Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Legions of Nagash


Following up on the last post, I spent the last 3 weeks or so looking into Warcry by Games Workshop. after purchasing the Red Harvest set, I have been spending some time assembling the terrain and watching videos on the game and how its played. I mentioned I probably had a enough models around where I could build a couple other Warbands.  I really didnt without just proxying everything, which I was ok with except I could not find the remains of my old box of Skeleton Warriors circa 2010-2011.

I had a post back then venting about what a pain in the butt they where to build, I must of really not liked them because they have disappeared expect for the two models on the far left . I might have just thrown them in when I sold a bunch off my Vampire Counts stuff way back.

I didnt want to just dig into the models in Red Harvest because , there are numerous build options and I want to figure out the game first, plus I figure my revist to the Games Workshop hobby after a decade away, I could work on upping my painting game.

Like alot of you I'm sure I spend some free time surfing You Tube and have good dozen hobby channels I check out.  I have wanted to get into trying out Oil paints, specifically Oil washes for awhile now

If you've  followed the blog at all, you also might notice I had sworn off metallics a very long time ago, in fact any metallic paints I have are at least 10 years old. I have seen such wonderful work done with metallics and inks and oil washes, I want to experiment with all three, none of which I've ever used or havent used in a very long time. In fact I havent owned any inks since Chestnut Brown Ink was a GW product and that was the old hex shaped pots....

 Skeletons are great for new techniques, they are very forgiving and since I seemed lack any GW style Skeletons I picked the "push fit" Sepulchral Guard for $20 something dollars and oh boy has assembly of GW models got light years easier (lol).

 The standard GW Necromancer is very old, I picked him up a painted him when he was first released. he's here just for the photo op,  The Necromancer here is the Mummy figure which is proxy as its made by Gale Force 9, from the Tomb of Horrors resin box, from way back...it was a good excuse to paint him , he and all the skeletons where batch painted. I used a handful of Reaper Paints,  a couple bright reds, some browns,  Bone, and some greys and greens ., Inks used were from Liquitex- white to zenithal prime, ( priming with ink? wtf right? but I used an air brush and it worked great. Black, Burnt Umber and a Pale Green for tinting my decade old GW Chainmail. Oil Washes are burnt umber over the bone and black for everything else.  There is bit of Vallejo Vergidis for some metal effects and some sparse mithril silver highlights and thats it.

For 10 painted models , I got them done in record time ...I like them , and liked the techniques through I need much more practice with this  new mediums, I am not sold on rebuying metallic paints a few here or there are a great accent but I want to try a batch of models with my standard NMM style with the oils and inks..so that will be next..

As far as Legions of Nagash goes, I dont think these 10 guys even make a 1000 point warband or close enough,  I'll still need a few more models.  The new Warcry update just got released so I will see when the book shows up, I cant believe GW is taking my money again, LOL

Oh and I sold my Stegadon, he had his crew, are travelling to their new owner in sunny New Mexico much for fitting for Lizards...

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