Friday, May 21, 2010

Midwest Rampage 5

Midwest Rampage 5 takes place this weekend in scenic Peoria, IL. First time attending this one for me as the timing was finally just right. I know a good dozen of the players attending outside the guys from our club going its looks to be a grand ole time. a 2250 WPS Composition event. Its 5 games over 3 days, games 2 and 3 feature an extra 250 Dogs of War float. This is what considered a soft tourney, there is banded scoring based your WPS score. There isnt a score less than 12 (scores are pre released) on the list..even my "17" is low on the scale most people choosing for maximum points by bring lists scoring above 20 on the WPS composition scale. This is the last hurrah for 7th Ed for me with my Empire and I don't think I'll be attending another tournament before 8th edition is released. Aaron and Chris are rolling down with me in the Dodge and bringing Warriors or Chaos and Wood Elves respectively. There are alot of awards handed out at this, a painting contest and Jim, the TO. is a swell guy who also runs a food drive at the event which gets you raffle tickets for various WFB and GW swag. There is alot going on here for sure and there are 43 signed up right now..with walk in's I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks 50 players. If your interested in the details check out the Rampage link above and look for my full write up of the weekend, next week..with Photos!


  1. Holy cow-- I live in Peoria, IL and I've never heard anything about this (granted, I'm not a WFB player.) Where does it take place?

    Any 40k players running among this community? I've been looking for players with next to no luck in the area.

  2. It's at the Grand Hotel in Peoria, In the past it's been at different idea on the 40K scene down there...many notable long time WFB players thou.
