Before entering
the courtyard Blackwulf is given the Lorenthian messengers satchel recovered by
Sigurd. Blackwulf
attempts to read the runes inscribed on a sealed letter inside +2
roll (20) and instantly
recognizes it as an old ranger cipher once used by both kingdoms during better
days. Blackwulf reads it and calls for
Xavos!? ..”Xavos is still at Tor Varden,
Chief “ mutters Skuti.. “ Scribes never
around when you need one right?” Blackwulf fumbles for some paper and a
charcoal stick from the messengers satchel and starts to write :
Report: Met maximum resistance at the
Covent Gathouse. Ogres, Undead. We were lucky. The Knight
Calistra fights like shes possessed by St Emilia herself. When Sigurd and I
found ourselves locked in combat with the brutes, she entered the fray and slew
them with a single stroke, not once, but twice. Evil magic is at work here,
bound by magic chains, the flayed dead come back to life. Lorenthia was here as
well .they tried get out a message “we have buried it in soft earth” That sentence was all that I could make out that wasn’t blood
soaked. The Decanter? Maybe . We search the courtyard next.
This Report is a
complete play-though
All die rolls are shown as (x) all combat rolls are shown as (x,x) with the heroes roll always being first.
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Scenario Map |
Game board is scaled down to 26” x 30”
shack positions moved slightly to fit my convent layout
See maps.
EVENT DECK +2 Shadow Deep Events = 10 Event Card
Experimental V2 Playtest – only
2 companions my activate in Ranger phase
House Rule- Russian Roulette
Scenario will last 9 turns
The Target Point for this scenario is the Shack labeled interest point C.
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my setup as translated from the stock map |
A grim scene
is revealed as you step into the courtyard. Bodies lie everywhere – a few
guards, but mostly nuns. They have been torn and hacked down, and their bodies
left to rot where they lie. A fountain filled with dark water sits in the
middle of the yard, and a large broken cart off to one side. Proceeding
further, you hear the dry crackle of old bones as four skeletons rise from
amidst the carnage and turn their eyeless faces in your direction.
Blackwulf activates Sigurd and Skuti via group activation
Skuti moves first, moving right 6 inches to cover behind some crates
near the chapel wall.
He fires an arrow at the closest Skeleton (12, 1) +2 vs +2 ( Skeleton
is +1 fight and +1 for Skuti’s hurried shot. Skuti wins 14 to 2..the 4 damage
is more than enough to take the bag of bones down.
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Skuti draws first blood or bones in this case. |
Sigurd pulls out his “Bone Blade” +1 Fight vs Skeletons and Zombies
..moves 6 inches and waits
Blackwulf follows up next to him moving 6 inches and waits.
The closest Skeleton to Blackwulf advances they fight! +6 (with +2
support) vs +1 (10,10) Blackwulf smashes it down
The two spear wielding Skeleton move into combat with Sigurd and
Blackwulf but it more than 6 inches so they wont fight yet
Both Skeletal Knights advance 9 inches toward the heroes.
Thovald and Gord all make double moves , Thorvald and Calistra move toward the
oncoming Skeletal Knights while Gord heads toward the points of interests
to investigage
A horrific howl echoes around the ruins, sending shivers down the spines of
A horrific howl echoes around the ruins, sending shivers down the spines of
the heroes. Every
hero must make a Will Roll (TN10). If it fails, it receives a
maximum of one
action during its next activation.
Will Checks (TN10)
Blackwulf +4 (11) PASS
SIgurd +2 (16) PASS
Thorvald +2 (14) PASS
Calistra +2 (12) PASS
Gord +1 (3) FAIL
Skuti +1 (1) FAIL
A vultures view |
Blackwulf activates Thorvald and Sigurd using group
Blackwulf attack the spear wielding Skeleton engaging him +4
vs +1 (14,8) winning 18 to 9 he destroys it
Sigurd fights his and with Blackwulf now supporting its +7
vs +1 (5,19) or 12 to 20 Sigurd loses and is speared by the Undead fiend taking
a brutal 8 damage (20-Armor 12)
Thorvald charges the Skeletal knight and brings down the
hammer its +3 vs +3 (10,2) Thorvald wins
13 to 5 and with the two handed hammer that damage becomes 15 – the 13 armor
for 2 damage just enough to crumple it dead..
Skeleton with Spear trying to kill Sigurd +7 (with Blackwulf supporting) vs +1 (10,13) or 17 to 14 Sigurd Wins and the Skeleton is destroyed
Skeletal Knight attacks Calistra +4 vs + 3 (7,6) or 11 to 10 Calista wins but the blow doesn’t penetrate
the Armor
Calistra following up the Skeletons attack(11,9) or 15 to 12
this time its just enough.. for 2 damage to Kill it
Skuti with only one action due to the last event does
nothing- Hold Fast arrow ready
Gord, also with one action moves toward the fountain
Place two skeletal
knights in a random corner of the table.
Two more skeletal
knights appear near the entrance to the Herb Store.
Blackwulf activates Sigurd and Calistra using group
Both companions move to intercept to two new skeletal
knights on the board and shield Gord so he can investigate the fountain
Blackwulf stays put pulling out his bow and firing off an
arrow at the nearest Skeleton Knight its +2 vs +1 (15,7) or 17 to 8, direct hit for 4 damage..enough to
destroy the lead skeleton.
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of the 10 scenarios I have run , this one seem to see the Bows really pay off. course the huge open courtyard had alot to do with it. |
The remaining Skeletal Knight proceeds down the steps moving
twice toward the companions
Skuti fires off an arrow at the Skeletal Knight advancing on Sigurd and Calistra +2 vs +1.(20,10) oof a critical ! he takes the Knights head clean off
Skuti fires off an arrow at the Skeletal Knight advancing on Sigurd and Calistra +2 vs +1.(20,10) oof a critical ! he takes the Knights head clean off
Thorvald moves toward the shack and investigates he’ll need to make a Strength roll at +3 vs
TN15 since he cant pick locks..he smashes at the door (9) +3 = 12 “wont budge”
Gord investigates the fountain of St Emilia..he must make a
Perception check he is +5 roll (2) =7
Judging by the
ruined stump of the statue’s arm,
and the fragments
that lie scattered about, the
statue’s other
hand used to point to the Library.
Gain + 2XP.
We hear the shuffle of old bones-
“Place a skeletal knight and two skeletons in a random
corner of the table.”
Blackwulf isn’t close enough to any companions to use group
Since its Turn and Thorvald looks to be out on a limb by the
shack with the new group of undead headed his way
Blackwulf decides to use his Steady Aim Heroic Ability to
hopefully take out one of the Skeleton he’ll need to move first which make the
dice modifiers +7 (+2 shoot vs +5 Steady Aim) vs +2 (+1 fight , +1 Blackwulfs
hurried shot) He moves and Shoots (14,12
) or 21 to 14 another lethal arrow fired by our Ranger.
Remaining Skeleton is exactly 6 inches from Thorvald he
attacks (1,7) or 4 to 8..Thorvald is
caught off guard losing the exchange but escapes with no damage .
The Skeletal Knight can also enter combat however its takes
both his actions so it wont attacks this phase
Thorvald returns the attack its +3 vs +2 because the
Skeleton Thorvald is dropping the hammer on is getting support from his friend .(17,14) or 20
to 16 , or 12 damage the Skeletons are having a bad bad day -Thorvald remains engaged to
with Skeletal knight
Calistra and Sigurd make double moves toward Thorvald and
the shack
Skuti climbs up on some barrels for an elevated view of the
courtyard for when more Skeletons turn up.
Gord investigates the broken cart
A large cart sits
quietly in the corner, one of its large wooden wheels smashed
beneath it. You
can just see a long, slender arm poking out from one corner.
Make a Strength
Roll (TN12). You may make this roll as many times as you
Not really Gords thing but he gives it a try..(Non skill
checks at -2 playtest rules V2) TN14 roll (4) yeah, uh no..“psst hey Calistra come here”
Place a ghoul
flinger in a random corner of the table.
Skuti “Not a Skeleton!”
Blackwulf activates Sigurd using group activation
Blackwulf activates first moving 2.5 inches and casting his
HEAL spell on Sigurd which brings his Health up to 10. Sigurd , feeling reenergized by healing magic charges attacking the Skeletal Knight its +6 (+3
Fight, +1 Bone Blade, +2 Support) vs +3 (18,8) or 24 to 11 - Obliterated
Man these guys are just taking Skeletons out like nothing,
St Emilia is surely helping them.
Ghouls have a lot more health than Skeletons and this one
has Ranged combat, he throws some jagged piece of Bone at poor Gord who is
closest to him its +1 vs +1 ….roll
(20,18) wow Gord dodges that bullet 21 to 19..
A low roll against that attack could have been lethal, the luck continues…
Skuti puts an arrow at that Ghoul first chance he gets +2 vs
+1 (17,3) or 19 to 4 , almost
dropping 9 damage on the Ghoul..
Gord quickly turns with a pulls out his luckly throwing
knife to finish the job returning the ghouls ranged attack. (13,15) +1 vs +1 Gords aim was slightly off he misses
Calistra does an about face and moves toward the Ghoul to
cut it down, she cant reach it with 2 moves due to her heavy armor so it will
live another turn.
Thorvald Put his shoulder to that shack door again to try to
break it open (TN15) +3 roll (13)=16
This time the door crack open and he finished kicking it
Inside the shack,
a large hound is chained to the
wall. At any point
during the scenario, one hero
adjacent to the
shack may make a Leadership
Roll (TN12). If
successful, the hound joins the
party, acting as a
free companion for the rest
of the mission.
Otherwise, the hound runs off
when it is
released. Either way, gain + 6XP.
Well unfortunately the only two heroes near the shack
Thorvald and Sigurd have no leadership skill
So it’s a straight roll (9) fail…the Dog bolts from the
shack making haste for the nearest exit..
Sigurd snorts “Damn Thorvald- Its as if your ugly mug was more terrifying
then the Undead..”
“A vulture appears at the centre of one randomly determined
table edge. It follows
the standard rules for evil creatures.”
Gord “ Uhh Blackwulf, them birds you keep killing keep
coming back to life?”…he points to the Covent wall.
Blackwulf. reaches for his bow..
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Vultures....two games in a row |
Blackwulf is not close enough to any companions to use group
Blackwulf readys his bow and fires at the Vulture, since
Calistra is in way to shooting the ghoul
(9,11) at +2 vs +0 a tie , the shot misses
The Vulture swoops down an attacks Calistra (12,10) Calistra
is able to put her sword to it with a +4 fight winning 16 to 10 for 2 points of Damage
The Ghoul Flinger
So here we have an example of one of games few nuances that need
a couple further rules or just cleaned up
Evil Creatures with missile weapons accords to the rules for
evil creature actions will engage the closer creature with their ranged weapon,
now in this case Calistra is fighting the Vulture and no one good or evil can
shoot into combat
So according to step 2 (pg54) the Ghoul would do nothing ,
however since there are lots of other heroes in line of sight I am having the
Ghoul move and engage at Range.. if it moves the left it moves within 1 inch of
Calistra and would be pulled into the combat, but if it goes right behind the
vulture it can move 6 inches and have a couple targets so that’s what I do
It moves 6 inches, near target is throws some
jagged bones… +2 vs +1 (8,19) Ooofff Skuti gets clobbered 20 to 10 and takes 9 Damage! (Armor 11) Dropping him
to 2 health.
Skuti takes a big wound here 9 dam |
Skuti- isn’t having any of that , wounded he grits his teeth
and fires a shoot at the ghouls head (18,17) wham 20 to 18 the naked Ghoul with
only 1 health remaining takes 10 damage and dies horribly
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His revenge |
Calistra- follows up attacks the Vulture (10,7) or 14 to 7
but Vultures flying around attacking you are hard to hit ( as illustrated by a
14 armor) so she wacks at it but does no damage
Thorvald makes a double move toward the cart to help Gord
Sigurd makes a double move toward Calistra and the Vulture
A pair of zombies
explode out of the water of the fountain. Any hero adjacent
to the fountain
should make a Move Roll (TN20). If only one hero fails, place
both zombies in
combat with it. If two heroes fail, place one zombie in combat
with each figure.
If more than two heroes fail, randomly determine which two
are contacted by
the zombies. If there are no heroes adjacent to the fountain, or
if none fail the
Move Roll, place the zombies adjacent to the fountain at least
1” away from any
Both Blackwulf and Sigurd are near the fountain both are 6
move so they would need 14+ to succeed
Blackwulf (7)
Sigurd (18)
So Blackwulf gets rushed by two zombies…ARGHHH he bellows
Fortunately for Blackwulf he can activate Thorvald who was
moving toward Gord..
“Zombies!” he does a 180 turn and enters the combat he
attacks first with Blackwulf Supporting
So it +5 vs +0
(8,20) ughh Thorvald must trip
over his own hammer here losing 13 to 20 he the zombie bites him doing 9
damage..Thorvald is down to 4 health
Blackwulf attacks…+6 with Support (18,3)
Blackwulf takes the head of one (of course this one of the rare time I could use my deadly strike here but its
pointless as the Zombie only has 6 health..
One Zombie remains to attack
Zombie continues mauling Thorvald (16,1) this time Thorvald pulverizes
it….at +5 with support and +2 to damage from the two handed hammer it’s a flattening
11 damage
Vulture keeping pecking at Calistra (16,3) this time she
catches it running it though for 6 damage
With all the creatures cleared the remaining companions investigate interest
Calistra moves to the Broken Wagon to help Gord lift it..
Strength +4 vs TN 12 (8) she just does it.
You lift the cart
and shift it about, revealing the
body of one of the
nuns. It is unclear how she
died, and you
don’t have the heart for further
However, a small leather bag lies
next to her, and
in that you find a potion of
healing. This can
be used now or given to any
hero. It takes up
an item slot as normal +3XP
item gained “potion
of Healing”
Sigurd moves to the second shack and tries to bust the door
in (TN15) roll (8) fails
Gord moves to the second shack “ you never do thing the easy
way do you?)
Picks locks TN 8 +5 (roll 14) …see.. easy does it
Looking inside
This shack
contains gardening tools, most of
which are old and
in poor repair. However,
there is one
sickle that still has a keen edge.
This sickle counts
as a hand weapon and can be
carried by anyone
who can use one. + 2XP.
Item gained “hand
Skuti – stays put , treating his wounds.
The heroes feel a strange tingling, and suddenly, all the
monsters they are facing
seem to gain new strength. Next turn, all evil creatures
gain +1 Fight.
Fortunately there are no creatures as of yet.
Blackwulf activates Calistra and Thorvald using group
With no creatures on the board, all three move toward the
No creatures on the board
Sigurd and Gord join the others near the fountain
Skuti stay put covering courtyard.
Place a tortured
soul on top of the cart.
Any time a
tortured soul is on the table, all heroes suffer -2 Will. Tortured souls will
force combat, nor
make any Fight Rolls, and are never considered in combat. They cannot be
damaged. If a hero
is in contact with a tortured soul, it may spend an action to make a Will Roll
or Leadership Roll
(TN20). If successful, it has found the words to give the soul peace and allow
it to depart this
existence. This is the only way to remove a tortured soul from the table. If
figure is so
removed, the ranger gains 10XP.
Tortured is an interesting one…it could be very bad
depending what other type of checks or creatures were on the board. If this
came up before the black ace those will checks are now TN 12, etc.
Blackwulf tries to talk the Tortured Soul down so words of
wisdom TN 20 vs +5 roll (9) he fails
And the spirit just is hovering at the cart moaning…
Party Health, No one was knocked out of action but three
companions took some serious damage.
Blackwulf - was
health 17 +3 post scenario recovery brings him to full health (19)
Calistra – Undamaged
Gord- Undamaged
Sigurd took 8 damage
, Health 5, Healed 5 by Blackwulf +3
post scenario recovery = 13
Skuti took 9 damage
Health 2..goes to half health = 6
Survival roll from Blackwulf TN 12 vs +4 (15) heals 2 more
Health 8
Thorvald took 9 damage= health 4- goes to half health =7
Survival Roll Calistra (6) Fail , Gord (15)
pass +2 Health , Thorvald goes
to 9 health
I don’t use either potion at this point saving them for the
next scenario.
6 Skeletons = 6 xp
5 Skeletal Knights =10xp
1 Vulture=3 XP
1 Ghoul Flinger = 3xp
2 Zombies = 4xp
Combat XP 26
Fountain +2XP
Shack +6 Xp
Shack +2 xp
Cart +3 xp
Investigations XP 13
39 XP total Blackwulf
goes 618 total needing 32 more for level 6.
Progression points all companions +1
Both Gord and Skuti reach the 10 progression point
threshold, each getting +1 to a combat stat..Gord takes +1 fight , Skuti +1
The arrival of the Tortured soul last turn made me totally
overlook the point of interest E on original map (some runes written on the
back convent wall) I even missed this on my mocked up photo. I realized this after I ended the game so I didn’t
go back and have them suddenly find it…they just missed it. No one could have
reached that section of wall on the last turn anyway. I would have need to
caught turn 8 and send Gord and he cant read runes ( vs a TN15) oh
Not much else in the
clue department other than that the hand of the statue seemed to be pointing at
the Tower where the Library is located.
Items gained
Potion of Healing , extra
Hand Weapon,
Final Thoughts
Good dice, and low health creatures made this scenario perhaps
the easiest one yet even thou we took out 15
enemies , it was a shooting gallery for Blackwulf and Skuti with the
open courtyard and even thou 3 companions took serious damage , the post
recovery phase put everyone at full health.
Exceptions for Skuti at 8 health and Thorvald at 9, we go into the next
mission with 3 chances to heal with Blackwulf’s Spell, the Cordial of Spellfire and a Potion
of Healing..That is leaving me feeling pretty confident. Even thou we missed
out on a potential extra companion (the Dog in the shack) and we missed
probably a major clue with the missed runes written on the wall.. We continue on
determined , ready to explore THE RUINED
CHAPEL next and hope luck stays on our side.
An awesome adventure, your collection of minis and terrain is one to envy.