Back again with a few year ending posts!
I’ll start with following up on last months post. With the snow and cold I’ve been extra motivated to dig in on my fantasy table and I have finished 2! buildings in the last
month. A blacksmiths Forge and a small
cottage, that I am using as a bandits
The blacksmiths forge is on the Hirst Arts Project Page and uses just 3 molds, 2 if you want to do your own roof. Its medium level build just due to getting all the pieces to line up right and assembly but even a novice builder shouldn’t have too much trouble with some trial and error. The bandit hide uses the same molds, thou I used plastic card scrap on the roof to save time and the floors are old casts from several woods molds I had extra.
Overall there is still a bunch to in the Village of
Blackbarrow, the next project is a Mill, I’ll be bastardizing Bruce Hirst
awesome new Watermill plans, but using some different molds, and its not going
to be as fancy. So bit more grimy and more in vein of rest of buildings on the
table , I ended up doing different
layout of the town and decided to use those old armorcast I have on the table
since like 2006? And created line of workman rowhouse and a “backalley section
of town. There are few quick odds and
ends like some markets stalls and some walkways, I am throwing together in the
next few days
I’ll surely be fiddling along with the Mill and remainder of
the Dungeon into the Spring, I normally get a sizeable project out by that time
of year that I start over the
winter (last year it was the Castle)
The main goal right now is to get some gaming in we have two
weeks off school and snow in forecast so looking forward some fun with kids,
next up Ill be talking about some of rules we are using, I know I have talked about
many different rulesets here, especially this year and of course I have another
one, I want to try out, its works with the classic fantasy arch types we want
to use and isn’t too fiddly so more on
that soon.
Make sure you check out the updated Village of Blackbarrow
Gallery. It has all the photos, over 100 as I type this while some pieces do have their own thread, if you are interested in the projects development
over the last decade its good place for an overview...
A Merry Christmas to you , Tony