Rangers of Shadow Deep, Mission 2: The Beacon Tower. Scenario 1: The Bridge Guards
The following is my 3rd Rangers of
Shadow Deep complete play- through
Pre-game notes
Didn’t have to a lot for this one either other than
paint up my “Terrain Crate” Camp site, the Vulture and one more Frostgrave
Soldier for a potential Tor Varden Man at Arms.
The mission specifies Gnolls as the
adversary . I don’t own any Gnolls, but I could not think of better use for my
horde of Lord of the Rings Orcs and primary agents of Shadow Deep in
my games , the Orcs have the exact same stats as the Gnolls presented in the
mission or the RoSD bestiary.
die rolls are shown as (X) all combat rolls are (x,x) The first number
always being the heroes.
There is no Target
Point in this scenario but the Orcs will never randomly move into the river.
This scenario lasts a maximum of ten turns. During the
event phase of each odd- numbered turn (so turns 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) I
will draw one Event Card
Mission 2: The Beacon
“Only hours after you
arrived back from destroying the nest of spiders, you received a message from
your commanding officer. Contact has been lost with the beacon tower of Tor
Varden, and it is presumed to have been overrun. You are commanded to round up
what men you can and proceed with all swiftness to Tor Varden to ascertain the
truth. If the tower has fallen, learn what enemy forces now occupy it and
harass or eliminate them as opportunity presents.”
1: The Bridge Guards
“As you make your way towards Tor Varden, the gentle,
rolling hills slowly give way to rocky plains, and finally into the
boulder-filled maze known locally as ‘the Scree’. It is a barren, unnerving
place – a perfect site for an ambush as the large rocks cut lines of sight down
to just a few yards in most places. Proceeding cautiously, you eventually hear
the Enthel River, which you must cross to reach Tor Varden. As you approach,
however, you hear other noises as well, nearly drowned out by the river. Voices,
of some inhuman type, a language filled with whines and barks.
Climbing to the top of a large boulder, you get a
clear view down to the river. There, standing astride the old stone bridge is a
patrol of Orcs. Judging by the large cooking pot they have set up over the
fire, these Orcs are camped here, likely to guard the bridge. The only other
place to cross the Enthel River is a ford, in sight of the bridge, otherwise,
it will take a least half a day to reach another crossing. There is nothing for
it, the Orcs will have to be eliminated, as quickly and quietly as possible.”
“Before the
scenario begins, the players should select one figure to make a Navigation Roll
(TN12). If successful, they may move any three heroes up to 6” in any
direction. “
Blackwulf checks at Navigation +5 rolls (14)
Blackwulf orders Skuti, Gord and
Guthrum to sneak further ahead
“At the
start of each turn, the players should select one hero on the table to make a
Stealth Roll (TN8). If successful, the players may move one gnoll figure up to
6” in any direction. This lasts until the alarm is raised.
We have Gord make the
check at + 5 vs TN 8 Roll (6) +5 = 11! We move the eastern most Orc Archer (A4)
behind some trees near Archer 3 (A3)
this will obscure his line of sight to the rangers and to Archer 3 .
Blackwulf group activates
both Sigurd and Thorvald with him this turn
They see Archer A3 who
will have Line of Sight to them on his turn unless they either hide or kill
him, I choose the later
“The rangers
have the element of surprise in this scenario. Whenever they make an attack (of
any kind) against a gnoll they receive +4 bonus to their roll. This lasts until
the alarm is raised.
If a gnoll ever activates
with a hero in line of sight, or a gnoll takes damage within line of sight of
another gnoll, the alarm is raised. The players no longer get to make Stealth
checks or receive the attack bonus.”
Blackwulf moves 6 inches
climbing a small hill , he has a clear shot to archer but we must kill him armor 11, health 10 meaning we need at least
a 21 on the dice.
Blackwulf decides to use
his Steady Aim Heroic Ability right out of the gate here so the shoot is +2 for
his shoot, +4 for Surprise and +5 for Steady Aim…a total of +11 so I am looking
for a 10> here
He shoots (11,12) the
archers shoot is +2 with a +1 since
Blackwulf moved making the final 22 vs 15 Blackwulf succeeds 22 vs 11 armor ,
the Orc Takes the Arrow in skull and falls dead. One Down.
Thorvald and Sigurd creep forward trying to remain out of sight
as long as possible
The Orcs current do not
have line of sight to any ranger so have no reason to move
I do have Archer A4 move
back to his original position we are assuming hes patrolling.
Skuti leaves cover going
after Orc Archer 4, he moves 6 inches has clear shot and fires (10, 11) wish he
had that farlight leaf from last game
hes +6 with the Surprise vs +2 for the Archer the archer also gets +1
because Skuti took a hurried shot.
The final is 16 to 14 he
wins but only does 5 damage. The Orc is still alive.
Gord quickly moves up 6
inches and throws his Knife…(20,12) well
luck is sure with the Rangers so far and the throwing knife even with -1 to
damage easily kills the Orc…Two Down.
The Crit with the Throwing Knife |
“Booby Trap. Pick one random hero. That figure must make either a Traps Roll (TN7) or Perception Roll (TN7). If the figure fails, make an immediate +1 attack against the figure. If this attack does any damage, the alarm is raised. “
I roll a D6 going in order left to right across the board…roll (5) Skuti! Oh No he steps on the booby trap- he has no traps or perception skill..and even roll but rolls (11) Their Luck remains.
Gord makes the Stealth
Check again roll (10) or 15 vs TN 8 ..we have Orc Archer B move towards the
Rangers out into the open..patrolling looking for the other guards..
Well its was fun while it
lasted there is just no way we can take any more guard without raising the
alarm we Orc Archer B out in the open for Both Blackwulf and Skuti’s arrows but
The Guards on the bridge have line of sight to him.so killing raises the
alarm..not killing raises the Alarm..we could have left him where he was or
moved him the other way..but its seems removing another enemy for the table is
most prudent before the front assault…as Events can bring 2 more Orcs to the
Blackwulf Group Activates
both Sigurd and Thorvald
Blackwulf Fires his bow from where he is still getting
the Surprise Bonus (17, 10) or 23 to 12
again his arrow strikes home the 23 vs 11 armor is 12 damage enough to
take him out However the bridge guard see him killed and the ALARM IS
RAISED. Three down.
Alarm raising 3rd Orc Kill |
Blackwulf then moves three
inches over some rough ground
Thorvald and Sigurd both
move the road to charge the bridge head out Sigurd in the front with the
Brightness Shield moving across the same rough ground as Blackwulf they get a
bit further but not much.
Charging the Bridge , after the Alarm is raised |
The Orcs charge there max move
off the Bridge of 9 inches..the don’t reach the Rangers yet..
The last remaining Orc
Archer see the Rangers, its shoots at the Closest Hero, Sigurd!
Sigurd uses the Brightness
Shield trying to blind him (5,3 ) or 10 vs 5…the Arrow misses!
I check the shield charges
from 5 to 4
The Orcs in the Camp move
their max move to reinforce the Bridge.
Guthrum moves 9 inches
towards the Oncoming Orcs
Skuti moves 6 inches stops
and fires an Arrow at one the Camp guards at the crest of the Bridge the bridge
more than half covers him so the Orc is +2 for shoot, +4 for cover and +1 since
it was a hurried shot Roll (10,7) or 12 to 14 the Orc win the arrow knicks the
bridge wall and breaks.
Skuti tries to take out Orc Fighter 2 coming over the bridge |
Gord makes a double move
just reaching the river ford..not much of a fighter (other than the Critical
hit knife throw) Gord is making a beeline around the back way heading for the
camp while the others are fighting.
Guthrum and Skuti move to Aid, Gord in the background reaches the river ford. |
None this turn
Alarm is raised , no
stealth rolls
Blackwulf Group activates
both Sigurd and Thorvald
Blackwulf shoots an arrow at the Orc Sergeant. (5,20) Oof the Orc Catches it and snaps it
Undaunted he moves 6
inches and engages him but cant fight this phase
Started so well with a clean beheading on the Orc Sgt1 |
Sigurd moves 6 inches into
combat with the eastern most Orc Fighter (F4), Thorvald cant reach the other Orc
Fighter (F3) but can block him from getting into support the combat with
The last Orc Archer fires
an arrow at Thorvald as he advances..(18,11) there are two intervening pieces
of terrain making it big miss 20 to 13 in Thorvalds favor.
Orc Fighter 3 moves and is
pulled into combat with Thorvald, down comes the hammer
(14,,1) or 17 to 3 Thorvald connects for 6 +2 for the
Hammer..8 damage the Orc is takes a brutal hit but keeps fighting Thorvald
keeps fighting
Orc Sergeant versus
Blackwulf (19, 6) Finally we are calling
our Deadly Strike here our first chance in 3 games to use the Heroic
ability..Blackwulf wins 22 to 9 and it’s a critical so 27 against armor 11 ..16
damage the Orc Sgt has 12 health so Blackwulf beheaded him in single
combat!..the Rangers are inspired!
Orc Fighter 4 fights
Sigurd (8,6) Sigurd wins 11 to 8 but the attack does no
damage they stay locked.
Orc Fighter 2 comes down
from the bridge with a double move engages Blackwulf but they don’t fight this
Orc Fighter 1 comes up the
rear looking to get into the fight but is just out of melee.
Guthrum moves around a
tree it takes a double move and is now the flanking Orc fighter 4 who is fighting
Thing were really looking good here |
Skuti moves twice as well
past the rear of the huge melee hoping to get a eye the last archer.
Gord double moves across
the river ford and into the woods toward the Orc Camp
”Place a large vulture on the table, anywhere along the heroes’ starting table edge. During the creature phase each turn, this vulture will move 6” directly across the table. It will not force combat or otherwise willingly deviate from this course. Only heroes that can fly can move into combat with the vulture. It this vulture takes damage within line of sight of the Orcs it raises the alarm. Make a note if the vulture manages to exit the other side of the table before the end of the scenario. “
The Vulture is on the
Blackwulf group activates
with Sigurd and Thorvald
Blackwulf finds himself
facing another Orc (F2) (10,17) or 13 to
19 the Orcs Blade catches Blackwulf off guard and he bleeds taking 8 damage!
Things start looking really grim for the Rangers |
Thorvald swings his Hammer
on the wounded Orc Fighter 3 (7,19) he fumbles and the Orc bests him 10 to
21..its bad wound doing 10 damage…Thorvald stays locked in combat with 2 Health remaining!
Sigurd is locked in Combat
with Orc Fighter 4 , but now Guthrum is supporting (3,17) aghhh
The Orcs have come back
strong Sigurd is best 19 to 8 with the support and takes 7 damage!
Following the who has the
highest Health
Well roll for Orc Archer,
the Vulture, and Orc Fighters 1,2 and 4 and get the Following Order
Orc Fighter 1
Orc Fighter 4
Orc Fighter 2
Orc Fighter 3 (2 health)
Orc Archer moves slightly
to get a clear shot at Skuti. Skuti gets +2 for the move and Intervening
terrain (6,9) or 10 vs 11 the Arrow hits
Skuti but his armor deflects it…
Orc Fighter 1 has pulled
Guthrum off the flank of Orc Fighter 4 fighting Sigurd. They fight!
(2,18) its seems the dice have finally turned
against the Rangers.. Guthrum loses 20 to 5 and takes 9 damage! Hes at 3
Thought we had him here but Guthrum falls too! |
Orc Fighter 4 goes for
kill versus Sigurd! (19,16) Sigurd gets the better of him this and wins 22 to
18…22 minus 11 is 11 damage the Orc falls Sigurd prevails! The first
Orc Fighter falls
Orc Fighter 2 Battles the
Blackwulf (10,17) this Orc Has Blackwulfs number he loses 19 to
13 for another 8 damage…Blackwulf is staggering with a 3 health remaining!
Orc Fighter 3 is bloody
fight with Thorvald its continues..(13,14 ) argh they tie! Both taking Damage! Final is 16 to 16 Thorvald takes 5 damage he falls unconscious…the
Orc takes 7 damage hes fall dead…
With Thorvald down Skuti
decides to attack the Orc fighting Blackwulf , Skuti draws his knife and enters
the fight aided by Blackwulf hes +4
(18,16) close but Skuti prevails with a big wound
22 to 18 its 11 damage and
Blackwulf is saved by his trusted companion as Orc 2 Falls dead
Guthrum is locked in
battle with Orc Fighter 1 and bleeding badly the fight continues.(11,3 ) Guthrum
wins this timje 14 to 5 + 2 damage vs 11 armor means 5 damage to the Orc this
Time Guthrum pushes back out of combat!
No Event this turn
Blackwulf group activates,
Skuti and Sigurd.
Blackwulf casts his Heal
spell on himself and gains 5 health up to 8 total
He moves slightly toward
Orc Fighter 1
Skuti takes point blank
shot at wounded Orc Fighter 1 standing in front of him
He shoots (10,2) he hits
winning 12 to 2 but only does 1 damage against 11 armor
The Orc has 4 health
Orc Archer 1 shoots at
Sigurd..Sigurd uses the bright shield so its +5 vs +2 (4,4) again the Bright
Sheild causes a miss although this time the arrow wouldn’t have done any
The Vulture flies 6 more
Orc Fighter 1 is closest
to Guthrum by some fraction so he moves into combat with him
Things brings him within 1
inch of Blackwulf so it pulls him into support (which I why I inched him last
phase after the Heal
They Fight (11,14 ) argh
another time +5 vs +2 or 16 to 16 both figures take damage each figure takes
has 11 armor meaning each takes 5 damage which kills the Orc but Guthrum also
falls in battle as well. Two companions
Gord double moves into the camp but cant reach the
clue marker or treasure token until next turn.
“Soldier. A soldier that has escaped the attack on Tor Varden appears on the table. Place him anywhere you wish on the small side of the table. This soldier has the same Stats as a man-at-arms companion. Treat this soldier as a companion for the rest of the mission, even if that takes your ranger above his normally allowed number of companions. This soldier may not be the first hero to exit the table. “
Soldier emerges from the
brush. “I was waiting for the Orcs to clear out, let me join you and get out of
here together”, they could of used you like 10 minutes ago, Gord replies..
Blackwulf group activates
Blackwulf moves 2 inches turns and fires his bow at the
Orc Archer ..archer gets +2 for Intervening terrain and the hurried shot.
(6,13) He misses
Skuti turn and fires a
clean shot (13, 18) he misses as well
Orc Archer fires again at
Sigurd again Sigurd uses the Bright Shield
13,7 wasted this time but the arrow misses. The Shield has 2 uses left.
The Vulture Flies 6”
toward the table edge
Sigurd moves into combat
with Orc Archer 1 they fight. (10,3) Sigurd wins 13 to 4, but only does 2
These Orc are way harder to kill than Spiders! |
Soldier of Tor Varden,
kindly grabs the clue marker for us. Roll (18) it’s the Book of Poems
Blackwulf group activates
Blackwulf moves to the top
of the bridge , takes out his bow and fires at the Vulture.
(10,6) Blackwulf wins
(hits) 12 to 6 but with 14 armor the arrow doesn’t damage the flying scavenger
Skuti moves 6 and joins
the combat with Sigurd against the last Orc Archer, they fight
(19,13) with the bonus
from Sigurd its 22 to 13 and 10 damage (-1 for dagger) but with 8 health the
Orc falls!
2 vs 1 finally took him down, Skuti had 2 kills with the Dagger! |
The Vulture flys 6 more
inches it off the board next turn.
Sigurd and the Soldier from Tor Varden move toward
Blackwulf on the Bridge
Gord makes a double move
toward the far board edge with the Treasure Token
Rain. A heavy rain starts to fall. All line of sight is reduced to 12” and all shooting attacks are at -2.
Blackwulf group
activates Sigurd and Soldier from Tor
Blackwulf shoots a hail mary from his Bow which is 11”
away (16,12) -2 to hit he still hits it
again winning 16 to 12…vs 14 armor its 2
damage, not enough to kill it.. it has 2 health left
Damn this wont die! |
Sigurd and Soldier from
Tor Varden have no missle weapons and stay put for the moment.
Vulture Leaves the Board,
wounded but alive..
Skuti join his companions
on the bridge
NO event this turn
Blackwulf group activates both Skuti and Sigurd
No Creatures on the board
Soldier from Tor Varden follows the group.
Exceptional report, thanks! Please keep them coming. And some awesome terrain, I'll be stealing some ideas from you!
ReplyDeleteGreat game and write up. I took more casualties than you in this scenario. Good luck at the tower!