Friday, November 30, 2012
Games Workshop- blowing up the Hobbit!
With less than 24 hours until biggest release of any Lord of the Rings materials since the last update of the source books, Is it really a surprise that Games Workshop is doing everything in their power to piss off and alienate the current die hard fans of the game.????
While there are certainly many of you who put up with Games Workshop shenanigans that only survive the free market due to their niche dominance and because of your love for their IP. The diehard LotR fans dont have that obligation, as LotR is not their IP, we just love the models and put up with the rest of crap. I mean crap like zero event support or kicking all the hard working Indy TO's in nutz by completely blowing off this years U.S Throne of Skulls and of course the total employee apathy for the game ("too excited about 40K dude!!!") but I didn't really expect this one.
Last night over at the revamped Last Alliance, a fellow from Belgium got his hands on the starter set and big rule book a bit early and let the cat the cat out of the bag, The mini manual in the starter set doesn't contain the stat profiles or point costs of the new models. The starter set scenario booklet contains the profiles but not the points. In short if you bought the starter set thinking you were getting the new rules. Think again laddie, its GW 2012!!! you still have to buy the $85 USD big rule book if you want the full package, so the initial buy on the base new models in the US is $210 plus local tax!
Now some of you are saying, "hold on there John-boy" 40K and WFB starters never come with stat profiles you need to buy the army books!. Well sure!- except there is no army book, and while a $25 Unexpected Journey Sourcebook, would have been the right thing to do here, especially for veteran customers, instead you are now expected to buy the expensive big book, and the best part is they dont tell you that until you open the starter box! So if it wasn't for "whistleblowers" letting us know in advance you are buying the starter set thinking you're getting something you are not. (Based on many years of the previous the LotR Releases that had included this info in both books)
Would knowing this in advance changed my pre orders?? I am not sure, it most certainly would have made me think about it, While I dont need the new profiles, I am not planning on playing any new lists any time soon. Since I don't care about the Dwarves..I wanted the starter set for the Goblins and Terrain and the Wizards...would the Big Book, a box of goblins and the Terrain, at $180 plus tax changed my mind?, No- the starter set is a rare good deal figure wise, although I do want to see all the new profiles, especially of the models I just freaking bought!!!!. so the Big Book is a must have for me eventually, too bad its shoved down my throat.
Now, I dont mind the change of the LotR release format to line up with the other games, that is expected. in a way. It's the "not telling anyone about it in advance" thing. That gets me. For the life of me I dont understand how they get away with treating us all like we are A) freaking idiots and/or B) where are filthy rich 12 year olds getting $500 a week allowance. While B) is clearly GW's target customer, a little less of A) for the guys who have decades in the hobby might nice once in awhile.
The only reason I'm still around is they have an untouchable IP I love, that they shell out boatloads of cash to hold on to. Believe me the old PT Barnum addage "There is a sucker born every minute" has never been so true for all of us, that participate in the Games Workshop hobby. They suck, they suck rotten, stinking zombie ass, they truly do, and yet we keep on buying-
I'll be back next week, unboxing my gold plated toys for stay tuned..
Wow... >200$ for a complete game set? I was thinking of buying it for the kids but now I'm pretty sure it'll stay on the shelf at my FLGS.
ReplyDeleteI really like the LotR figures. I have tons of them, and I think I've painted more of them than of any other miniature line.
ReplyDeleteBut I can't support GW anymore. I just can't....
I'll probably pick up the dwarves and Bilbo off of e-bay eventually, but I'm never going to pick up anything from GW directly again.
LOL I wonder how many kids will open their xmas prezzy and find they dont get all they need in the box to play the game...
ReplyDeleteGW have just become rip off merchants and frankly are taking the piss, and really don't care about the customer at all, of that I am sure...
IP is the key word and we are suckers for it...
I have ordered my starter set and rulebook from UK... I am just so pleased I am not a WFB/40k junkie...
I am done buying new from GW, though I always bought more used than new. The Hobbit release is just the final straw. I will keep all the LOTR and 40K stuff I already have and I will keep playing 40K. But NOTHING new will be purchased by me again. Done.
ReplyDeleteYou're right it was silly to expect the full profiles and points in the rule book...and to be fair the Mines of Moria only had a cut down profiles not full lists you need Legions for full points match so perhaps we all tricked ourselves?
ReplyDeleteThe terrible thing is underneath it all it sounds like the game represents an improvement more in-depth skirmish rules - yes! Cinematic actions - yes! Toned down Nazgul? Yes!
But the price here (NZ) is extortion. Used to be Christmas the rellies might give you some cash you could stump up a little extra but now I'd still be looking at a large contribution regardless.
I am not angry...just disappointed...again.
Well, I am seriously contemplating returning the starter set. Without points values for at least the models contained in the box there is little incentive. If they had released a journey book, I too would have been okay with that, but to have to buy an $85 rule book? I already purchased $180 worth of source book earlier in the year. This is getting just crazy, no one else in my group has shown any interest in continuing LoTR->The Hobbit. All this rule minutiae will just bog down the game, making it take longer. There are some things I like, like the monsters getting those special attacks and the addition of more heroic options, but adding an option to the fight phase, no thank you. That can easily mean an additional 20 extra dice rolls in the fight phase and keeping track of how many D3's one must subtract and on and on.
ReplyDeleteGW was not getting my money for Hobbit stuff. Lego will probably get about 100 for some of their hobbit stuff and reaper got a good chunk for those fantasy minis in the kickstarter.
ReplyDelete"For the life of me I dont understand how they get away with treating us all like we are A) freaking idiots and/or B) where are filthy rich 12 year olds getting $500 a week allowance."
ReplyDeleteYou don´t? Well... you keep buying their stuff. That might explain why they keep doing it.
Hmm, the old bait and switch, good move GW! NOT!!!!
ReplyDeleteJohn, you already know my thoughts, I am done with GW.
Now some of the new rules I am hearing about is making me sick to my stomach (-1 to swords in fights??) It seems that GW has really messed things up.
First this year GW closes Warhammer Historical, now they screw up LotR, see ya GW!!!
There seems to be alot of discrepancy from the information posted on TLA and what I am hearing from people I know who have just gotten the book, The explanations of alot of the rules where incomplete by TLA posters, as far as I saw. For instance the -1 swords things is an option...that allows you +1 damage like the old THW weapon rule as THW have as option its not a bad thing...I'll go over rumor vs reality when I get my box Tuesday..what is for sure...if you buy the Starter Set and what to use the models within for SBG (i.e the point costs) you also need the big book. So there some very valid criticism to be had on the new release mechanism. Of the price gouging is what it is...I am certainly done with GW retail after this, although I do have ALOT of shrinked stuff I can return and probably will
ReplyDeleteI was really reminded of the price creep today when I was looking at an old white dwarf (Battle of Skull Pass release issue). Starter sets at 40-48 dollars. Now they want 125. I am sure it is nicer and inflation (running 3% a year for 6 years make the price 48 from 40). But is it really 3 time better. I doubt it.