Hi There, Welcome to our second Warhammer Forge Newsletter. We have two great new releases for you this time — the Daemonic Plague Riders of Nurgle, and Kazyk the Befouled on Rotbeast. Both of these releases will feature in our forthcoming first Warhammer Forge book, Tamurkhan, Throne of Chaos. We also have some upcoming events news. Look out for future newsletters, and more exciting releases for Warhammer Empire and Chaos. Thanks, Ead Brown Nurgle Plague Riders Set The foetid mere that serves the Plague Father as a realm has spawned all manner of daemonic beasts, and the lesser of these such as Plague Toads, are often corralled and herded into battle as mounts by Nurgle’s Plaguebearers, who go lolloping into battle atop these verminous horrors to taint and slaughter mortals, in a tide of nightmarish horrors. The Plague Riders Set, sculpted by Mark Bedford, contains three detailed resin Plaguebearers that can be used in conjunction with the recently-released Plague Toads Set to create a deadly unit of Daemonic cavalry, the fell Pox Leapers, (which will be fully detailed in the forthcoming Throne of Chaos book), or used to create your own daemonic or Nurgle-tainted cavalry models and conversions. The Plague Riders Set is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing the 28th of February. Kazyk the Befouled on Rotbeast Lieutenant to the mighty Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord himself, the fell champion Kazyk, known as the Befouled, is little more than a rotting sack of putrescence held together by the will to destroy. Such are the rotting blessings gifted to him that he must be all but hacked apart before his malefic spirit will cease to be. Kazyk the Befouled on Rotbeast, sculpted by Mark Bedford, makes a perfect Champion of Nurgle on Daemonic Steed for any Warriors of Chaos army. This full resin character boasts a repulsive array of mutations and plague-gifts and makes a great army centrepiece for your Nurgle horde. Full rules and background for this character will be found in our forthcoming book. Kazyk the Befouled is available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing the 28th of February. Warhammer Forge at Forge World Events AdeptiCon, the Forge World Open Day and Salute — three exciting events that Forge World will be attending in 2011, and three events at which you’ll be able to purchase both the exciting pre-orders in this Newsletter and the recently-released Plague Toads, Bile Trolls and Plague Ogres, as well as a few other items that we will unveil in the not-too-distant future. AdeptiCon is held at the Westin Lombard Yorktown Centre in Chicago, IL, between Friday the 1st and Sunday the 3rd of April, and our sales stand will have a limited number of all these releases. For more information on AdeptiCon please check for updates on our Events pages or visit www.adepticon.org. The Forge World Open Day will be held here in Nottingham at Warhammer World, on Sunday the 3rd of April. Not only will we have all these releases available to purchase in limited quantities, but you’ll be able to chat to the entire Warhammer Forge creative team. Model designers Mark Bedford, Steve Whitehead, Edgar Skomorowski and Keith Robertson, writer Alan Bligh and graphic artist Sam Lamont will be present throughout the day showcasing master models, work-in-progress, future projects and concept artwork as well as a proof copy of the first Warhammer Forge book, Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos. Salute 2011 is held at the ExCel Centre in London on Saturday the 16th of April, and our sales stand will be packed with the current Warhammer Forge range as well as a few secret projects that we’ll be announcing in future newsletters. |
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