Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Reaper Bones II launches!

When I awoke this morning I was greeted by an email from Reaper announcing the launch of Bones II. when I checked in on the Kickstarter page, after grabbing my morning coffee, it had already hit well over 300K or 300% of its goal. Now I get home from work its at 750K and still "Cha-Chinging" away with no signs of slowing down- this is just day one people.

I have to ask, and maybe you can help me...but who, exactly is buying these things? while the first Bones was a great deal for its $100 Vampire pledge and the resulting bonus rewards . Its almost universally agreed upon by the miniature collecting blogosphere that Bones was an exercise in mediocrity. from the odd bendy material to the shallow detail, to difficulties people having getting paint to stick to it. In general I have observed that people who just want miniatures for RPG's like pre painted ones and I didnt see the feedback on Bones from the greater community that this was anything more than a very successful stunt with mixed results based on people's personal tastes. Nothing that would quite justify the very possible 1 million dollar 24 hour opening, or at the very least first 48 hours.

 Now dont get me wrong I like my stuff from Bones I , they have there uses, But do I already have way more then I will ever need, before Bones 2? Yes.  Would I much rather Reaper get back to it regular release schedule instead of it being stopped almost to a crawl in the wake of servicing Bones?. Yes. Would I and many others rather have the metal figures with a wider Bones selection for cheap rank and file troops, and not the entire Reaper catalog converted to Bones? Yes.

So I have to ask again who exactly is buying these at these amounts and level of interest?
I  must say I dont get it.  I'll gladly take select Reaper metals and some select Bones figs for various gaming purposes..but another 200 bendy plastic figs with hit or miss details, No thank you.

I guess if you are buying into Bones 2, thanks for expanding the line for the rest of us that want to cherry pick  Bones figures, but this must be disconcerting to other long time Reaper fans other than myself  when there hasnt been a Dark Heaven or Chronoscope new release in pewter since February.


  1. That is pretty harsh. True but harsh. I asked them if they were going to noses on all the models this time and did not get a real positive response.

  2. They do have the one dollar option to open up buying the optional stuff. Not much there yet that I fancy but the hill giants aren't bad at like 10 dollars for 2.

  3. I can only assume its the RPGers who need the varied amount of figures and arent too concerned having them painted up! I guess they beat using tokens or proxies...

  4. It's not I dont get the interest, I do, and I dont want to be overly harsh to Reaper a company I have supported for well over a decade and have always been solid. I just don't get the demand at the level I am seeing. We were talking about it at our game night this evening and two of our guys had already bought in 1 for $100 and 1 for $1...the general consensus seems to be "there useful and cheap" that might just be the end of it.

  5. Yeah, its cheap figures for RPGs, i've i'm only doing to fight demons a few times in a campaign, cheap demons is great! If they don't look amazing, thats ok, they'll be on the table for an hour or so at a time!

  6. They're cheap, generally good quality easy to paint, and I don't have to worry about them being dropped, knocked by dice, and I get a wonderful assortment of stuff, so there's always something I'm in the mood to work on. Traditional knight? Done. Alien cowgirl? Great. Power armored sci-fi troopers? There they are.

    Also, they're amazingly inexpensive.

  7. My appreciation of the first Bones haul can be summed up with the number of the minis I have painted: exactly two. Sure the detail on the big ones came out okay, but the warping (and re-warping) is maddening. Part of me desperately wants to think that their quality issues will be fixed when they can manufacture them in their own facility, but I will not be joining the part this time until I see some models with decent detail (read: have noses) as evidence.

  8. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the interest is from people who wish they had gotten in on Bones 1. But yeah, the reviews I've heard have been "I have a lot of figures which I'm not all that interested in." So we shall see.

  9. I'm in on this one, just like I was in on the last one. Bones are inexpensive per figure, light, pretty durable, and pretty well crafted gaming pieces. They're cheaper than (and once I've painted mine) better than pre-paints, and much less fragile than my metal or resin minis in the hands of my gamers.

    I wouldn't be buying them for art pieces, but they're good for what they're good for - inexpensive playing pieces that won't shatter with an "oops," even with a big demon or dragon.

    So that's why I'm in.

  10. Personally, I despise metal models so Bones is a great way for me to get big gribblies in plastic quite cheap. The bucket of basic miniatures had some gems in there, but for the most part it's the monsters I'm keen on.
