Monday, May 4, 2020

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Mission 5- The Coming Storm

The following is a play-through of  the final tutorial mission (# 5)  from the FWW campaign book, it incorporates the previous sections of the rulebook discussed in my four earlier play-trough’s  but adds in leaders, leadership and Heroic abilities and critical hits. Full game rules at play here.  Following up last game  I am again featuring Sole Survivor, Lone Wanderer Nate and his group being pursued by the particularly nasty group of Super Mutants that beat them last match

SCENARIO – Barely escaping the failed attempt to retrieve the Journal for the Brotherhood of Steel, Nate and company have barely had time to patch themselves up got Codsworth  and Goddards Power Armor back online and running , when disaster looms not only is a massive radiation storm moving through the area, But Hammer and his group of Super Mutants have followed the and are closing in.  Goddard , knows of abandoned underground bunker near an old radio station where they can ride the storm out in safety. The problem is, it’s been rumored a Deathclaw has been seen in that area for sometime now.
The Bunker Entrance

OBJECTIVES  (Victory Conditions)

A.       Get  Nate and at least 2 other Survivors to the bunker entrance by the end of 6 rounds.
B.      Hammer is Killed- The others will flee

Super Mutants –
A.      No more than 2 Survivors get to the Bunker entrance by the end of 6 rounds
B.      Nate is Killed or Capture- the others will flee

Deathclaw- A Deathclaw lives in the area, upon each models activation, a luck token is flipped, after 5 luck failures.
The Deathclaw will be placed on the board and follow standard AI Rules. Its objective is to kill and eat everything


Air Raid Siren.  Attached to the radio station is an old hand crank Air Raid Siren, Using a single action each  Survivor in the Radio Station can activate the Siren once on its turn, When the Siren is activated the Deathclaw immediately makes a single yellow move directly toward the Siren, whether its currently engaged or otherwise (Free Strikes apply)  IF the Deathclaw’s  path toward  the siren intersects with any models on the board within its yellow move, stop the Deathclaw there and place it into combat with the model  as if it had charged.  If the Deathclaw starts is own turn in contact with the Siren,  the Siren is automatically destroyed, The  Deathclaw may then activate normally

Survivors begin the game with the Advantage Marker.  AI Cards with dictate the Super Mutants actions.
Survivors are assumed “readied”  before they are activated I only point it out if  they are holding their action.


Nate, Sole Survivor- Loner, Heroic, Leader- Hunter , Hunting Rifle, 10mm Pistol,  1 Stimpak , Frag Grenade
Cassidy , Settler- Combat Shotgun, , Institute laser rifle, Nuka Cherry
Randall, Settler,  Assault Rifle, Nuka Cherry,.
Aspirant Goddard- T-60 Power Armor,  Laser Rifle, Baseball Bat
Codsworth- Mr Handy Flamer and Buzzsaw.

Hammer- Heroic, Leader- Brawler -Super Sledge and Missile Launcher
2 Mutant Hound- Hound Bite
Aviator-, Aviator Cap Bolt Action Pipe Rifle, iguana bits
 Brute – Sledgehammer
Enslaved Tech, Combat Rifle, 2 Frag Grenades, Patched 3  Piece Suit, Mutant Hound Meat

*** Only the Enslaved tech may operate Air Raid Siren for Super Mutants , Once the Deathclaw is on the board, activating the Siren will be his AI Objective.***




I move Nate first, his 1st action is to move to the junk barricade in front of him for cover,  he’s not close enough to reach the barricade so I must use his 2nd action to move again to get into base contact.  Since Nate is now Heroic we can roll a blue die using VATS and Nate gains 1 quick action.  Nate could attack here  using his hunting rifle he has a clear LoS at a couple of the Super Mutants  but he would suffer a -2 to hit penalty for shooting is a skill test . Its irrelevant as the distance is too great for even his Hunting Rifle.  When Nate can do is prepare an action thou so when the mutants move he’s ready.

I then flip a luck token and its fails…4 more failures..the Death Claws comes a knocking.


AI  says  The Enslaved Tech  is up first,  Hammer orders him to Attack…The Tech steps forward  and is range to shoot
 That triggers Nates prepared action so Nate will shoot first.

Nate , Having the Lone Wander Perk, Heroic and Hunter gets some serious Bonus.. He ends up with 3 greens and yellow for his hunting rifle shot..he rolls a 7, -1 x2 , a bonus damage and an armor break.  He’d normally need a 5 but needs a3 due the cover from the far barricade. Nate also now has Luck and he will get 4 luck chances this match.  A successful luck flip with give him -2 to hit which is what hes given he already at 5 (roll 7,-2 Green dice) , I flip the luck token and its fails
Meaning Nates shot misses and my Luck goes from 4 chance to now 3.

Nates shoot buzzes by the Enslaved tech who blasts away with his Combat Rifle, with -4 with 2 instances of cover hes needs a Crit or Cog, and gets a X so he misses.

His luck is good when it comes to keeps the Deathclaw at bay and his luck succeeds. The DC needs 4 more failures.


I have Codsworth go next, his weapons are pretty short range, so I have move twice around the car where he can guard the entrance to the radio station.


AI chooses the Hammer to go next , his action roll is also a single bottle , meaning  he should recklessly attack the objective ( The Survivors) at Range,  he has a loaded missile launcher  ready to go and makes a single yellow move fires off at Nate,

He’s -4  to hit due to cover but , it’s a reckless attack  so, Hammer is also Heroic, so since he’s shooting he will uses his VATS and he comes up with a single quick action on the blue die..that will allow him to advance the remaining way to cover and he now has a much better shot with his missile launcher at only -2..

He rolls a 7, a blank and a bonus damage, He needed a 4 with the Cover Penalty so he missed by 3 meaning the missile scatters yellow distance, lucking for the survivors the direction is off the bottom edge, where the missile cant hurt anyone.

The Deathclaw roll is a fail so the Deathclaw is now 3 failures from entering the game.
Yellow distance is the missile scattering off the board.



I have new guy, Randall start making a run for the Bunker Entrance…newbies don’t live long and we need people to make it to the bunker to win so off he goes with a double move..

Randall fails the Deathclaw luck roll too,, the Deathclaw is now 2 failures from entering the game.

Codsworth lying in wait.  Randall running for the Bunker..


AI chooses the Brute next, the Brute only knows one thing, Charge! He moves twice toward the Survivors

The Brutes luck roll is good, keeping the Deathclaw at bay another turn at least..



Aspirant Goddard is next , Since the Brute is out in the open I have Goddard step up to blast him with his laser rife. He has a long range, clear shot.  I roll a critical, a blank and a double bottle for the special effect, which is ON FIRE.  The Brute fails his save takes 2 base damage and 1 fire damage, but unlike last time he makes the luck check and the fire goes out.

Goddards luck check for the Deathclaw is good, and its arrival is still two failures away.


 The AI chooses one of the mutant hounds to go next.  It makes a double move toward the Survivors.

The Hound fails its luck roll . ,, the Deathclaw is now 1 failures from entering the game.

The Hounds had a bad bad day.



Cassidy is up next , She makes a single move toward the radio station, then takes a prepared action readying her double barreled shotgun.

Cassidy passes her luck roll, the Deathclaw looms


AI chooses  the second mutant hound, its only option is to move toward the survivors..moving twice.
The move does not trigger Cassidy as she cannot see it after it first move where it was well  out of her awareness range.

Hound also fails its luck roll . ,, the Deathclaw will now enter the game at the end of this round,

Lastly the AI has the Aviator act. He rolls an explosion on the action die, or cautiously persue the objective which is stop the survivors. He makes a single move. Tries to shoot no one is in range, so he moves again into some cover since he’s being cautious and he hears the Deathclaws roar.

Deathclaw arrives 


Deathclaw immediately charges the nearest model, which is the poor mutant hound . Roaring its battlecry as it charges, the hound can and does try to resist but needs a 6 rolls an “8” vs the DC’s which needs an 11 and rolls a  “5”

Deathclaw now has a crazy huge dice pool and being Strength 11, its only going to fail on a “X” on the die .Total dice  Bonus Green and Black for Charge with Battlecry, extra Black for Str.
It attacks with a Deathclaw Swipe which has a base 2 yellow and special effect Blue

Rolls is 6, -3 to hit, 3 extra damage and 3 armor break, and a star for special  (no effect)

Hound takes 5 damage no save and is KIA.,  Next!
This hound didnt know what hit it.

With even sides the advantage falls to the Super Mutants



Well the Deathclaw slicing a mutant hound in two certainly  changes things up a bit,

AI Priorities must be adjusted, while the Survivors are the goal, they cant meet that goal if a Deathclaw is stomping around between them.

AI Chooses the remaining hound first,  its action is to reckless attack but the hound has no interest in the Deathclaw and proceeds at the first survivor it can see, which is Aspirant Goddard. Its just withing its Blue Charge range, so it does getting in base contact with Goddard and picking up an extra black die  , its all for naught thou because despite the 4 extra dice needs a “6” and comes up with a “7” miss.
Goddard in T60 Power Armor makes short work of this hound with a baseball bat.


I decide to lets play this fight out with Goddard and the Hound.  Goddard breaks out his baseball bat and lays it into the hound. He going to attack twice and in his T60 power armor he is Strength 8 so he gets an extra black die in melee
1-      Roll, Critical, 2 x extra damage , 2 x armor break...
2-       Roll, 5, 2 x extra damage, armor break,

Lays 6 damage on the hound  and falls dead ,beaten to a pulp…  despite the Bat being a 1 physical damage item
The extra black dice for damage are no joke in power armor, on a charge he could get a 3rd..,



AI chooses the Aviator,  his action roll is again cautiously attack at range.   He moves behind a wall
Shielding himself from the Deathclaw and having a nice line of sight on Cassidy. He needs a 6 or less to hit thanks to his Aviator Cap.
And rolls a cog (1) plus bonus damage and the action point. He hits Cass for 3 damage and prepares an action

Cassidy has 1 armor plus 1  Strong Armor boost token so she can save 1+1,, rolls a 1 and saves 2 damage ,  and loses the token,  she’s now wounded.

The Aviator is obviously the smart one of the group.


I have Cassidy go next, she moves twice into the radio station , as she enters I realize that I just gave the Aviator a prepared action, as Cass passes thru the door I notice it the Aviators range is green and meets the middle of the doorway,  He fires off a shot a her rolls a Critical and an Armor Break,  She takes 2 more damage , ending at the searchable crate and goes digging for a Stimpak?  Well she pulls out a .44 Revolver…shes loaded for bear , with the Shotgun, and Laser Rifle and now the .44, but shes at deaths door with 1 health remaining.

Cassidy wounded makes it to the bunker, only to get gunned down through the window.


AI chooses the Enslaved Tech next. His AI priority is get to the Radio Station and get on the Siren if the Mutants need it
He moves around X2   behind the Aviator ending with some cover from the building corner and near a window , Cass can see him but hes safe for now.
Enslaved Tech making for the Radio Station.


Codsworth is staying put and preparing an action he is going Flame thrower anyone coming around that corner toward the front door of the radio station.  Prepared Action.



AI chooses The Hammer to go next, his action die is to recklessly attack at range…this time his target is the deathclaw way  too close to him  Hammer reloads his missile launcher and fires scoring a direct hit one the deathclaw with a critical and 3 bonus damage, for 6 total damage…huge hit but the Deathclaw is a armored beast at 3+1 and saves 3 of it so it takes 3 damage , which just pisses it off more.
Hammer does decide to burn a luck token to try to gain and extra critical point and succeeds!  He now has all 3 Critical points ( 1 hit, 1 luck roll, 1 crit die roll, next time his is locked and loaded he can fire off one hell of a missle strike.
After eating Hammers missile, the Brute charges in.


I have Randall continue moving toward the bunker entrance, Move x 2



Last is the Brute, he has no choice but to Charge the Deathclaw , AI says Attack!,  Hammer would want him to tie the thing up as long as possible, so he can kill some humans..

The Brute charges  picking up a Black die for Strength and another for the Charge (battle cry wont work on the Deathclaw its immune) The Brute rolls 4, with a 2 x Armor break and 2 Bonus damage. , pretty good That lowers the Deathclaws armor to 1+1 he rolls a 2, so he still saves 1, taking 3 damage ..5 wounds on him so far 7 more to go!


I was waiting for this , Nate is now up, and he going to happily fire into the Brute/ Deathclaw melee, because all damage there is good damage! The shooting action is a miss, it whole lots of nothing (10 to hit) second shot is a 7 with a -2 an armor break and he picks up a quick action, That one is a hit, ( you do get +2 to hit shooting into engaged models) and I randomize between the two with red armor die, and it hits the Deathclaw.. The Deathclaw fails the save but still saves one taking another wound.
I use my quick action since Nate is now Heroic to shoot again, this time it’s a good hit, a 3, + 2 bonus damage and an armor break for a total of 4 damage possible, Hit the deathclaw again this time for 2 wounds its saves the other two. Nate also has picked up 2 Critical points toward making a Critical attack

The Deathclaw is now vulnerable  its down to 4 health, buts its been hit with a missile launcher, a charge from a super mutant brute, and two good hits from a hunting rifle and it’s the Deathclaws turn



Deathclaw swipes at at Brute easily hitting him doing 2 damage and pushing him back orange distance. He then follows with another swipe, I want to try the Deathclaw crush but it has to be “primed” (which Ill explain if I can do it, after this action he has 2 of the 3 tokens he needs to prime the attack.

Second swipe… Hits with a 9, a bonus damage and a stun effect, The Brute manages to save 1 damage, hanging with 1 health left and being Stunned,  The Super Mutants may take this thing down yet.
The Brute hung in there surviving the follow up attack.


Advantage stays with the Super Mutants



AI chooses The Hammer.  Action Die says double bottle. For Hammer that means recklessly attack in melee. Hammer has a full charged critical meter, but Hammer doesn’t have a clear lane to charge the Deathclaw But he has VATS and I easily roll a bottle for an extra action…

So Hammer can move into position and Critically Attack the Deathclaw with the Super Sledge…
He gets a lot of dice, 3 yellow, 2 blue and green  He hits with  a 6 (rolls 6, -2,-1, bottle x 2, bonus damage and  a double armor break which  drops the deathclaws  armor to 1+1  I roll a 2 for the Deathclaw’s armor save meaning he fails but still saves 1 damage, but takes 4 which is how much health he has left…THE DEATHCLAW is SLAIN BY THE HAMMER….

If he wasn’t cocky enough that’s one hell of a trophy if they survive!
Hammer Super Sledges the Deathclaw...


I think at this point The Survivors need to start making it to the bunker, 
I have Aspirant Goddard go first….
He takes a quick shot at the one health left,  stunned,  Brute and tries  to put it down.

Goddard shoots..( Critical!, double bottle (on fire) , blank.)
Hits him for 2 energy damage, the Brute saves both points of damage, but again is ON FIRE so he takes an immediate extra point of Damage and that kills him..the brute falls a smoking ruin.

Goddard then moves  yellow behind Nate, toward the left side of the Radio Station.
Goddard cooks the Brute with his Laser Rifle



AI Chooses Enslaved Tech next Action Die says Cautiously go for the objective, which in his case ‘was” the Siren But since the Deathclaw is in a crumpled dead heap, the defaults to kill the humans.

ET turns and fires his combat shotgun thru the window at poor Cassidy. Roll (4, -1. Bonus damage)  4 is  what he needs thanks to his patched  3 piece suit, the bonus damage means 3 damage to Cassidy she has 1 armor and 1 health so she is done for down in heap,  his second action is climb thru the open window into the radio station, escaping Codsworth lying in wait..  One Survivor down.
Poor Cassidy gets gunned down by Enslaved Tech from the window.


I have Randall go next, he just keeps moving and this turn he reaches the Bunker Entrance on his second action.One down , Nate +1 to go…



The Aviator is last,  Action Die, says cautiously go for objective or stop the Survivors
He’s got a nice clean long range shot on the moving Aspiriant Goddard so he fires his Bolt action pipe rifle twice..
First shot misses with a 7 (needs 6) , Second Shot hits with a 2 and bonus damage, Goddard save is 3+1 , He rolls a 3 saving all 3 damage,  damn that T60 power armor
Aviator puts the heat on Goddard its just bounces off.


Nate moves twice to the left behind the Corvega near the left of the radio station, then using VATS he generates a quick action which he uses to Shoot at the Hammer this shot is -2 since Im using the quick action to shoot, he at long range so he picks up an extra green die from the Hunter Ability..roll (7, -2, 2 x armor break, bonus damage) bummer because as a normal shot, that would hit, being a quick action it misses.

Codsworth flies over the fences and prepares an action for next turn in case he need to flame and mutants in pursuit.



Deathclaw is dead and its Survivors 4 vs Super Mutants 3, advantage remains with the Supermutants!



AI chooses Enslaved Tech, action die  is again cautious  (attack and objective are the same here) he can see Nate by the Corvega sedan outside the radio station window and fires..he needed a ‘2” comes up “x” so he misses…Rifle pings of the car fender…
Enslaved Tech tries to ambush Nate, misses. Nate throws a frag grenade through the open more enslaved tech!


Nate , surprised he’s being fired on from inside the building does what he should have done earlier and chucks his frag grenade at the window of the radio station (I forgot I had this earlier of would have thrown it at the Deathclaw/Mutant fight!)  He needs a 5, rolls  (a 6, an armor break and a bonus damage)  He comes that heroic luck again, I flip the luck token it comes up lucky lowering the 6 to 4 and the Grenade goes in the window. Hitting the Enslaved Tech,  exploding
With the Armor Break and Bonus damage the Tech takes 4 damage and is down and out of action.
Nate also uses VATS here but comes up with an explosion on the die meaning he does NOT gain an extra action point

With his second action Nate makes haste toward the bunker..



AI chooses  The Hammer next, Again its recklessly attack,  Hammer needs to kill Nate to win the match, so pursue him he does…making two moves past the radio antenna ending in cover.  Hammer uses VATS picking up an extra AP,
He has a nice LoS on Codsworth and Nate is within the Missle area of effect so he fires away!
Critical, -1, bottle, no bonuses here but a direct hit on  Codsworth,  after saves both Nate and Codsworth  end up with
1 damage each, could have been worse.
Hammers Missile Hits Codsworth AoE damage to Nate...they got lucky on the armor saves


I have Aspirant Goddard go next, having him engage the mutants and maybe slow them down so the others can get to the safety of the bunker, he can always ride out the storm in his T60 Power Armor.

Goddard moves and lays down a shot at the Aviator hitting him (Cog, bonus damage and bottle) bottle means 1 damage ignores armor he blows the armor save anyway and takes 3 damage.
Goddard trying to delay the mutants, the Aviator didnt take the bait.



The Aviator is up,  action says he again reckless go for the objective which at this point is stopping the Survivors from getting to the bunker, he moves away from Goddards Line of Sight and moves up next to Hammer
He fires a shot off at Codsworth but misses with a “10”


Randall standing on the Bunker entrance , has LoS on the Aviator, he fires off two long range shots with his AR, the first one misses, the second is a critical, The Aviator save one taking another point of Damage, he’s halfway down.

Codsworth, moves toward the Bunker Entrance  and prepares an action anyway coming within red is getting the Flame thrower.



Coming down to the wire here, Advantage- SUPER MUTANTS



AI chooses The Aviator 1st, his action die is to Move..the attack most vulnerable..That would be Randall standing out in the open on the Bunker Entrance, he moves to touch the rocks for cover and is still (barely) in long range for his Bolt Action Pipe Rifle he fires a shot and again misses..

Avitator tries to Kill Randall, misses, Codsworth intervenes, Flames him good.


Aspriant Goddard seizes the opportunity and charges the Hammer! It takes both Action so he wont fight yet but picks up a black on the charge.  This will keep hammer busy so the others can get to the Bunker!

Goddard charges the Hammer



The Hammer gets charged from behind and attacks Goddard and his Power Armor with the Super Sledge..  His first attack is a miss with “10” with no friendly accuracy dice even luck wont fix that..second attack is a Critical, boom but luck id with Goddard he saves all 3 damage, and Hammer misses his VATS for an extra AP.


Codsworth moves between Randall and The Aviator, If Randall gets killed we’ll lose the Scenario as Goddard cant make it to the Bunker in time  He flames the Aviator hitting with a “2” the Aviator flubs the Armor save taking 2 more Damage from fire
Nate taking out the Aviator, thanks to a timely quick action.

Nate has to move twice if he going to make it to the bunker in time, he does I check his VATS and he rolls a Bottle and gets an AP he fires his 10mm Pistol at the Aviator who has Cover  , the quick action attack gives him another -2 so its a long shot  but Nate scores  get s a Cog a (1) and armor break and a bonus damage, the damage finishes of the Aviator since he can only save one Nate uses his new quick action from the Cog roll to move to the Bunker Entrance.
Bonus (Nate finally maxes out his crit meter)
Survivors have made it to the Bunker






Hammer has no choice and well placed missile just needs to kill one of the 3 Survivors on the Bunker Entrance and the Mutants can claim victory.
Hammers last ditch effort a lucky missile hit could win him the game, but the dice let him down!
Hammer 1st, must pull away from Goddard and face his free strike… this free attack is a quick action so its at -2 to hit. Goddard has an extra black die from the Charge. Goddard misses barely by 1 (he had 3 bonus damage too!)

Hammer moves to the right for a clear shot lines up on Randall as a hit with a bonus damage kills him and …
Totally Flubs it…”X, blank, blank” ouch!!   He tries to re aim with VATS rolls a star failing….game over Mutants


Every unloads on Hammer last round, they manage a couple wounds on him.

We Finish the turn with Nate, Randall and Goddard , trying to gun Hammer down then end up putting 2 damage on him combined. Hammer could not hit when he needed it but he makes his armor saves no problem…
Survivors win this time!

 SURVIVORS are Victorious!

Had a great time with this one, could have went any number of ways…The Deathclaw was tough, but its pretty clear strong  close combat Super Mutants can take it down as they did here, there were a lot of extra rules and I am sure I missed some key places to use luck and who knows what else…I really liked the "Heroic" characters and what they bring to mix.

  I must recommend playing thru all these tutorial missions  to anyone who wants to play this game. Playing all five of these mission is a great primer for layering the more advanced rules game by game. 

Next Up .. A Fallout Campaign using the  Settlement building mode. I have plenty of terrain and figures to paint before we do,and will be bringing the Raiders next.

During all our newly found downtime here at home I have been working on my other favorite game there days. Rangers of Shadow Deep. I'm close to having everything for the next big mission down
so I also be soon be rolling the dice for: 

Rangers of Shadow Deep: Bloodmoon!

1 comment:

  1. Great looking table. Really pleasing to see such well painted figures surrounded by equally nice terrain.
