Blackwulf’s report- no clues in the courtyard as to the Decanters
location, just many undead. The fountain statues hand that seemed to point toward
library was sheared off. Noises from the Chapel have our attention, we search
there next. It seems as if the creatures from the Shadow Deep may have first
entered here..the Stench of Death is strong. From what we have seen there are
likely no survivors.
This report is a complete play-through
All die rolls are shown as (x) all combat rolls
are shown as (x,x) with the heroes roll always being first.
it was pointed out to me (by the games author no
less) that I was interpreting the use of the event deck incorrectly. Only two
shadow deep cards are added each scenario, but each time its next consecutive
two cards from the shadow deep event list so you remove the previous cards . so
for this 9 turn mission we have 8 events , 6 scenario based events and 5th
and 6th card from the Shadow Deep event deck.
Pre Game Notes
Board is scaled down to 20 “x 20 “ from the scenario listed 30”x
30” this is one case where if I
had planned to use the full size but
when I set it up it just felt way too big given the last two missions, scaling
it down one third and this size felt “just right” and keeps the vibe of the
last two missions going.
I’ve also made the scenarios slight more
difficult I have added One more Ghoul
Fiend and one more Ghoul flinger and removed the starting ghouls , I also added
various bits of scatter terrain (the Altar, etc) to make feel more like a
The game with last 9 turns
![]() |
Original Map |
![]() |
my layout slight change moving area D |
The target point is Area D which I have changed to the Altar (see
my photo diagram)
Special Rules
Event Deck – Shadow Deep cards added . Black 5
and 6
Experimental V2 Playtest rules
House Rule – Russian Roulette
Ranger Sheet
Companion Sheet
Blackwulf activates both Calistra and Thorvald
using group activation.
Calistra -charges the nearest Ghoul Fiend
attacking at +4 vs +3 (5,11) . The fiend get advantage on her
winning the fight 9 to 14 , against her 13 armor that’s 1 damage
Thorvald -charges as well bringing down the two
handed hammer (20,13) oof hadn’t a strait critical on an attack in awhile, he
automatic wins with a 23, +2 for a two
handed weapon and +5 Critical hit damage
30- armor 11 is a huge 19 damage, the Ghoul
never knew what hit and is crushed to a pulp
Blackwulf seeing Thorvald’s crushing kill ,
decided he will draw an arrow and try to take out the fiend on the top of the
rubble pile…he uses his Steady Aim Heroic ability here looking for a kill he
shoots at +7 vs +3 (17,7) thunk! The arrow
sinks deep in the fiend 24 – armor 11 is 13 its staggers but is still alive! With
1 health.
Ghoul Fiend vs Calistra..the fight continues +4
vs + 3 (13,19) Calistra gets mauled 17
to 22 , 22 -13 armor is 9 points of damage Calistra is in trouble!
Ghoul Flinger 1 – moves 4 inches to get LoS at
the Heroes near the entrance and fires off some bone shards at Gord +1 vs +3
(Gord getting a +1 for the hurried shot)
(5,4) Gord wins the shot misses
Ghoul Flinger 2
throws at Thorvald gloating over his fresh kill +1 vs +4 (10,10) Thorvald
wins a Miss
Ghoul Flinger 2
throws at Thorvald gloating over his fresh kill +1 vs +4 (5,4) Thorvald
wins again a Miss
Ghoul Fiend with 1 health shambles down the Hill
attack Calistra picking up Support from the other Fiend
Its +4 vs +5 (17,16) Ughhh a TIE with 21 each ,
meaning Ghoul fiend goes down hard with 10 damage but Calistra takes 8 damage
she only has 2 health so she is OUT OF ACTION.
Gord- angered
by Calistra going down, he throws his lucky throwing at the offending
ghoul..+1 vs +3 (7,10) he misses, the then quickly moves to Thorvalds flank to
help him engage the Flingers
Sigurd moves up planting himself right close to
Blackwulf but out of the way of Skuti’s bow and he waits
Skuti shoots at the Ghoul Fiend standing over
Calistra’s body +3 vs +3 (14,5) he hits
it square 17 to 8 for 6 damage its far from dead.
A ghoul rotter suddenly lunges out of the shadows. Randomly select one
That figure must make a Survival Roll (TN8). If it fails, place the
ghoul rotter
in combat with it. If it succeeds, place the ghoul rotter anywhere on
the table
up to 3” away from that figure.
Random Selection is Thorvald! The Survival check (TN8) roll (4) he is engaged by a Ghoul Rotter!
the board at the start of turn 2. |
Blackwulf group activates Skuti and Sigurd using
group activation
Skuti fires another bow shot at the remaining Ghoul
Fiend who he wounded last turn, its +3 vs +3
(11,17) he misses…
Blackwulf decides to take the same shot so
hopefully Sigurd can move to attack the weaker flingers +2 vs +3
(14,11) his shot hits 16 to 14..but the resulting
5 damage leaves the Ghoul fiend still standing…
Sigurd engages to try to finish it off.. +3 vs
+3 (14,6) and he does wining 17 to 9…another 6 damage cuts the fiend down.
The Ghoul Flinger nearest Sigurd responds first
throwing bones at Sigurd , Sigurd decides to use his brightness field the final
time giving him a big +8 defense bonus . The Ghoul blinded, covers it eyes as
it throws (1,7) or a tie at 8 to 8 the bones miss! ( didn’t need the Shield ,
for that but you never know!)
Ghoul Flinger closest to rear wall breach has
Line of Sight on Sigurd as well although he will get intervening terrain bonus
from the rubble pile. It throws bones at him
+4 vs +1 (7,6) he easily dodges it
The Ghoul
Flinger closest to Thorvald and Gord has line of sight on Blackwulf as Thorvald
is in combat, and Gord is obscured, it attacks
(12,19) +4 vs +1 Blackwulf is hit 16 to 20, taking a painful 9 damage!
The Ghoul Rotter attacks Thorvald +3 vs + 1
(19,16) and Thorvald against blasts it to pieces with his hammer doing 14 damage!
Thorvald not wasting any time with his current
luck rushes the ghoul flinger that just wounded Blackwulf
He attacks +3 vs +1 (6,13) or 9 to 14 the Ghoul
wins wounding Thorvald for 3 damage
(Thorvald began the game wounded and is down to 6 health.
Gord joins the Combat hoping to kill the ghoul
with Thorvald supporting its +3 vs +1
(14,15) he barely wins 17 to 16 with the dagger vs Armor 10 its 6 damage
, the Ghoul remains alive with 4 health left
What light there is suddenly dims, and the heroes feel the crushing
weight of
hopelessness descend upon them. For the rest of the scenario, all
heroes suffer
-3 to all Will Rolls.
As Shadow Deep decends on our heroes
Blackwulf can only group activate Skuti this
time around
Skuti fire off an arrow at the Ghoul Flinger
nearest Sigurd (10,6) +3 vs +1..he hits with a 13 doing 3 damage to the Flinger,
Blackwulf cast his heal spell on himself healing himself up to 15 health
and then fires and arrow at the same target as
Skuti +2 vs +1 (11,18) In the new darkness he misses,
Ghoul Flinger again attacks Sigurd +3 vs +1 (8,11) or 11 to 12 the Ghoul hits
but it does no damage thanks to Sigurds Shield. (armor 12)
Ghoul Flinger vs Thorvald and Gord , the Flinger +1 attacks Thorvald (lowest
health) +5 with support (14,7)
Thorvald delivers another smack down winning 19
to 7 with the hammers bonus damage pushing it to 21 that 11 damage to flinger
is more enough to crush it , man he is on an epic roll here!
Ghoul Flinger attacks Thorvald whose right in
front of him +1 vs +3 (2,19) OooooFFFF , I spoke to soon Thorvalds epic kill
streak is ended as he takes 9 damage
from a hail of bone shards…he is also OUT OF ACTION
He’s in serious risk of dying with the Russian
Roulette rules in play
Thorvald has a three kill streak going he pastes this guy just to be cut down by hail of bone shards from the flinger just out of the bottom frame here. |
Sigurd makes a double move bypassing the nearer
flinger to engage the one that just put Thorvald down
Gord gets his first of several kills here |
Gord the moves up to attack the Ghoul with his
dagger, with Sigurd not supporting (or distracting it) he is +4 versus +1
(19,2) Oh yeah 23 to 3 even with -1 to damage its 12 damage and the Ghoul flinger
is shanked by Gord and killed, vengeance!
A ghoul snake slithers out from under the rubbish pile. Place the
ghoul snake
at a random point adjacent to the pile.
I roll a d4 and it’s the comes from the corner of the pile right next
to sigurd and gord.
Well talk about crap timing!, we are down to 4
Blackwulf activates Skuti using group activation
Skuti fires off an arrow at +3 at the Ghoul
Flinger in front of him the intervening terrain gives the Ghoul +2 (15,5) or 18 to 7 the 8 points of damage puts it down. Nice job
Skuti takes him down right here |
Blackwulf hearing Gord yelling “ IT’S A GIANT
UNDEAD SNAKE” runs to the top of the Rubble pile and fires off an arrow he is +2 vs +1 for the Snake because of the hurried shot
(10,15) but he misses! Gord says “really? You miss from like 15 feet???”
Ghoul Snake launches into Sigurd +3 with a
whiplike bite +2 (1,12) or 4 to 14
..Sigurd is slightly wounded by the attack taking 2 damage
No idea what an Ghoul Snake is supposed to look like but I did my best |
Sigurd attacks at +3 vs +2 for the Snake (9,12)
or 11 to 14 Sigurd takes another 2 points of damage!
Gord joins the fray +3 with support vs +2 for
the Snake (18,9) or 21 to 12…the Snakes armor is only 8 and even with the -1
damage the dagger rips the snake open wide for 12 damage , nice one Gord!
It fights on with 4 health
A large ghoul carrying a bag of bones climbs up the wall onto the
ledge. Place
a ghoul flinger upon the ledge.
They just keep coming!!!!
Blackwulf alone on the rubble pile, and cannot
group activate anyone. He decides to rush the snake and try to finish it, he is
+6 with Support Vs the ghoul snakes +2
(20,5) Woot! a brief hot streak ,
the Critical at 23 damage would kill Snake outright let alone its badly wounded (35 damage two rounds ..ouch!)
Ranger Blackwulf with the Critical the Snake was done for |
Ghoul Flinger on the Ledge hurls bones at
Blackwulf (12,17) ughh he’s hit 16 to 18 taking 7 damage!
He’s at 8 health, may need to down that potion
Skuti want to return fire at the Ghoul Flinger
on the ledge but must move to avoid a couple shooting penalties
He does so but the hurried shot doesn’t help he
misses (14,18) 17 to 20..
Gord makes a double move toward the ledge where
the ghoul is hoping that Skuti and Blackwulf can get it next turn, he remembers
and old rumor of the convent having considerable treasure. His double 7” move
gets up the ladder and onto the ledge
Sigurd moves to Altar (area D) to examine
it..there is an etching carved into the stone the air feels heavy of death and
despair (-3 Will in effect) he makes a will check at -1 (13)
12= The hero suddenly has a vision of the (Altar)
window fully lit. It is a beautiful depiction of St. Emilia
holding the Decanter. She is pouring water and herbs and flowers are
growing up all around
her. All heroes regain 3 lost points of Health. + 8XP.
Damn that’s convenient! Thanks to St Emilia
Sigurd investigates "area D" |
With a great cracking sound, several large stones tumble from the
remains of the tower. Randomly select three heroes on the table and
make a +0
shooting attack against each of them.
I guess the Shadow Deep didn’t like that…
Skuti gets the pass here
VS Gord
VS Blackwulf 10,5 missed
VS Sigurd
10,18 Sigurd is hitting by falling
rock for 6 damage..healed to 12 back down to 6 health
Blackwulf can only activate himself
He fires and Arrow at the Ghoul Flinger on the
ledge (13,11) or 15 to 12 the arrow does 5 damage to the unarmored ghoul.
For his second action, takes his potion of
Cordial Spellfire , which recharges his heal spell.
Ghoul FIinger bombard Gord approaching on the
ledge (1,3) total miss..Gord stumbles and it misses dumb luck there
Skuti fires another arrow and the lone Ghoul on
table (16,13) that will do it at +3 vs +1 , 9 damage takes out the Ghoul with
only 5 health remaining
Gord investigating the Ledge must make a climb
check TN 8 (roll 7) just makes it with a
And finds a treasure token which he moves to and
Gord retrieving the loot as usual. |
Sigurd moves over to Blackwulf looking for a
A trio of bright stars suddenly shines down through the dark clouds
Choose one hero on the table to make a Navigation Roll (TN12). If
see Note 199
That would certainly be our Ranger at +6 (11)
You recognize the stars as three of those that
make up a famous four-star constellation.
Strangely, the north-eastern star is missing.
Gain +8XP
Huh Weird?
Blackwulf with no creatures on the table only
activates himself
His first action is to cast heal on Sigurd
bringing up to 11 health
His Second action is examine the rubble pile
where the snake came from which requires and ancient lore check (TN 10) +2 (roll 13)
Amongst the heaps of trash, you happen to
notice a small book, bound with golden clasps.
You recognize the book as a rare and holy text.
This book may be given to any hero and counts
as an item. Whenever the figure carrying the
holy book is in combat with an undead creature
it receives +1 Armour. If the heroes still have
the book at the end of the mission, it must be
turned over to their superiors and the rangers
will gain 10XP for doing so
Blackwulf will hang on to that for the time
being thanks!
No Creatures on the board
Gord climbs down from the ledge with a double
move and rejoins Blackwulf
Skuti moves to the top of the rubble pile to
scan the room
Sigurd moves toward the remaining door in the Chapel
Last Door..small room probably empty. |
The heroes feel a strange tingling, and suddenly, all the monsters
they are facing
seem to gain new strength. Next turn, all evil creatures gain +2
Not good, but no creatures yet
Blackwulf activates Sigurd using group
Sigurd moves the Door of the small room to
The small room has only a simple door with no lock. As soon a player
the door (which requires an action)
The room contains a chest sitting in the corner
of the table; three ghoul rotters stand in front
of the chest. As soon as a hero stands adjacent
to the chest, it must make a Traps Roll (TN8).
If it fails, a needle shoots out of the lock and
into its hand – it takes 3 points of damage and
is poisoned. Regardless of whether it succeeds
or fails the Traps Roll, replace the treasure chest
with a treasure token.
We will save that chest for Gord IF we can clear
out the Ghouls before time is up!
Blackwulf moves to the Door to support Sigurd,
unfortunately its slightly more than 6” so he need both actions.
The first Ghoul Rotter moves to engage the door
is blocking them
And the first ghout attacks Sigurd as his health
is lower, he is +5 with Blackwulf support vs the Ghouls +3 (+2 fight from last
event ) roll (2,5) a lot of flailing but no contact (thou the
ghoul wins)
Other Ghouls moves to attack but are blocked
from reaching the heroes by their fellow ghoul.
A pair of ghouls crawl up from a hole in the ground. Place two ghouls
beneath the ledge!
Now it’s a party last turn 5 bad guys on the
Blackwulf activates Sigurd using group
Blackwulf attacks Ghoul Rotter +6 with support
vs +1 (3,17) ugh thankfully Blackwulf has not used his hand of Fate yet Roll
(13!!) he wins 19 to 18 and that Ghoul
falls dead!
Sigurd moves into the doorway facing both ghouls
he attacks one at +3 vs +1 (19,6) Sigurd cuts the second down, following
Blackwulfs lead!
Sigurd finishes off these two rotters pretty easily |
New Ghoul 1 attacks Gord +2 vs +1 (10,16) or 17
to 12..ouch Gord takes 7 damage!
Ghoul 2 needs both moves to get around Ghoul 1
and engage Gord.
Last Ghoul Rotter attacks Sigurd +3 vs +1
(15,9) the ghoul rotters stand no chance
Sigurd cuts it down The 10 armor and 8 health certainly helps.. its
exactly 8 damage
late arrivals try to make a meal out of Gord |
Skuti moves down off the rubble pile and engages
Ghoul 1 in melee its +2 vs +1 (9,17) ooofff Skuti loses 11 to 18 and takes 7
damage he down to 4 health
Gord attacks with his Dagger on Ghoul 2, last
attack of the game its +2 vs +1 (20,7) and it’s a critical!
At 22 to 9 the bonus damage more than kills the
ghoul even with the daggers penalty (17 damage)
I hate when the end mid fight like this, I guess
we assume the others help kill the last ghoul and we retreat out of there death
chamber with our wounded abandoning the last treasure token we could not reach!
Blackwulf – current health 11 +3 Recovery is at
14 health, Sigurd makes a Survival check +0 (17) pass
16 Health
Sigurd current health 11 +3 = Full recovery 13
Skuti – Current Health 4, +3 = 7 Blackwulf tries Survival at +4 (9) 13 pass
Skuti is at 10 health
Gord Health 4 +3 = 7 Skuti tries Survival Check =0 (2) fail
Thorvald – Out of Action Survival Roll -3 (12) =
9 Full Recovery which in this case is half health or 7,
Calistra Out of Action Survival Roll + 0 (5)
Badly Wounded She would go to half her starting health or 7
She goes to Blackwulf for Survival +4 (11) pass
shes a 10 health well apply the -5 at the being of the next scenario but she
also has a healing potion to counter it…so she will start with 10
1 Treasure token was recovered (18) magic item! Only our second one in 11 games!
(17) Tool
Kit +2 to Armory and Traps rolls , I
guess we will give that to Gord
Also recovered
Holy Book (Blackwulf)
On of the better recent experience hauls with
all the combat
37 points of Ghouls killed and then 16 for two
bonus awards
(with a potential 10xp when the holy book is
The will push Blackwulf to level 6 at 671 total
exp after 11 missions
I am going to take the bonus health here pushing
his health to 20.
Gord, Skuti and Sigurd all get a progression
Sigurd hits the 10 pp rank and takes +1 fight to
go to Fight +4
That’s it for this one, 13 enemies down , we where
basically in combat the whole scenario, The group is beat up but still alive. They head to the Herb Store next hopefully we will
find some healing medicines or something.
It will be a bit before I can play this on as I
have some stuff to paint for it., hopefully this month!
Crikey! Talk about a `full-on' action report.
ReplyDeleteA most entertaining read for this unearthly time of day.
Thanks Phil , playing these games solo makes it alot easy to write them out as I do while I am just playing you guys get all the details!