Thursday, September 1, 2011


I dont think I have posted one of these self congratulatory posts before, If I have humor me. But the blog broke the quarter million visitors mark last night. I started tracking this via site meter sometime in roughly 3 and half years. My page views are almost exactly double that. So it pleases me to say that people that stop by here, usually find something else they want to look at as well. I know this is small potatoes in the real world of "internet hits" but Like a an old car, I just keep on chugging along doing my thing. I know I have lost some readers with my recent general anti-GW stance, and criticism at the more popular "hobby blogs" not really being good for the "hobby" at all. (BoLS was my biggest traffic supplier). but I have also gained some new ones because of that and with my coverage of other games, so all in its wash.

I will remain ad free here (my personal relationship with Cipher Games aside) as I don't do this for "hits". It really just about communicating with the like minded about our "hobby". I have busy couple months coming up with both my personal life and my Hobby life, and plan on knocking some great stuff before year end. I'd figure I'd start August with about as positive a post as I can muster this morning. So if your reading this, thanks! for sticking with me, I promise to keep the commentary "sharp" and the hobby output as heavy as I can manage.

I'll close with brief plug for Adepticon 2012, next year is its 10th Anniversary and like many of us it continues to grow and branch out of the "GW only" mindset to become the best wargaming hobby convention in the US. Expanding to 4 days this year. Look for a variety of all kinds of new games being featured. and If you are so inclined. please join me in my second Legends of the High Seas event!. Registration goes online this fall, so keep your eye on the site or just keep on stopping by here.


  1. I just bought my Legends of the High seas crew! 10 perry brothers revolutionary war models to stand in my the royal navy. I need to convince the author of the rule book to send me an autographed copy....

  2. Congratulations on reaching so many people! I'm also looking forward to the next Adepticon, I'll be sure to stop by and say hello at your Legends of the High Seas event. Good luck with all of your plans for the busy months ahead!

  3. It's something you should be proud of. Did you ever think that a quarter of a million people could be interested in what you have to say? Celebrate it with pride. :)

  4. well its a quarter million "hits"
    its probably the same 300 random searches over and over..but point taken! thanks

  5. Congratulations. I'm one of those people who have started reading in the last year or two. I appreciate your intelligent posts regarding GW. I agree with most of what you say but still kind of like 8th edition. Your painting and terrain building is great and I love seeing your battle reports, even from systems I don't play. You're doing a great job.

  6. Hey there, I was attracted to your blog 'cause of your awesome Empire army! Great choice (fellow Hochland lover). GW deserve your wrath. BolS is full of GW-Fanboys and childish jerks, I can't believe some of the stuff there. Stay the course! Great blog!

  7. Congrats on the milestone. Yours is one of the primary hobby blogs I check on a regular basis. Thanks for keeping it up!

  8. Well Done mate! Keep up the good work, and intelligent posts.
