Summertime blues…not really “blues” as I am
having a great summer, so much so I don’t have much inside time for gaming…I
played this one awhile back just getting to the write up before I play the next
mission , which will hopefully either this weekend or next.. Fall is rapidly approaching and there a
couple of new things hobby and event wise coming up I need to focus on which I’ll post about later.
Blackwulf’s report- Death has overcome this place, Very few signs of
finding the decanter have been found. The Chapel was a bloodbath, we almost
lost both Calistra and Thorvald. We are wounded with supplies running low, and have little to go on other than to do a
room by room search, fighting thru the evil that now dwells here. Still- hope prevails St Emilia’s presence
lingers , Sigurd felt it, we saw it….perhaps luck with find us, or this could
very well be my last entry.
This report is a complete play-through
All die rolls are shown as (x) all combat rolls
are shown as (x,x) with the heroes roll always being first.
Pre Game Notes
Board is scaled down to 20 “x 20 “ from the scenario listed 30”x
Since I scaled the board down 1/3 ,* I have
changed the Max line of sight to 8” to match the scenarios original intent.
Original Map
The game with last 9 turns
Special Rules
It is especially gloomy within this tower, The
maximum line of sight is 12”, (*changed to 8”*) before the scenario begins ,
select one hero at random and place a darkroot vine in combat with it. Heroes
may only exit the table through the entry point. The target point is the Entry
Event Deck – Shadow Deep cards added . Black 7
and 8
Experimental V2 Playtest rules
House Rule – Russian Roulette
Ranger Sheet
Companion Sheet
“As you push
through the broken door into the gloom of the tower, you are nearly overwhelmed
by the strength and variety of scents from within: basil, thyme, rosemary,
farlight, and even a few herbs you can’t identify. There is something else
though, a sweet, sickly scent that runs underneath them all.
Inside the dim
tower, you can just make out numerous drying racks and cupboards along the
walls, and a huge apothecary’s table in the center, all sitting on an unpaved
dirt floor. Then, in the darkness of the far corner, you spy something else, a
monstrous plant, covered in oozing, sticky sap, its tentacle-like vines waving
in the air. Just then, a root or vine bursts out of the ground and wraps around
the leg of one of your companions.”
(I Roll off and
Skuti is attacked but the initial vine from the Darkroot)
Blackwulf activates both Skuti and Gord using group
Blackwulf immediately comes to Skuti’s aid hoping to kill
the vine quickly he attacks at +4 to +1 (12,2) 16 to 3 he slices it apart quite
quickly with the needed 6 damage, Skuti
being no worse for wear
Skuti – moves behind some crates and despite the darkness /gloom of the room he sees another
vine near the bookcase to the eastside of the room and fires +3 vs
+1, +1 (rushed shot) (18,5) 21 to 7 an killing blow for the Vines 10 armor
He shreds it.
Gord – moves toward table in center of room to the table
cluttered with items with his 7 inch move he can make it in one move so with
his second action he investigates.
C. A large apothecary’s table , make a
perception roll (TN12)
Roll (7) +5 = 12! Success!
“Quickly searching
through the numerous drawers, you make a fortunate discovery. Place a treasure
token on top of the apothecary table. Gain 3XP”
“I’ll take that , thank you very much snorts Gord.”
Unfortunately for Gord
the Darkroot Vines are moving toward him one latches on to him and he
attempts to fight it off +2 vs +1 (16,5) he wins 18 to 6 even the -1 from the dagger its enough to cut the vine off
with 7 damage..
A second vine moves twice not quite reaching Gord
A third Vine moves twice toward Skuti
Sigurd and Thorvald move and engage the oncoming Vines..
Sigurd (8,4) +4 vs
+ 1 wins 12 to 5..He Hacks at it and it
pulls away with taking only 2 damage
Thorvald (15,9) +3 vs +1 pounds his to dust with 10 damage from the two handed hammer..
Calistra moves to help Sigurd..(5,8) She +4 but also +2 with Sigurds support she wins 11 to 9 but only a point of damage
this vine is a stubborn on it keeps attacking
Two more Darkroot Vines appear in front of Interest
points B and D
Blackwulf activates both Thorvald and Skuti using group
Both Thorvald and Blackwulf make double moves to the
Darkroot just visible in the darkness
Skuti fires an arrow at the Vine that’s appeared by
bookcase D +3 vs +1
(13,12) Skuti hits home winning
16 to 14
Again the 6 damage
is just enough to destroy the vine,
Skuti is 2 for 2.
Stubborn Vine continues dancing with Sigurd and
Calistra.. (11,14) but at +6 with support vs its +1 it loses the dance 17 to 15
and is destroyed
Vine that appeared at point B moves and engages Thorvald
(16,13) +3 vs +1 18, to 14 he
smashes it as it approaches him..these guys are on a tear (good thing because I
am overlooking the Wounded Thorvald only has 7 health!
Calistra and
Sigurd both make double moves toward the Darkroot Plant
Gord moves twice as well , to the book case that is interest point A, he wont be able to search
this turn
Choose a random
hero. A darkroot vine explodes out of the ground right in
front of it. This
figure should make a Move Roll (TN14). If successful, place
the root anywhere
within 3” of this figure. Otherwise, place it in combat with
the hero.
Random Hero turns out to be Blackwulf and he fails he
move roll so he is immediately engaged by the Vine!
![]() |
Darkroot plant is a reaper model I changed the postion and green stuffed some bits on his right side to balance him out... |
Blackwulf Activates both Thovald and Sigurd with group
Thorvald attacks
Darkroot plant +3 vs +3 ( 15, 8) he smashes winning 18 to 11,l 20 for damage
purposes with the two handed weapon …the plants tough armor (14) yields only 6 damage
Sigurd joins the attack onh the Darkroot with Thorvald supporting its +6 vs +3 (16, 7) He slices into it 22 to 10..this times its 8
Blackwulf tries to kill the new Vine that’s burst from
the ground attacking him last event Phase (16,14) he does so easily killing it with
10 damage…he second action he too moves into contact with the Darkroot plant.
(man my dice are on FIRE for the good guys)
The Darkroot plant attacks violently its taken heavy
damage and is engaged by three warriors. Its focus is on Thorvald , 1st
to attack and also with lowest health…it attacks +3 vs Thorvalds +7 with his
Support (15,15)..despite its well timed attacks the trio is too much for
it..Thorvald wins easily 22 to 15.., with the +2 damage its 10 more to plant
and it is destroyed.
Calistra - moves
and searches bookcase (cupboard E) As
she open the cupboard door, several human
bones spill out onto the floor she
attempts to make an unskilled perception check (TN12) rolls (3)
and fails
(too bad that was a major score if she had caught )
Gord Searches the end bookcase (cupboard A)
As soon as you open the cupboard, a poison cloud
wafts from it. All heroes with 3” of the cupboard must make an immediate Health
Roll (TN18) or be poisoned. Everything within this cupboard has been completely
covered in a
poisonous fungus. Gain 3XP.
Gord rolls..(2)
cough cough cough…what the hell!??? POISONED
Skuti moves to
search the bookcase nearest him (Cupboard D)
A locked cupboard. Make either a Pick Lock
Roll (TN10) or a Strength Roll (TN16) to open it.
Skuti makes an amateur attempt to pick the lock (16) he does….”hey Gord, how abou that !” he yells…
(Gord of course ignoring him rolling around vomiting from
Amidst the tools and empty jars in this
cupboard, you find an herb pouch. This may be given to any hero that has open
item slots. Gain 3XP
Gain 1 Herb Pouch (Skuti stashes that for himself)
The heroes hear a deep growl, and suddenly a
large wolf comes bounding in. Place the wolf in the centre of a randomly
determined table edge. The wolf follows all the standard rules for evil
enters from Southern wall the main door)
Blackwulf activates only Sigurd this time with group
Then men can hear the wolf growling but the darkness of
the room they cannot see it
Sigurd takes off past Calistra along the east wall toward
Skuti with a doube move
Blackwulf casts “HEAL” on the injured Thorvald bringing
him up to 12 health.
Blackwulf moves as his second action toward the middle of
the room.
The Wolf moving in
for the kill on Skuti is now redirected to Sigurd who meets it head on ..the
Wolf Savagely attacks him (7,20) and he doesn’t see it coming losing 21 to 11 , Sigurd takes hard 9 damage to his
Calistra quickly
moves to slay the Wolf attacking Sigurd with his support shes +6 vs +1
(13,8) her sword finds its heart and she
kills it instantly with 9 damage
Gord Search the last point of interest cupboard B
A locked cupboard. Make either a Pick Lock
Roll (TN10) or a Strength Roll (TN16) to open it
Gord of course
picks the lock at +5 (14) easy peasy….
The cupboard contains numerous jars filled with
dried herbs. Make a Survival Roll, and check the note that corresponds to the
Gord make survival
check +0 (17)
You find one dose of haikwheat, one dose of ironbark
powder, and one dose of nightnock,
which may be given to any heroes that have open
items slots. Gain 7XP
major score!
Skuti starts making his way toward the
Choose one random hero. That figure must immediately make
a Will Roll
(TN12). If it fails, it loses its next activation. If it
succeeds, see Note XXX
Its Gord this time
Will check +1 (4) FAIL
At this point
Blackwulf and Company move to all
leave the building
Since Gord is poisoned he can only move once
The forces another event card
Another Darkroot vine, but since the plant is already
destroyed nothing happens
All member successfully exit the Herb Store to the
25 experience points to Blackwulf bring him to 696 after 12 missions
9 xp combat and 16 from interest points
all companions get 1 progression point
recovered /found.
Herb Pouch
Night Nock
Ironbark powder
Sigurd Heals up to 7 Survival check Calistra (19) =+ 2 = 9 Health
Gord Heals 3 to 10 Health survival check Skuti (6 miss) Survival Check Blackwulf (14) +2= full health -poison is cured!
Skuti full
Thorvald full
Calistra Full
Blackwulf + 3 = 19 + survival check from Thorvald (12) +2= full
starting next mission everyones at full health except Sigurd at 9
Pretty much a cakewalk thanks to very kind dice for
almost every engagement, good haul of
loot but light on the XP… Considering the only decent clue we have recovered yet “
we have buried it in soft earth” this leads me to think the Decanter is either
here in the Herb Store (since the dirt
floor is clearly specified ) or somewhere in the Courtyard. We are heading to the
Library next to see what we can find. I
may just decide to roll the dice and
perform a “final search“ after that as this mission is getting a bit long in
the tooth and I don’t the upper section of the Hospital…has any “soft earth” in
it…If we do that we’ll play one more Mission (The Library) perform our final
search and play the “showdown” Hopefully soon! Definitely
sooner that this one!
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