Tuesday, November 10, 2009

WFB -8th Starter Set Rumor -NEW

This may be elsewhere I don't know but it bears mentioning. A little bird told me way back earlier in 2009 that the next starter set for WFB 8th Ed was already set to be Empire and Orcs, This has been reinforced by word of the new plastic kits (Knights, Boar Boyz) for both armies and the timing of word of national summer campaign and a new edition. HOWEVER, page 10 in the new White Dwarf..has an interesting sidebar mentioning the Empire and Tomb Kings, it's quite odd..and seems like a hint to me. We know Beasts of Chaos are Now Due in March.....I had thought it was sooner. Meaning it's a reality that the follow up Tomb Kings book will be June. keeping in mind a summer campaign, Does this mean an Empire vs Tomb Kings starter?, possibly..it's odd because starter sets are usually gateway armies..which Khemri is not...but hell the last set was just goblins..which was a gateway to O&G anyway. Anyway this is a real possibility...new plastic cavalry kits coming regardless, I am putting my money on a Empire/TK 8th ed starter Cavalry vs Chariots in the box coming along with 8th ed...in September .As for new Empire and Orc books, I assume they will follow suit...maybe or maybe not before some the other 6th ed book still in use. To sum up this little WD sidebar throws a curveball at speculation for 2010...after BoC and TK..the last book of the year is really up for grabs...


  1. I would think that its simply an illusion to the Tomb Kings getting re-done. It seems like the best formula is doing the most standard armies in the starter set. I think GW learned their lesson with the Dark Eldar VS Space Marine 40K box. I'm a fan of the Kings ... but I think it would be a blunder to put them in a starter box. Though I'd love it if they did up some cool terrain pieces to go in the box. Who knows ... at this point its anyone's guess. I would think it would be empire in the starter for sure though.

  2. Considering that the starter box models are now always entirely different than the standard line, I would be surprised if the starter included Empire, simply because they are not a great army for a new player- in that regard, the Dwarfs vs. O&Gs box set is rather inspired. Tomb Kings in the starter, as the previous poster said, would be rather mad. Given what's happened since the Battle For Macragge 40K starter, I would be likewise surprised if they put any terrain beyond small objective-type pieces in the box, and I support it wholeheartedly- give new players more models, and they'll be playing games faster, whereas terrain just takes up sprue space, and can always be sold separately. This really makes a lot of sense when you consider that realistically, the shops exist to recruit players, help them build their first army or two, and then graduate them to building their own terrain to play at home- in that context, you don't have to worry so much about getting a brand new player set up with terrain, as they'll be playing in the shop where someone can give them guidance for a bit.

  3. Interesting points.

    Also, terrain is far less important in WFB than it is in 40k.
