Sunday, March 11, 2012

LPL Season 6, Round 2!!

Round 2 has begun over at the LAF for Lead Painters League Season 6
My round 2 entry ("The hunt for Rex Eleven") will be familar territory for those of you who follow this blog, its 28mm Sci Fi figs on my Hirst "Hulk" Terrain.
Above here is my Round 1 entry. "Wizards Circle" from the Old Grenadier Gold Box AD&D line circa 1980, I still remember buying these guys when I was 13.. These guys won by wide margin in Round with 363 votes to my opponents if you bothered to vote either way thanks!

I could use your input again, I got an insane tough draw this round against one of last year finalists and clearly one of the best painters on the forum and with "Rex Eleven" being one of my best entries, its too bad it's most likely going to lose as it currently being beaten by an over 2 to 1 margin on day one . There are not alot of come from behind victories in this thing as the first days voting usually dictates the initial impression. Win or lose the more votes you get is good for the overall score, so do me a favor and yourself a favor by not missing out on all the awesomeness of LPL6 and go check it out!

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