Thursday, January 12, 2012

Course Correction- Adepticon Update.

The Kraken Attacks, abandon ye all hope. In all seriousness I wanted to make a quick announcement about a course correction. Due to circumstances far beyond my control I am suddenly being forced to relocate my business operations over the next 3-4 months. As a result I have no choice but to cancel my Adepticon 2012, Legends of the High Seas Event.  Thankfully Tim Kulinski, Author of the High Seas book is stepping up and running a big game in its place and current time slot, while not the massive scenery laden affair I had planned its going to be great game on great terrain with multiple crews fighting in a free all doing an table wide treasure hunt. Prizes, etc will be still be offered, look for replacement event details at Adepticon.Org and Tim's blog as well.

I'll still be at Adepticon myself, I may even play Friday Night. (I'll definitely show up) Unfortunately I am going to have very limited time this spring, and planning an event like I had run last year and stepping it up as I was  aiming for this year takes just alot of time and planning, I had estimated between finishing new terrain, scenarios and all the paperwork involved I was looking at 100 or so hours of work between now and then, which is time and distraction I just can't have.

Anyway I want to give a big Thanks to Tim and Rich  for bailing me out and saving the day here
Tickets will be refunded or honored depending.  Once life is back on track, I'll be back to business as usual with my hobbies. This kind of throws a monkey wrench at some other announcements I had planned as I am loath to make them until I ride out this course correction...such is life...Arghhh.

1 comment:

  1. It's always hard when life throws us these curve balls. I'm glad you are still going to be able to attend Adepticon and I'm sure Tim will run an excellent big game.

    I'm sure the winds of change will blow your ship in a favorable direction!

