Friday, January 27, 2012

Lord the Rings SBG New Releases

 The Gorgoroth, if your recall this is what's pulling the Grond Ram in Return of the King

The cat's out of the bag more of less as the Feburary White Dwarf hits the stands in the different parts of the world. I wanted to this collected information up before GW sends out it's February releases email tonight or tomorrow morning. I spoke to my pal who runs our local one man store in my area and he was absolutely clueless about any of this. I quote " they dont tell us anything", "I'll see on the 4th like the rest of you" Leave it to us to hype Games Workshops products for them for free right?

The New Codes

Global Pack Code Complete Barcode Short Sales Code Product Name Contents D Release R/T Release USD CAD Route to Market Product Status Life Span Range Action Type
60041499029 978190796436-7 05-01-60 LoTR: The Free Peoples (English) 64pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
60041499033 978190796460-2 08-01-60 LoTR: Mordor (English) 48pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
60041499031 978190796450-3 09-01-60 LoTR: The Fallen Realms (English) 48pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
60041499032 978190796455-8 11-01-60 LoTR: Moria & Angmar (English) 48pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
99121464007 501192102290 8 09-07 Easterling Kataphrakts 6 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $36.25 $43.50 RTD New - Active Plastic
99801464015 501192102611-1 09-62 Amdûr, Lord of Blades 2 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $33.00 $39.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99801464016 501192102730-9 09-63 Easterling Dragon Knight 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $23.00 $27.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99801464018 501192102732-3 09-64 Easterling War Priest 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $23.00 $27.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811499008 501192103248-8 - Lord of The Rings Casualties 8 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 - $29.75 $35.75 D New - Active Resin
99811499006 501192102947-1 11-41 The Watcher in the Water 1 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $71.00 $85.25 RTD New - Active Resin
99801499008 501192102949-5 11-62 Warg Marauder 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Resin
99811466005 501192102952-5 11-42 Dweller in the Dark 1 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $41.25 $49.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99801462009 501192102951-8 11-60 Grôblog, King of the Deeps 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $15.25 $19.00 RTD New - Active Resin
99801462008 501192102950-1 11-61 Ashrâk, the Spiderkin 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $13.25 $16.00 RTD New - Active Resin
99811499007 501192102948-8 08-44 Great Beast of Gorgoroth 1 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $71.00 $85.25 RTD New - Active Resin
99811464020 501192102954-9 04-41 Gondor Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811464021 501192102961-7 04-42 Rohan Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811463004 501192102953-2 05-40 Galadhrim Elf Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811465005 501192102959-4 05-41 Dwarf Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin

RE-PACKAGED PRODUCTS Infantry boxes will phase in Global Pack Code Complete Barcode Short Sales Code Product Name Contents D Release R/T Release USD CAD Current RTM Current Status Range Action Range Action Date Type
99121499025 501192102983-9 11-08 Wild Wargs 6 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $16.50 $19.75 D Active RTMC - RTD 4-Feb-12 Plastic
99121464012 501192102971-6 04-08 Warriors of Minas Tirith 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464011 501192102966-2 04-09 Rangers of Middle-earth 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121466006 501192102969-3 04-10 Warriors of the Dead 10 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464013 501192102972-3 04-11 Warriors of Rohan 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121463004 501192102981 5 05-09 Galadhrim Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121463003 501192102976-1 05-10 Wood Elf Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121499024 501192102970-9 05-15 Warriors of the Last Alliance 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121465004 501192102968 6 05-11 Dwarf Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121465003 501192102967-9 05-13 Dwarf Rangers 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462003 501192102975-4 08-07 Mordor Orcs 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462006 501192102977-8 08-08 Morannon Orcs 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462005 501192102974-7 10-07 Uruk-hai Warriors 10 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462002 501192102973 0 10-08 Uruk-hai Scouts 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462004 501192102978-5 11-07 Moria Goblin Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464008 501192102979-2 09-08 Haradrim Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464010 501192102982-2 09-09 Corsairs of Umbar 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464009 501192102980-8 09-10 Easterling Warriors 10 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99801464017 501192102731-6 09-61 Khamûl The Easterling (Ringwraith) 2 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $33.00 $39.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811464019 501192102733-0 09-40 Easterling Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811462013 501192102958-7 08-45 Mordor Orc Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811462012 501192102957-0 08-46 Morannon Orc Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811462011 501192102956-3 10-41 Isengard Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811462010 501192102955-6 11-43 Moria Goblin Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $33.00 $39.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811464022 501192102960-0 09-41 Haradrim Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99801462015 501192103249-5 - Mordor Orc Shaman 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 - $15.25 $19.00 D New - Repackaged - Active Resin

There a 5 Source books at $24.50 USD each book is going to overwrite the current force organization specified by The Legions of Middle Earth book. (code for the Kingdoms of Men book is missing above, I'm assuming a C/P error)

New Models...I've posted pics of sum, all plastic and Finecast, the prices, yes. Outrageous. 



The Watcher in the Water no has legs and gets mobile!

Another Ghulvar type Demon (above) and the coolest of the new models this Easternling Cataphract sculpted by Alan Perry


What we know-

The Core Rules are not changing, The big book is being re-released by the page count is the same and the sample pages are the same. People are concluding the book has not changed.

The new Core books feature new Force organization rules and other new rules.

Basic rules revolve around 1 Hero Commands 12 Figures, so armies are built around that concept.
Wisdom suggests The Boromir of the White would have command bonuses over say a regular Gondor Captain but what we dont know. Illustrations with bonus to statistics for Instance Khamul leading Easterling Cavalry is now F4, etc. exist.

 Points have seemed to have NOT Changed.

No word on Changes to Magic or incorporation of Monsters or Siege Weapons into the Hero +12 Command Structure. Following GW's lead in other games and big monster kits I expect monsters to more easily fieldable then they are now.

Alliance Rules gone, now just Good Vs Evil.

I expect many other unique Army rules to change in favor of a more streamline concept. as well as some Army lists.

War of the Ring is being shelved as specicalist game and this version of SGB is going to be e pushed the 3rd Flagship game at least thru the new films then it will slowly slide off into oblvion unless the fans keep it alive. This is surprising we thought War of the Ring would be the game the pushed but its just doest have the fanbase and the new troop box repackaging makes its price prohibitive to get into unless your filthy Rich or a long time collector, as the cost of 3 companies of stock troops went up from $30 to almost $50

I see alot of good here with the focus on Heroes and Command, the proof will be in its implementation, smaller warband and removal of alliance restrictions can be positive as you can run some different combos that dont really on a ton of models so Grey Company and Rohan Cav, etc., this freedom of design can also lead to some unrealistic or just bad combos in the name of gaming
so we are just going to have to see.

Overall, I am optimistic with what I see, but am of course skeptical as well because with everything
GW does the focus is on maximizing sales of over game quality. But they're going to get me for $125 next weekend as I get all 5 books....Big year for Lord of The Rings starting 11 months before the new movies..who would have guessed?

Photos, and information collected courtesy of  members of Dakka Dakka, and the One Ring UK.


  1. Preorders on all of this went up at 6PM CST- current standard for the one-week-out postings. GW IT staff actually jumped the gun a little bit- we were noticing images of the new figs when I was in the shop at around 5:30PM today.

    I'm curious about the return to good vs. evil with the new army book format- I'm hoping that the individual heroes/captains are tied to commanding their own races with exceptions for specific characters- if we're building "squads" of troopers led by heroes, it would peculiar for an allied group to be leaderless- case in point Haldir's group of Elves at Helm's Deep, or the Uruk commander at Cirith Ungol.

    I would be surprised to see the system going in a direction that if it DID allow for increased access to big beasties, would make that necessarily a good idea- just because I CAN take a Mumak in a 350pt game doesn't make it a great option. While the Warhammer World is a place with plenty of huge monsters wandering around (or at least hiding in the ridiculously dangerous forests), Middle-Earth just doesn't really feel that way.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up on the new LotR figs. I'd kind of lost sight on GW stuff since stopping White Dwarf last year. Some interesting developments though, might be worth checking out.

  3. The prices on these new releases are some sort of obscene joke. The prices for LotR plastics had been a pretty good deal, but I've always been stopped by the prices of the single figures.

    Easterlings: $6 plastic cavalry - high but acceptable for a small force. $23 fine cast cavalry - dope smoking high price. I can get historical figures which are as good or better sculpts for $2.50 plastic cavalry or $5 metal cavalry. I simply can not find a head space which would allow me to understand why any one would buy at these prices.

  4. They are truly just price gouging and using every marketing and packaging trick in the book to come up with ways to cash in on new players or veteran weaknesses to *new* and *shiny*

    This whole episode is really just a repackaging of the current game, that hasnt changed all the much but from a marketing stand point a great idea for prepping people for the upcoming movie releases.

    Plastic troops went from 1.25 each in a box of 24, to 1.89 each in a box of 12..the plastic troops are underwhelming and nowhere near as good as the plastic WFB models (which are 2.50 each)

    The best deal left for the LotR are the remaining metal troop blisters at 15 for 3 figs..some the best models by the Perrys still in metal at 5 bucks a piece which isnt cheap but the only one I can live with.

    Even a 10% price cut would have well served them with this game, who knows what would have developed if they're *best* rule system actually still had the lowest entry point cost *and* the best prices.
    it probably still does comparative but with the prices on the finecast and big plastic kits, obscene was the right word.
    Thankfully I have all the models I need other than a few minor troop indulgences as a collector. I am still going to get soaked $125.00 if I want all 5 new books.

  5. Do let us know your thoughts when you get the core books in hand we are anxious to see if we will actually get a response to LOTR tournaments again. War of the Ring tournaments were a bust - people just could afford to collect that may models.
