Friday evening was the return of my Legends of the High Seas game which last washed ashore in 2011. I knew the gang which only featured two returning players still had high expectations based on the previous events success, so I aimed to not disappoint.
It was somewhat odd seeing this whole set up transplanted here from my basement shocking things were moved to and from with very little minor damage |
I was concerned about about rules and turn protocol in a "big game" such as this. While although you were rolling initiative against the person across or nearest you, the game was really a big free for all. Anyone crew could attack anyone in the effort to score as many points as possible. The two Royal Navy players initially aimed to capture Pirates, I dont think the Privateers had the same restraint.
Thankfully, even with the rulebooks author Tim, on hand for the festivities the game played seemed very smooth, but that could also be a result of the mass quantities of rum on hand being consumed by many of the players.
With 10 players admittedly the board was crowded, this just added to excitement I think however if I added two more players, I would add at least full four feet of table space maybe more. |
getting awesome laser cut initiative(priority) tokens made commemorating the event.
The gang in action, Thanks to Tim for bringing the Pirate Flag! |
Feedback already has been great, its always satisfying when you put some much time into something and it goes according to plan. If my life lets me well be back again next year with some minor changes and even opening a couple spots, figure we had quite the audience watching the game which is always a good sign to increase attendance in the future. No idea on format yet but its great to see the interest in such fringe genre of gaming.. Thanks mates for all your support!
In my next and final say on Adepticon 2014, I will recount my Sunday, where I took part in Adepticon's first Bolt Action tournament.
Super Job, would have loved to have been there! Did anyone say Rum? ;-)