Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Otherworld Skirmish, Green Magic Part 2

Picking up where we left off....


Man, the attackers cannot get a break.


3 Activation's
SKELETON 1- Attacks Sorcerer -  2,2, misses twice, no luck here.
GHOUL 1- continues climbing up tower after Neb,  1st Agility test.. 5!,  2nd Agility Test he at the top and abut to reach Neb and rolls a  ..2!  He need s a 4! So the Fate point wont help, climbing wasn’t the best idea for this ghoul…He falls! (or was he pushed?!)
I was surprised to find in the manual that there no damage mechanic from falling from height, just  a stunned status if you succeed a -1 agility test, so I have added that if you keep missing your agility test and you hit the ground you take a STR 4 hit for every agility test you have failed on the way.
In this case the Ghoul had climbed 8 inches when he fell but  there is an additional 4 inches of cliff face he was able to enter horizontally on,  above that cliff face. before he started climbing. Falling he could potentially drop all the way to the bottom . So it would be 6 agility tests, the first he failed, the second he makes with a 6!, needing a five…should he have missed he could have potentially made the next with 6, then a 7 using fate..then he’d be out of options hitting bottom taking 6 Str 4 hits.more than enough to make him go Splat unless he was very very lucky.  As it stands he fell 2 levels caught himself and is “Stunned” so he is right back where he started at the beginning of his 1st activation this turn.
Again I am also surprised that Undead doesn’t have it own rules outside of “Damned” as  subtype they should be immune to  stun and scared status, I’ll probably implement that in future games but for know he “Stunned” until its removed.

 The Lich is thru messing around he fires his Rob of lightning as his first activation and fires it at the Monk so he can use his Block ability and the Skeletons can swarm the Sorcerer. He is withing 6 inches and needs a  “4” and rolls a 5., he then rolls a 5 to damage the Monk who is only DEF 3…(needing a 3)
The Monk must then take a Defensive Statistic test or be Stunned he rolls a the required “4” So he wounded but not Stunned.

For his Second activation , The Lich is of course going to keep summoning…rolling all 3 Dice.., 3,3,5,+6  Or 16! Success.. the final 2 Skeletons on on the board.
The Lich has given activation tokens to two  Skeletons  already in play. via the Helm of Command  (leader 2)

SKELETON 3 – Since the Monk ‘s Blocker ability is still in effect, this Skeleton obliges and charges with his first Activation. And misses with a 3, on his 2nd activation he makes a follow up attack…rolling a 2, the Monk and Sorcerer are hanging in there but are totally surrounded..

SKELETON 5- can’t charge because there is not straight open path, but can move into base contact to join the combat vs the Sorcerer and then attacks with its 2nd activation but he also rolls a 2, (I am rolling 2’s like crazy)

Sucessful Mystic Web Cast!

3 Activation's.

ELAZAR THE SORCERER :  In combat with two Skeletons, the Sorceror is again going to try to cast his Mystic Web, he can potentially immobilize both Skeletons attacking him and the one attacking the Monk..should he succeed!...rolling two dice.. we roll a 6 and 4!  + hit INT 5 =15 of the needed 12 so he succeeds!. For his second activation he’s going to Arcane Bolt the newly summoned Skeleton 6…hitting with a 6! the Skeleton is DEF 4, and  the wound roll is a 5! The Skeleton has a shield…and can avoid it the magic blast with a lucky 6 but rolls a 3! Destroyed…big round for the Sorcerer.

THE MONK.  (via Follower ability) normally would be getting to attack an immobilized Skeleton for most likely an easy kill, HOWEVER the Defenders have 8 models on the board..4 of which are now suffering status effects (3 immobilized and 1 stunned) that count toward a shaken or wiped out test. While the lich has a very high morale at 5,  we could potential force a Shaken or even Wiped out test in the end phase  and maybe get him to concede the battle IF we can take out some more of these active models. So we go with that. The Monk withdraws from  the Immobilized Skeleton 3 and moves into the newly Summoned Skeleton 7 behind him…I cant charge as the Skeleton is behind him and he has no Line of Sight, so I must turn and move as my 1st activation, attacking with my Second. He get to roll two due to “unarmed adept”  rolls a 5 and a 6 ! , then rolls the needed 4 on the damage roll, the Skeleton rolls a 4 on his Shield roll looking for a 6 to save but fails and is Destroyed!

Note the climbing, but fallen and stunned Ghoul on the right.

SCORPA THE ASSASSIN  has been sitting on an  Adventure Token for a full turn now, we need him in the fight so for his first activation I we turn the card..and it’s “THE CROWN” worth 2VP, I want him to fire his crossbow for his second activation but there are target in Line of Sight, so he moves 3 inches succeeds at an Agilty check and climbs 2” up to a cliff ledge for next turn.
Lastly I am left with Neb and Grym…

I go with NEB at the top of the Wall who look down and try to shoot his hand crossbow , the stunned hanging by his fingernails ghoul 1 who slipped and fell,  he’s within 6” inches and is stunned so Ned is +1 to hit he needs a 3,  and I roll a 3!  To damage he rolls a 5 and the Ghoul is done. For his second activation Neb secures the treasure at the top of the tower which was the Attackers main objective.
The Thieves had their biggest turn so far, the didn’t even need the their Luck or Fate .as the plan succeeded , we will see how it works out.


DEFENDERS,  had 7 models on the start of the turn, it went up to 9 thru Summons, , I assume we have to base it on 9, they are now down to 3 active models on the board, so 1/3 exactly, we need to resolve the status effect first as any skeleton shaking off the effect with move the Wiped out morale test to a Shaken., I roll 5, 5, 4 so with the Defenders unused fate point we free a skeleton and the Defenders catch a break,  The Lich must take Morale test at -1 or fail his morale is a 5, with the -1 he need a 3+ and he rolls a 2!..and fail so I roll the D3 and only roll 1 model  removed. so I remove  Immobilized skeleton 5 and battle continues!!




Seems as  if the tide is turning and  Attackers are in control right now, since we finally have 2 fate we certainly will buy that additional activation, meaning everyone from the Guild will get to go…
4 Activation's

ELAZAR THE SORCERER:   Engaged with Skeleton is clear he’s got good Area of Effect for a Fireball if he can move to better spot. Activation 1, he disengages…opposed agility test   Sorcerer  3+3 =6, Skeleton 5+2=7 The Skeleton gets a free Strike..rolls a 4! Hit, Elazar has dodge, rolls a 4! (for Agility 3)  he succeeds and has avoided the blow!  Moves 3 inches away.

Activation 2, Cast Fireball…rolling 2 Dice..4+3 +5 Int = 12!  Success.  To hit he rolls a 3, one short so it scatters D6 inches, I roll a 1” in the direction of the Lich..and the template just clips his stroke of good fortune it hits all 3 Skeletons and the Lich!

Now, the reason I didn’t bother trying to get the Lich in to begin with is Magic Resistance, every target is DEF 4 so I need 4’s., I roll a 5 for the Lich he’s hit, but then a 4 for the MR roll and he laughs it off.

My other rolls are 3,4 and 5 thou….two Skeletons get their shield roll and fail and burn away…, the 3 was on the immobilized skeleton , I can find it in the book when I got to look but I was thinking Immobilized models are DEF 1 and cant do anything,  regardless its webbed and I rule it destroyed.
Major points for the Sorcerer, really earning his points this game, all the Skeletons are down.


SCORPA THE ASSASSIN:,\  Activates nexts moving up the rock face into position to fire a Crossbow bolt at the Lich.  Activation 2 is his shot..he hits with a 4 which is what he needs given his move and fire rule ( his Crossbow shot is an upgraded 3+..and wounds the Lich with 5!, the Lich turns around and isn’t playing games anymore, he also has regeneration…LOL

RAIDEN THE MONK- we need to tie up the Lich if Neb is going to escape with recovered loot…The Monk activates with his “follower”  ability, and is determined to engage the Lich. His 1st activation is movement and he cant charge due to where the lich is positioned, so he moves to engage and his 2nd activation is a melee attack. However the Lich is fearsome, so as soon as end his move action he must make an immediate morale test.. needing a 4 and the Monk realizes he’s made a terrible mistake and now suffers the scared status.. attacking while Scared is a -2 Penalty, I am looking for 5’s and with the 2 attack dice we get I roll a 2 and 3..oof.

NEB THE THIEF is next….Neb climbs to level 2 of the Tower where there is an Adventure Token inside he ends his move on it, allowing it to be turned with his 2nd activation. It’s the Dice Lore card which is boon for the Defender!,  I talk about that if actually comes up..Nebs Turn ends..

Finally we have minor thief GRYM  who hasn’t been able to do much all game Zombies on the right , the Lich on his Left, he doesn’t  have many options, I decide to move him into some trees on his 1st activation then on his 2nd use his one-shot move silenty ability to move x2 past the zombie , on to a far adventure token.  7” from the zombie Just far away to work.

Many dead Skeleton left them feeling cocky.


THE LICH.   is somewhat in tough spot here he is engaged in melee, but he needs to summon Zombies or else he’s going to have to take a wiped out test at the end of turn….

At the start of this activation phase the Lich is only receiving 1 Activation which is uses himself.
He’s got 3 Magic Dice and he also has  2 Fate , so I think I can pull it off,

Activation 1, try my new Disintegration spell with a DC of 13!,  we. Try 2 magic dice.. we roll a 5 and 2 for a 7 +6 Int =13!! Success.. bad new for Raiden the Monk who is Scared , wounded, and faces D3 S6 Hits..I roll a D3 and its 2…his DEF is -1 because of Scared so I need anything but ones and he is toast.. I roll a 2 and 6, and the Monk is Disintegrated!!! Oof.

Most likely to be Disintegrated!

Activation 2 is to Summon Zombies, I have on magic dice left and roll a 3! , +6 Int =9 not enough! But he has 2 Fate..we use one and get the required 10 to succeed. D6 Zombies appears I roll 5 but there are just 4 in the que so they all go on the board rising up out of the ground around Scorpa!!

The Lich is making his comeback., I had to reread the activation section because with the Zombies now on the board, I thought I might be able to get some activation however The Lich’s leader (2) ability was moot because when his activation began the Zombie where not on the board yet..(And the other lone zombie is too far away) and the Zombies- Mob Leader (3) rule doesn’t kick in unless a Zombie can be activated by an already available activation token which I don’t have…so the Lich’s turn ends.




Plenty of activation's to go around here, as the is six Defending models on the board  3 base activation and multiple activation thru Leader ( Helm of Command) and Mob Leader (Zombies)

THE LICH, Uses his Force of Will Power against Scorpa the Assassin and easily bests him with a 6, Scorpa is now Weakened, For his is 2nd Activation he use his 2nd Charge from his Rod of Lightning Firing it at Elazar the Sorceror, I roll a 4 to hit and a 6 to wound…The Sorceror is wounded, but he makes his DEF statistic test and is not stunned.

MOB LEADER ZOMBIE  is activated, using mob leader (3) he gives all the Zombies activation tokens…3  zombies move into base contact with the Weakened Scorpa!
ZOMBIE 1  finally activates and moves to minion thief Grym who is just out of range.

Surrounded by Zombies , Weakened by the Lich, somehow he survives.


At this point I think its time for the Thieves to call it a day, there is no way they are taking down this lich, without some sort of super warrior type character which they don’t have. The Thieves only have 2  Activation's.
SCORPA chooses to voluntarily withdraw from the Zombies, he is weakened, and they get free strikes, He’s not going to waste the action trying to regain his strength, he just runs..I roll 3,3,2, the Zombies need 5+ to hit so he’s free, his 2nd Action he makes a agility check succeeds with a 5 and climbs down the Cliff face.
For the 2nd Activation I have GRYM the minion thief  flip the adventure token and we draw a card, I draw wandering monster..there are no more in WM pool, so we draw again and get a Dragons Egg! (worth 2 VP)  I want Grym to voluntarily leave the board however he can not as there is a zombie within 6 inches of him so for his 2nd activation he turns and engages it..( can’t charge he’s facing the wrong way) He passes his fearsome test as the Zombie is damned and he is a minion and make base contact.

END PHASE, Scorpa  tries to regain his strength. Rolls a 5 and with out 1 fate to help out he does!




In a huge break the Attackers get the opposite luck and keep the initiative, they will also buy an activation. So they have  3.
SCORPA and ELAZAR both leave the board scoring for the Thieves Guild, I wanted to Sorcerer throw another Fireball but don’t want to risk rolling a 1, so they just leave.

NEB, makes an agility test. Rolls a 6 so he climbs the wall near the top of the tow
er steps where he is..
Long way down, Zombies coming up the stairs...JUMP!
For his 2nd activation I have him Jump!!!  I paid for 50 Feet of Rope for him because I thought  I would do a lot of climbing on this board. It however requires he make agility tests for each level  fallen he will be falling 3 levels here… he passes all three but we must use a point of luck here to make sure he does bumping a 2 to a 3 ( Neb has  an Agility of 5)  so he get to the base of the outside without damage.l

Unfortunately there are no activation's left for Grym who just stands there.

Looks like 50 Feet of Rope was worth it , too bad about that failed morale check!


Again plenty of activation's to go around but not a lot to do

THE LICH  moves twice to get within striking distance of the remaining two Thieves!
THE ZOMBIES all move.
ZOMBIE 1 attacks Grym and rolls a 4 which the Lich uses fate to bump to a 5 to hit!
The Zombie then rolls a 5 to wound, Killing minion thief Grym! Oof


Neb is now alone on the board and must take a Shaken test first…he rolls a 1! Failing  and must be removed feeling the board…I guess the Lich scared the pants off him, worst case was he had the Objective Treasure which stays on the board!


Defenders, The Lich and company scored 8 VP, 3 for Kills and one for a fleeing character (Neb)
Who’s now failed morale tests end game twice in a row now definitely earning the  “Coward” disadvantage in future profiles.
Attackers , scored  2 VP  for models voluntarily leaving the board and 4 VP for treasure cards.  For a total of 6 VP
The Lich and his Green Magic win the day!, it was close thou should Neb have gotten off the board voluntarily the Attackers easily won.


The end was somewhat anti climatic with the morale failure but overall a solid match, the Lich is beast and We barely used him to full effect,  he’s a hard one to bring down…without some real muscle with spell support for sure.

This is last of these type reports for awhile, I hope they were useful Illustrating how the game is played,  I’ll drop back to more narrative reports in the future as obviously these take awhile to get done.

We’ll be starting a narrative campaign in my fictional town of Blackbarrow in the coming months.


  1. Thanks for the detailed writeup. Seems like quite an interesting ruleset. It's nice to get a feel for the mechanics beyond a more typical verbal review

  2. Loving these Otherworld batreps!

  3. Thanks guys, after much play now I do like this ruleset alot, particularly for this type of narrative game play. Its very flexible modwise, and has alot of strategies for various abilities that I am just getting a handle on. my only criticism is its a bit information heavy in that I am still constantly looking things up. For any type of competitive wargaming I think something far more streamlined like Frostgrave would be the way to go, but for a wargame style D&D lite experience this is it for sure. OWS does need some sort of campaign mechanic for growing characters, not sure if that is coming officially will be have to be house ruled , but that and more diverse spells are really all that its lacking. both of those will certainly also increase the previously mentioned high information load for a skirmish game, but that's still pretty "friendly" compared to your average RPG, large format wargame or a great strategic ruleset like SAGA.
