The build up to 8th Edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles left a bit of a gaming void so to speak. There was a good six weeks there where I didn't do much concerning WFB while I was waiting for the rules and they changes they would bring. I did work a bunch of other stuff over that the time frame and got around to shooting it just recently. Lord of the Rings, Models for the Skirmish Dungeon and some Flames of War stuff are just some of what I was working on.Hopefully I'll get to the point soon where I can update stuff like this a bit more frequently.
This Lord of the Rings trio, isn't for much of anything other than I like the figs and wanted to paint them. They look good running around my Dungeon board, so there is that...Left to Right. Ringwraith, Shade and a Ringwraith as it looks in the twilight realm..( when Frodo has the ring on)
These Skeletons below are from Otherworld Miniatures, who make some of my favorite fantasy miniatures available today. pricey- but excellent in every detail...again models running around my Dungeon.
I''ve watched a couple of classic WW2 films of late on AMC, "The Big Red One", and "A Bridge too Far". The latter, specifically got me all pumped about the whole bunch of Red Devils I have in both 28 and 15 mm, I sorted out all my FoW stuff for assembly..have 3 tanks done, the stand of infantry I did last year when I got my initial FoW box. I hadn't done any vehicles like this in a really long time..doing little tanks like this is fun..this was the 1st one I don't get to use things like weathering powders in my normal projects I'm involved in. The second two Shermans look a bit better but I had just put the transfers on them when I shot these photos so they were'nt ready. I'm going to try to my small army built this summer and maybe even learn how to play!.
Overall the unknowns of the future of competitive WFB have me looking a trying some other games I haven't yet played competitively FoW and WAB are two I am seriously thinking about entering some events with. I love the new WAB rules and now that I actually have an army with models I really like..I'm glad we've got some people playing WAB around here. FoW is popular here too...I can see myself working on three armies between now and the end of the year. Saxons, Red Devils and Lizardmen. What's ready by Adepticon next year, who knows!
Next up- this coming Tuesday, I'm hosting a WFB 8th ed intro party 8 guys..16 games, 2400 points. Not a tourney just a round play the winners thing with food and will give me a good luck as some of the other WFB armies and how they've changes with the new rules. confirmed are Empire, Dark Elves, Ogres, Tomb Kings. Dwarfs and 3 Warriors armies..look for a recap next week.
Wow, those look great! The sculpts of those skeletons are really evil looking. I love it.