I just don't get alot of time..I shall make an effort to contribute!

    You are welcome to use any of my photo's all I ask is you credit the blog or me where applicable!


  5. Brilliant, thanks very much John. I'll be sure to credit you. I'm having a look around the Warhammer World for my favourite painted armies and yours is one of them !

    This is another one of them...

    One of the best Warhammer armies ever ?!

    The guy inserted LED lights into Chaos Daemon miniatures to make them look on fire. It's extremely impressive.

    All the best,
