Friday, July 27, 2012
Reaper goes Kickstarter
While on the subject of plastics, Reaper Miniatures, got on with their own kickstarter for their "Bones" plastic line today bringing in a cool 100K in less than 24 hours. The $100 pledge level is really too good to pass up so I had to get in on it. while I dont love "all" the sculpts there using for Bones I do like many of them, and there are many models I like I just never gotten around to buying.
The stretch goals all all piling on the $100 or Vampire Pledge level so in the end for $100 your getting quite a haul, (its already at close to 100 figs with options). The fan support here is pretty epicI think we might see another record..with 28 days to go..if your a fan of Reaper figs like I am check out the Kickstarter page HERE.
In other news I head out for Summer Vacation, tomorrow, and while I know the blog has been a bitslow of late there is a whole lot going on here, from a Fall Ancient Campaign set in Classic Antiquity to huge expansion of my Skirmish Dungeon, to going "old school" crazy painting up tons of miniatures from 1980's. Still working on my Skirmish game, and of course I have new 600 point army for Bilbos Birthday Bash this year all on the Bench. I have lot to post about the next 3-4 months so hopefully things will be alot more regular around., plus before you know we'll be talking about Adepticon 2013...Its been a trying year for me logistically with my real life but I am still hobbying, and gaming for sure. So thanks for hanging around.
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