Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Otherworld Skirmish- Green Magic.

Here is another walk through for Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish.  This scenario called “Green Magic” is named after a photo I took for LPL6 which features some of the defenders of this scenario and are its inspiration. While progress continues on my fantasy village of Blackbarrow and it all that it contains.  The game takes place on a small section of the table  I’ve broke out on to separate board  just for this play-thru.  I’ve started tweaking some home rules for the game, specifically spells where I feel its lacking but overall the rule-set  has really grown on me, I love the narrative nature of these games, I am going to continue these reports in the that style.

THE ENCOUNTER.  Theoretically a 250 gp per side game,  I am more concerned with balanced sides than actual point totals.  This battle features a host of Undead , led by a Lich facing off against members of the local thieves guild and their associates.  There are few tweaks to the standard rules for scenario purposes but the profiles are standard  and the game setup is based on the “skirmish” book scenario. The goal of the attacking team (the Thieves Guild)  is recover a specific  treasure item and any other treasure tokens they can beforehand and leave the board treasure in hand with the least of a casualties as possible, The Attackers get  1VP for each surviving Model as well as 5 VP for the special treasure item and any standard VP from Adventure Cards.  The Defenders get 2 VP for each Attacker for doesn’t leave the board of their own freewill, meaning if any Attacking models  Flee due to failed morale, the Defenders get the points,  Defeated Legend/Unique models are also worth an additional Victory Point to the respective side. This make the VP spread a  potential  max of “14”for the Defenders vs  “12” for the Attackers before any Adventure cards come into play.

THE BATTLEGROUND.  This once again takes place on my  2x2 battleboard, My Hirst Fieldstone Ruin which serves as the entrance to Blackbarrow dungeon is the setting of choice. Surrounded by heavy forest, the old ruin still guards the entrance to the infamous dungeon and fills that exact role on the larger table as well.

THE STORY.   The sole survivor of the last scenario I ran “Bait!” was Neb the Thief.  Neb used his new gotten gains to found the Thieves Guild of Blackbarrow and now has two Hirelings working with him.  Recently while scheming   at the Wayside Inn, they met  a traveler who claimed to be a survivor of another unfortunate Adventuring Party and to have escaped Blackbarrow Dungeon . He claims not to have escaped alone but with a partner who was carrying some extremely valuable treasure. Chased from the Dungeon they were separated and he last saw his partner  climbing to top of the ruined tower at the Dungeons entrance  while Undead swarmed from below.  Dropping everything  he ran, and claims his companion , badly wounded  surely met his end trapped at the top of that tower.  Treasure in hand. Neb obviously know he’ll need some additional help here, and who has been staying at the Inn these last months claiming to have cleared out Blackbarrow Dungeon? Why the 3 survivors of  “Burn Baby Burn” of course.

Varga the Lich. The highest point creature in the current book other than Dragons, The Lich comes with host of awesome powers I’ll go into as we play,  he also has a slew of magic items in this case, the Helm of Command (leader -2), a Rod of Lightning (3 charges) , a Ring of Invisibilty,  a Scroll of Haste and a potion of Great Strength.  Spells are Raise the Dead, Strike Fear and Disintegration (*new spell)
*Disintegration- Whats a Lich without a Disintegration type spell?  
 I came up with DC 13, Touch, creates D3 Strength 6 hits, Once use per turn.  While the DC13 is higher than standard spells potentially wiping out most characters in one shot is a big deal but with Magic (3) and INT 6, I don’t think it will be too much of an issue.

3 Ghouls.  Standard servants of the lich, despite needing  5+ to hit, their Drain ability could get nasty, a good rank and file troop that doesn’t need to be summoned.

7 Skeletons. Starting off the board, they must be raised by the Lich via the raise the dead spell.  D3 per turn can arise..7 will make sure new Skeletons are coming on the board at least thru the 3rd turn.

5 Zombies.  Normally they must also be Summoned via the Raise the Dead Spell  at D6 per turn I am however going to allow Zombies to be played anytime a Wandering monster card is drawn,  (1 per card) or until all 5 are on the board or summoned by the Lich, which ever happens first.

(Evil Profiles)
Neb (Legend profile -Corsair)  Neb is back with an evil profile this time to fit the team. Extra point for Def and Agility, his skills are  Dodge , Set Traps, Treasure Hunter (1),  Thieves Tools(1),  Luck (1), Leader (1). He has an extra attack with a hand crossbow at 4+ and since there will be climbing involved I gave him the extra 50 feet of Rope ability for 5gp.
( I also think Legends and companions, should be able to purchase additional equipment above the basic profiles so I do that here)

Grym, Neb, Mott

Elazar (Legend profile –Sorcerer. )  The wizard has bumped up DEF and INT and the following abilities Magic (2) Magic Items (1), Arcane Bolt, Scrolls and Potions (1), Shield of Force Grimoire (Haste), Potion of Cure Wounds.  His Spells are Web and Fireball * (new spell)
*Fireball- what’s the deal with no traditional Fireball?
I came up with DC 12,  Range 18” Str 4 Attack Roll 4+ Blast 5” Scatter D6” On Fire. A more difficult to cast Pillar of wrath, with increased range and a bigger template.

Raiden the Monk (companion profile Myrmidon)   The Wizard faithful servant , has upgrade his Brawl attack to 3+ and has the following abilities:  Blocker, Follower, Dodge, Unarmed Adept, Critical Blow, and the “will..not..stop” special ability

Scorpa the Assassin ( Companion profile  Slayer)  The Assassin an extra base attack  with a Crossbow which has again been upgraded to 3+. The Assassin has the following abilities: Concealing Cloak, Dodge, Thieves Tools (1), Move Silently, Light Armor. He also has the special power Unseen Strike, allowing a one time double dice roll, for a single wound.

Scorpa, Raiden, Elazar

Finally I needed some Thieves for my Thieves Guild. The standard hireling profiles didn’t quite fit, these aren’t simple bandits, they are decent  thieves, so using the 15gp Veteran profile we have:
Mott and Grym,    Thieves.
Agility upgraded to 4, Pickpocket (1) and Move Silenty,  Brawl and Shortsword 4+.


As the band of Treasure Hunting Adventurers reaches the Ruins that guard the entrance of Blackbarrow Dungeon just after dusk,  they are welcomed by a sinister green glow.

At the start of the first turn, each side rolled a morale test to see if the other was surprised, both sides passed so each are aware of the other
The Lich and his Ghouls are deployed in the center of the ruin near the dungeon Entrance. The Thieves are in two group deployed in opposite corners on at the front of the ruin, Neb and his Thieves plan  to climb the tower to access the main treasure, while the Wizard and his muscle use range and AoE spells to destroy the undead from a distance. The Lich of course has other plans.

There are 9 Adventure Tokens placed randomly on the board, an extra token was thanks to Neb’s Treasure Hunter (1) ability.


INITIATIVE   Defenders 4, Attacker 3


The Defenders currently have 4 Models on the board. So they start with 2 Activations, however the Lich wears the Helm of Command, giving him Leader (2) so all 4 models with Activate for the Defenders

Ghoul 1- Activates and use both actions to move where he can now has cover and Line of Sight on the interlopers.

The Lich.  His first activation is a special action, casting Raise the Dead, needing a 10 he uses only 2 of his 3 dice as he’s going to try to cast it twice. And get those Skeletons on the board, His first action to cast the spell is two dice and rolls an 8 with a 6 in the easily cast the spell… we roll a D3 and get a 1 so 1 skeleton enters play, He summons the dead once again with his second action. Rolling a “3” + 6 Int gives him a “9” one short of casting the spell, so he uses his Fate token to make it a success…this two skeleton join the fray.

Ghoul 2 – Activates from the Lich using his Helm of Command here moves twice toward a position of ambush or flank the Wizard group.

Ghoul 3- Activates from the Lich using his Helm of Command and does the same, expect he needs to climb down the rock face to woods rolling a 6 on an agility test , easily does.


The Thieves get 3 Activation's, however Neb has Leader (1) and The Monk is a Follower of the Wizard meaning  5 members of the team will activate this turn.

Elazar The Sorcerer  Activates and having nice target of 3 Skeletons and a Ghoul cues up his Fireball Spell.  He only has Magic 2, and this spell needs a  “12” he rolls a pair of “4”s +5 Int = 13” the spell is successful! However he only rolls a “2” to hit so the spell is off target I roll the D6 Scatter and get 2 “ to Left,  Not too bad as it still hits one skeleton and Ghoul #2 whose on outside the wall. The Skeleton survives but is “on Fire” the Ghoul  is destroyed.
His second activations he fires an Arcane Bolt at same skeleton he targeted the fireball at but misses again.

Raiden the Monk . Activates using his Follower ability using both actions to move toward a nearby adventure token and intercept Ghoul # 3. After his first action he is 6inches away in a straight line so he charges the ghoul, and uses his enhanced brawl attack of 3+ which becomes a 4+ because of Charging., Ghouls are Damned but that doesn’t effect him as a Companion model. He rolls a “4” and hits..and thanks to unarmed adept gets 2 dice to wound..only needing a 3! But rolls a 1 and 2, the Ghoul survives.

Neb  activates and moves to the nearby cliff face to start climbing, he easily passes the agility test and climbs one level, he will have to climb many more levels to reach the top. as each "level" of climbing is 2"

Mott the Minion Thief Activates and follows Neb but fails his agility test and is stuck at the cliff face.

Grym the Minion Thief Activates and moves twice just reaching an Adventure Token.

Scorpa doesn’t get to activate this turn.

Here you can see wear the fireball set one Skeleton "on fire" and destroyed 1 Ghoul.

End of Turn 1

INITIATIVE   Attacker 3 , Defenders 1,


In a bit of poor strategy I have botched the use of  the “follower” skill by moving the monk too far away from the Sorcerer.  Since I want to move the Scorpa the Assassin as well this turn its either the Sorceror doesn’t go..and  I get 4 activations due to Nebs,” Leader (1)” OR none of thieves do and I get my base 3 tough call. I wont make this mistake again. The Monk is in base contact with a Ghoul, so  I choose to activate him first.

Raiden the Monk-  Attacks Ghoul  due to Unarmed Adept, he rolls 2 dice, needing only 3’s rolls a 5 and 1, so the 5 hits. Thanks to “Critical Blow” his unarmed attacks are STR 4 vs the Ghouls DEF of 3 he rolls a 4 to Wound and the Ghoul is down.  His second action he returns 6 to his Sorcerer mentor.

Scorpa the Assassin-  uses both activation to Move /  ending on the Adventure token the Monk originally went after. At least from this position he can try to flank someone, maybe

Neb- I then decide to move Neb as my 3rd activation so he can use his leader skill move the thief Mott. Neb activates giving an additional activation to mott, then continues climbing the tower each climb move , allows him 2” per activation Neb now has a choice to enter a window of the tower and proceed from inside or keep climbing,  Neb only needs a “3” for his climb check, and I roll a “2” on my second roll, however Neb had Luck (1) but we also have the 1 fate, we use the Fate  and he’s safe.

Mott- Activates and after failing his first attempt makes both agility tests ,he is now just starting to climb the tower.

3 Activations.

The Lich activates giving the two Skeletons (#2 and #3) who are not on fire , activation tokens
The Lich. has line of sight on Scorpa the Assassin decides to attack him at Range. He’s more than 12 inches away so activation 1 is a 4 “ move , then the Lich uses he Force of Will ability rolling a “6” to hit. Scorpa must face the lich in an opposed INT test. Where the Lich is a “6” and his is a “3” I roll a pair of ‘3’s and the Assassin gains the “weakened” status.

Ghoul 1.  the lone Ghoul at this points activates, and moves 6” toward the outwall tower base and the climbing thieves.., He is able to make base contact but not  Charge the minion thief, Mott so he attacks as his second activation using his drain attack, hitting with the required  5 Drain is  STR +1 so in case STR 4 vs  DEF 3 and I roll a “3” good enough…Mott is also Weakened. 

excuse the legos needed something to hold up figures climbing the tower..note the Ghoul on , the Thief Mott.

Skeleton 1. Activates Suffering the “On Fire” status due to the Sorcerors 1st turn Fireball, needs to make a Morale test, Skeleton have a very high Morale of 5 being Undead they don’t care about being on Fire and he easily succeed, he make two moves the second of which is a charge at the Sorceror.  The Skeleton hits the Sorcerer with a 6!.. but rolls a 1 to damage him.

Skeleton 2 and 3  Activate via the Helm of Command,  both make double moves  and cannot quite  reach the Sorceror  but Skeleton puts himself between the Sorceror and his Monk while Skeleton 3 plans on joining the combat with making the Sorcerer’s life short and very difficult.

END PHASE,  Scorpa gets lucky and rolls a “6” shaking off his weakened status, Mott does not. The Lich is not happy.


INITIATIVE  Defenders 5, Attackers 3, 

A bad break for the Attackers here as the Defenders seize initiative!

3 Activations..

Ghoul 1, - in combat with the weakened Thief Mott the Ghoul now attacks, The Ghoul being  “Damned” is “Fearsome” to minions but since they are in base contact the effect doesn’t apply.
Ghouls rolls a “4” to hit, I’ll the teams 1 Fate to bump it.. to the needed 5, the ghoul is STR 3, Mott Defense is normal 3 but now effective ‘2” as he is “weakened “ the damage roll of 4 is enough to put Mott down and out. For his second activation the ghoul starts climbing the Tower after Neb!, rolling a “5” for his agility test he proceeds two inches up the tower in hot Pursuit.

Climbing after Neb , Ghoul 1, Neb victoriously has reached the top!

The Lich activates. Unfortunately for the Lich, he has let his Skeleton move too far away from him to use the Helm of Command, his first activation is to move within 6 of them for the following turns
His second activation is to Summon more skeletons!  He rolls all his dice..and rolls a 6, 1 and 1, lucky for him its second activation or he’d be done for the turn, due to  the “taxing nature of magic” however 8 + his 6 INT is easily enough to get the spell off and he summons two more skeletons to the join the battle!

Skeleton 1 who is now in base contact with the Sorceror Elazar activates and attacks.  Rolling a 2, Miss and another 2, Miss again.

3 Activations

Elazar, The Sorceror with 5 Skeleton bearing down on him, sees a good opportunity to use his one shot mystic web spell, so makes a special action and goes for it. He rolls both his dice. And rolls a 1 and 2!! Even with 5 INT and if we used Fate and Luck we still be short! So the spell doesn’t go off and since I rolled a one Elazar is done..Ugh.

Raiden the Monk, his Loyal Follower activates thank to his ability and Charges  Skeleton 2, (the nearest) On the Charge Attack, he gets 2 dice (unarmed Adept) but misses. On his second activation he hits, 6,3, and gets the needed “4” to wound, the Skeleton has a Shield but rolls a 5, and is destroyed.

Next we need to something going with the Minion Thief  Grym and start scoring some points, hes been standing on an adventure token for 2 turns, so I have activate and flip it…

“Wandering Monster”  if you’ll remember I mention for this scenario the Zombies were pre summoned  and in the Wandering Monster pool, so Grym get a Zombie!, no treasure for him!.

A bunch more where he came from (the wandering monster board)

For his second action I have Grym drop back toward the others but the Zombie is also Damned so Grym , being a minion must make a morale test and he gets the required “4” passing so he moves away!

Since Neb cant use he leader ability as no one was close enough, the last activation is for him or Scorpa, who potent attacks are direly need, Neb however is being  pursued by a climbing ghoul so it I think it best to activate him and get to the top of the tower.. with a 4, and 6, Neb makes both climb checks reaching the tower and the abandoned treasure!

End Phase, downed models removed , no status effects to test.
I am going to end part one here ., Cliffhanger!! 

End of Turn 3, One Skeleton Dead, 2 Ghouls 2, One Thief Dead, The Lich cackles.

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