Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Skirmish Battle Board- Done!

Well almost.. a few minor details and props to do. Chris and I played a game on it tonight and had a damn good time. If your curious about the particulars:
How long did this take?- at least 80 hours over the last 6 weeks....with casting maybe more...
How much did it Cost?- I bought some Hirst Molds specifically for this and they get pretty pricey (around $100 for the 3 of them), but they're mandatory for future pieces now that my casting is solid so I consider them a hobby investment over a project expense.. Take those out of the equation and its $10 worth of dental plaster, $20 of Lumber and Masonite, $10 worth of Cork, some cheap craft paint to augment your hobby paints, some other cheap miscellaneous materials...I plan using some water effects so another $10 for a bottle of that..all in maybe $60, if you include the handles ($5 each) but I had those extra from our Kitchen redo.

Still talking about doing an upper level that stacks on to this and you go down thru into
this level.

If all goes to according to plan, You can see this at Adepticon, next year where it will show up for The next Legends of the High Seas event, although in the meantime we plan on using it for other games as well. If you have Questions about how I did any of this, fire away.


  1. Really impressive work. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow! That is all sorts of awesome! Seriously good work sir!

  3. That looks absolutely tops. Nice work.

  4. Looks great! I've thought about the Hirst stuff before but was hesitant about the weight of the final pieces. How much would you estimate the whole shebang to weigh?

  5. Looks fantastic! You've inspired me to do something stack-able like this! It would be great for a game of Descent

  6. Great stuff John. One question... where do you find the time !?

    I'm thinking about giving your answer a whole blog post all of it's own !


  7. LOL! Sigmar..it will be a short post -the answer...A lot of LATE nights Seriously. I dont even start hobbying until the wife and kids are in Bed..and frankly I don't do a hell of alot else when I am not with them. I am at the point in my career where I am established enough that I am on my own time schedule professionally so If I need to go in late the next day to catch up on my rest because I stayed up until 4AM casting Hirst Bricks its my call..I probably get 10-12 hours a week in of hobbytime, Just after midnight..certainly not for everyone but it works for me, for now anyway.

  8. John,

    Outstanding board! You did a great job man, I look forward to playing on this next year!

  9. All I have to say is WOW!!!


    I put a picture of this in the LAD and a link to yout blog, hope it's ok.

    All the best!
