Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Adepticon 2010

Ok time to start talking Adepticon 2010, Undoubtably Adepticon now stands alone as the yearly premier gaming event for this hobby. Credit should be given to all the guys that run this and it is truly a collaborative effort by a bunch people that make it what it is. This year they expanded it to not just include Games Workshop but games by Privateer Press and Battlefront games.

The event cart is now up and you quickly see that Adepticon is going to be bigger and better than ever. While I had been to talks to run a Legend of High Seas campaign event this year, unfortunately, my time commitment is limited and I had to step aside due the uncertainty with some personal issues. That being said, I am there for sure both Friday and Saturday, Saturday will be my obligatory attendance in the Warhammer Fantasy Championships, which will be 2000 points this year using WPS comp as your actually comp score. This is going to make for some different armies then we've seen the last couple years for sure, I am saying for the better.
As for Friday, I am still debating what to do, I think I am definitely doing the Lord of the Rings SBG Championship, Since I have an army completely done with a display base. And I also like to do the 4pm- 500 point WFB Warband Tournament which sounds like a blast, problem is those two events overlap by 1 hour so I dont know if its possible, but I am going to look into it, LotR games usually go alot quicker than the time allows.. I'd also really like to take Chris Borers painting seminar..if I can resist hitting the bar for a couple hours..well see. Last but not least I have at least one, potentially two entries this year in the Adepticon Rogue Demon painting competition, so wish me luck, the competition will be stiff, even an honorable mention would be amazing, (I'll have posts on my two pieces upcoming, one is my "Blessing of Sigmar, which you've already seen, thou I am going to spruce it up a bit) So readers if you're planning on attending Adepticon 2010 lets hear it?, I want to know who's coming and what events your planning on doing!


  1. John,

    I will be there again this year running WAB on Saturday & Sunday. Friday will be my "Play" and I will be doing the LotR championship as well as playing in the Legends of the Old West game later that night (will be supplying some of the figures).

    We need to meet up for dinner on Friday night man.

  2. I'll be around with my camera, ogling minis. FoW, and perhaps the warband game are my only events I am considering at the moment. I havn't checked out the class list this year yet though...

  3. I'm thinking about doing bigger is better with rats or druchii. Haven't decided which yet. Then spending Saturday going to workshops.
