9/25, Games Workshop, Oak Park. 1500 pts.
Army Lists
The Empire (John)
1 Mounted Captain ( Army General)
1 Battle Standard Bearer (Captain)
1 Battle Wizard (Lv 2)
24 Swordsmen- Full Command
10 Free Company (detachment)
5 Archers ( detachment)
10 Handgunners- Marksman w/ HLR
5 Archers (detachment)
10 Crossbowmen, Full Comand
5 Knights - Musician, Preceptor
5 Pistoliers- w/ Outrider
Great Cannon w/ crew
Dogs of War- 20 Dwarf Warriors, Full Command
The Wood Elves- (Felix)
Spellsinger (Army General, lv 2)
Spellsinger (Mounted Captain, Lv 2)
Spellsinger (Mounted Captain, Lv 2)
10 Glade Guard
5 Glade Riders
10 Dryads
10 Dryads
10 Wardancers
5 Wild Riders
5 Waywatchers
Wood Elves deployment- Felix deployed 1st and also went 1st.
Empire Deployment- all the terrain we used definitely hindered my
deployment I didn't have room to deploy shooters 10 wide.
Waywatchers ambush my Cannon and crew turn 1
there wasn't a thing I could do about it. My cannon never fired
a shot this game, nice move felix!
My Dwarf Mercs break a unit of Dryads, they of course
can not catch them, this time.
My swordsmen take on the other Dryad unit, they break
and are overrun!.
Wild Riders are always hard to kill, group magic from Felix's 3 wizards
help the Wild Riders crush my knights.
Until my General joined the fray, his 3 attacks and
the Sword of Sigismund, made the difference.
Wiping out the Wild Riders he then charged the Glade Riders,
taking them all out in a single turn leaving him locked in combat
with the units Spellsinger as the game ended.
Wardancers weeding thru my Swordsmen, However it was not quickly
enough as they broke, then rallied, charged again, and broke a second time
finally running off the table.
My remain Swordsmen and Dwarf mercenaries
battle the last unit of Dryads who break and are overrun
by the dwarfs!
Enemy Units Destroyed -
Spellsinger /Captain - 157 ( Empire General)
Dryads 132 (overrun, Swordsmen)
Dryads 132( ran off table)
Glade Riders- 129 ( Empire General, various shooting)
Wardancers 201 ( Swordsmen/ Dwarfs, run off table)
Wild Riders-166 (Knights, Empire General)
Enemy Units at 1/2 str
Glade Guard 2 of 10- 60
Captured table quarters- 100
( by Swordsmen and Dwarfs)
Capture Unit Standards
1- Wild Riders by Empire General- 100
Captured Battle Standard- 0
Empire Total = 1117
Wood Elves
Enemy Units Destroyed -
Archer Detachment- 40 ( Waywatchers, Glade Guard shooting)
Handgunners- 105 (Waywatchers)
Archer Detachment- 40 (Shooting, Magic)
Crossbowman- 100 (Shooting, Magic)
Knightly Orders- 139 (Wild Riders, Magic)
Pistoliers- 114 ( Glade Riders, Magic)
Great Cannon- 100 ( Waywatchers)
Enemy Units a 1/2 str
Free Company Militia 4 of 10- 25 ( Glade Guard, Magic)
Swordsmen, 12 of 24 -89 (Dryads, Wardancers)
Captured table quarters
Captured units standards
Captured Battle Standard
Wood Elves total - 752
Point difference- EMPIRE + 425
This match was alot closer than it looked, Felix's magic was deadly with 3 casters and he destroyed all my shooting and cavalry units as well as my cannon, leaving me only My 3 Heroes, 13 Swordsman and 14 Dwarfs and 4 Militia Men at the end of game. While he dominated the magic and shooting phases, he relied solely on his strong skirmishers vs my large blocks of troops in close combat. The CR results did him in, as he was forced to break repeatly, in the end being pushed off the table in retreat. More on this game later.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Battle Report- Empire Vs Wood Elves III
Posted by JPL at 12:54 AM 6 comments
Labels: Battle Reports- WFB
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Battle Report- Empire Vs Wood Elves II
(9/18 at Games Workshop, Oak Park) 1250 points
Army Lists
The Empire- (John)
1 Mounted Captain ( Army General)
1 Battle Standard Bearer (Captain)
1 Battle Wizard (Lv 2)
24 Swordsmen- Full Command
10 Free Company (detachment)
5 Archers ( detachment)
10 Handgunners- Marksman w/ HLR
5 Archers (detachment)
10 Crossbowmen, Full Comand
5 Knights - Musician, Preceptor
5 Pistoliers- w/ Outrider
Great Cannon w/ crew
The Wood Elves- (Felix)
Spellsinger (Army General, lv 2)
Spellsinger (Mounted Captain, Lv 2)
Wood Elf Noble
10 Glade Guard
5 Glade Riders
8 Dryads
10 Wardancers
5 Wild Riders
5 Waywatchers
Deployment- I deploy first, my BSB is attached to my block of swordsmen
my Wizard is attached to my Crossbowmen chooses the Lore of Life, His spells are "Mists of the Marsh" and "The Rain Lord" I have four power dice and 3 dispel dice. My wizard also has the wizards staff allowing my to use all 4 power dice for one spell.
Felix's attaches his General to the Gladeguard, who's spells are "Fury of the Forest" and :Ariel's blessing" his Noble to the Wardancers and his other Spellsinger is mounted and attached to the Glade Riders, His captains spells are "tree singing" and "twilight host"Felix's has 6 power dice, 4 Dispel Dice and each wizard has a power stone.
(deployment - John)
(deployment- Felix)
Turn 1- Empire
Movement -My deployment was somewhat botched with my units abit too close together. I should have deployed my crossbows and handgunners 10 wide instead of moving 2" and changing my frontage after I moved everyone forward. As it stood doing so led me to get my knights stuck behind my staggered shooting units. My Pistoliers double move 16 inches toward Felix's Wild Riders
Magic- My Wizard chooses the Lore of Life, my spells were Mists of the Marsh and The Rain Lord, I try to cast "the rain lord" and its is easily dispelled by felix
Shooting- My Cannon "misfires' but I roll a "6" so it "may not shoot". After repositioning my shooters the only unit that has LoS on a target and isnt "move or fire" is my Swordsman detachment of archers, the line up the dryads at longrange and all miss.
Close Combat- None
Turn 1- Wood Elves
Movement- Wild Riders charge my Pistoliers, I wanted to stand and shoot, but somehow I spaced out they cause fear when my made my initial move. I fail the leadrship and they break and I roll some shitty low number and they are easily overun and killed. The Glade Riders, Dryads and Wardancers all advance toward me.
Magic- the Mounted Spellsinger trys to cast Tree Singing and I Dispel it.
Shooting- Glade Guard Shoots at my Crossbowmen, killing 2, Waywatchers who Felix had deployed last and in a great position kill 3 more Crossbowmen.
Close Combat- none
(Turn 1, Felix- my Pistolier run from the Wild Riders, unfortunately they don't run fast enough)
Turn 2 - Empire
Movement- Still to far away for my foot troops to charge and my knights are blocked from doing much so I move everyone trying to get a better reposition on his advancing units, I get my units reposition properly for whats coming.
Magic- My Wizard again uses my dice to try to cast "the Rain Lord" on the Glade Guard..but with two wizards Felix's 4 Dispel dice say - NOPE
Shooting- Fortunately although my Pistoliers were overrun in turn1, those Wild Riders are close enough to my Cannon that I can break out the Grape Shot. Dropping down the template I see I have three directs and partial I roll a "10" on the Artillery die meaning S10 hits..3 Wild Riders die. My handgunners, archer detachment shoots at the Waywatchers and misses.
Close Combat- None
Turn 2 - Wood Elves
Movement- Dryads charge my Swordsman block, Wild Riders Charge my Cannon and Crew that just blasted them. They cause fear causing my crew to run away, they roll a 10" move and easily get away. Wardancers move to postion for next round. Shooters stay put.
Magic- Each of Felix's Wizards has a powerstone and uses it, putting all the dice he can into one spell each. The Mounted Spellsinger with the glade riders attempts to cast "The Twilight Host" on the Wardancers but I use my three dice and get lucky to dispel it. The Spellsinger General cast "Fury of the Forests" on my Knights who are set up to charge the Waywatchers next round. somehow I forget I my wizard has a dispel scroll and don't use it, don't ask how I forget this
I chalk it up to only having played a dozen games at this point. anyway I lose 2 knights.
Shooting- The Glade Riders pick off 2 of me from my 5 man Archer Detachment with my swordsmen. Waywatchers shoot and miss.
Close Combat- Dryads have charged my Swordsman, I have countercharged with my Free Company Detachment however they all miss, a Dryad in back rank attacks the FC and kills 1, the front rank Dryads kill 4 swordsman and in response my BSB kills 1 dryad. CR is kills 5 to 1 but I outnumber +1, have +3 on the extra ranks, two banners +2, for CR of 7-5, Felix takes a break test at +2 and makes it. The Dryads hold.
( Turn 2- The Swordsmen and Dryads in Close Combat)
Turn 3- Empire
Movement- My knights charge the waywatchers who decide to flee but Felix rolls very low on his fleeing dice and even over the difficult terrain my knights easily run them down. My General postions himself to be able to charge in the flank of close combat of swordmen/dryads on the next turn. My fleeing Cannon crew rallies and gets ready to return to the cannon.
Magic- Third try casting "the rain lord" on Felix's Glade Guard...while I successfully cast the spell, it is easily dispelled.
Shooting- My Handgunners, Crossbows and Archer detachment continue their shooting war with the Glade Guard i manage to kill 2 and put 1 wound on his Spellsinger General with my marksman with the Hochland Long Rifle. His General tried to escape the wound with the "look out sir" rule but failed the roll.
Close Combat- My Knights have killed all the fleeing waywatchers. The Dryads only manage to Kill 2 Swordsmen, while my BSB killed 2 Dryads and my Sgt. kills 1. CR is a base Kills WE 2 , Emp 3, while I have- extra rank +3 outnumber +1, Flank (FC) +1 and 2 Banners +2 for a 10-2 result. with +8 to the roll the Dryads easily break and run. I choose to pursue but do not catch them.
Turn 3- Wood Elves
Movement- Felix's Wardancers charge my Swordsmen pursuing the fleeing Dryads, His Glade Riders, charge my remaining unit in my Swordsmen's Archer Detachment, his Wild Riders charge my uncrewed cannon ( we made a rules error here as you will see shortly)
Magic- The Spellsinger General again cast "Fury of the forest" on my knights but this time I dispel it.
Shooting- His Glade Guard shoots at my Knights who are getting two close for comfort to his General he lands two hits ,but I save them.
Close Combat- Wild Riders charge the Cannon, in reality it should have just been destroyed, however we where confused by the cannon stats and while his riders automatically hit it with a WS 0, Their Str of 4 needs a "6" to wound Str 7, So the Wild riders couldn't damage the Cannon. I later award Felix the Cannon points when we discover the error, how that would have effected the final outcome we don't know.
The Glade Riders charge my archer detachment, who held hoping to block them for a turn, the archers lose two and the last one breaks and runs and I roll pretty high on the move the Riders choose to try to persue but don't catch him
and fortunately for them they come toward me enough that they line themselves up to be charged next round by my General who sitting there alone as the last Swordsmen CC had moved on.
The Wardancers charged my Swordsmen, my Free Company had countercharged gets lucky and kills a Wardancer, he kills 4 swordsmen, and the swordsmen kill 1 Wardancers the CR for the swordsmen, the CR is WE 4- Emp 2 base while I have extra rank +2, outnumber +1, Flank +1, 2 Banners +2 making it an 8-4 result in my favor, with +4 on the break test, the Wardancers run, I pursue again but they easily get away.
(Turn 3, post grape shot, with my Crew Fleeing, the remaining Wild Riders assault the cannon
note how we botched that)
Turn 4- Empire
Movement- My General charges the Glade Riders with the Spellsinger Captain., its 6 vs 1, but I am not too concerned with the Sword of Sigismund "always striking 1st" and a 1+ AS, he is quite durable. Both my Free Company and Swordsmen Charge The Wardancers who are fleeing and I hope to overrun them, which would hand me the game. but they get to move as well roll an "11" getting away easily. my Knight spend there whole move reforming in a diffrent direction so they charge the Glade Guard and Spellsinger General in turn 5. My rallied Cannon Crew marches back up the hill and is two inches short of recrewing the cannon.
Magic- My Wizard attempts to cast "the rain lord" for the 4th time and it is dispelled
Shooting- Crossbowmen and Archer detachment kill two more Glade Guard.
Close Combat- My General kills three of the five Glade Riders, leaving the Spellsinger capt and 2 riders.I will CR 3 -1 (for outnumber) but even with +2 Felixs men stay.
Turn 4- Wood Elves
Movement- Wardancers rally and reform getting ready to take my charges next round, The wild riders cant charge my cannon crew as the cannon is in the way, so they hold, The 2 remaining Dryads rally as well.
Magic- the Spellsinger General staring at my three knights who are going to charge him next round casts"fury of the forest", Felix's casting roll is "14" my dispel is "11" so he succeeds and kills 2 of my three knights. My lone Knight, the Preceptor makes his leadership test to remain alone. Note: I am again completely forgeting my wizard has a "dispel scroll", what a waste.
Shooting- The Glade Guard and General shoot down three more of my crossbowmen.
Close Combat- The Glade Riders attack my General and come up empty, my response is that I kill another Glade Rider. CR is 1 to 1 a draw.
( Turn 4, My General takes down some Glade Riders)
Turn 5- Empire
Movement - Here during "Declare Charges", I do something incredibly stupid that costs me the game and that I wont ever do againMy Swordsmen and Free Company detachment are staring down the rallied and reformed 8 Wardancers. Due to unit movements during my pursuit when the Wardancers previously broke, my Free Company is out ahead of my Swordsmen by about the depth of their move tray. Eyeballing the distance between my Swordsmen and the Wardancers, I realize that I need to be within 8 inches to charge. My Free Company are clearly in range, but my Swordsmen appear to be just short. Stupidly I declare a "Charge" with Free Company and "Hold" with Swordsmen, while a "Failed Charge" would have given me the same result, it turns out when we measure afterward they WERE IN RANGE. If had take a minute and done the math on the dice rolls, I should have realized this and just charged with both. The stupidity wasn't that I wasn't sure of the range and held, that's prudent, the stupidity was charging my Free Company period. IF I had just held both unit and taken the Wardancers charge next turn, I could have counter-charged and had flank and outnumber bonuses to my CR, and had the same chance of killing a Wardancer. As stood charging the unit alone was suicide and I got none of the bonuses.. I supposed I was thinking If the FC could survive the round, I could get my General (whose coming up from the rear) into fray at the same time as my Swordsman and finish them. Elsewhere my Preceptor charges the remaining few Glade Guard with the Spellsinger General and My Cannon Crew moves up and recrews the cannon.
Magic- My Wizard finally gets a sucessful "Rain Lord" off on Felix's Glade Guard who ironically after 4 tries are now going into close combat and won't be using bows.
Shooting- My Handgunners have been at an odd angle with left most direct field of view on the Wood Elf General, while right hand side has LoS to the two remaining Wild Riders...and I manage to kill one. Leaving my 3 man cannon crew to fight the lone wild rider.
Close Combat- my Free Company numbering 7 men charges the wardancers gets their 10 attacks, and doesn't score a wound. The Wood Elves response is expected. I take four dead and the remaining three rout, forcing my Swordsmen to take their own break test but they pass ( another unnecessary, result of my dumb move.) The Wardancers choose not to pursue as I know whats coming as when its Felix's turn I get payback I deserve for doing something so dumb. Elsewhere my General kills another glade rider I win combat and the Spellsinger captain breaks and runs, I pursue and catch and kill him. My Preceptor charges the General and his Glade Guard..I kill one more GG. CR is tie.
Turn 5- Wood Elves
Movement- Wardancers Charge my Swordsmen, The lone Wild Rider charges my cannon crew
Seeing the end of game is near Felix wisely moves his two remaining dryads into the his right table quarter for points.
Magic- Spellsinger General casts "Aerials Blessing" as his General has a wound, I dispel it and am hoping my preceptor can finish her
Shooting- none
Close Combat- the Wardancers, including a unit champion and a Wood Elf Noble do the their dances and unloaded and insane amount of attacks somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 attacks, my saves are pretty lousy and I lose 10. yes I said TEN swordsmen, I get lucky on the response and my BSB kills 2 wardancers but the CR base WE 10, Emp 2. He outnumbers +1, I get + 1 Rank and +2 banners for an 11 to 5, at +6 I need to roll insane courage to make my 8 leadership, I roll a "3" close but not enough they break and run, Felix pursues and runs the last 4 guys down killng them ( I forgot my BSB reroll, but the odd throwing snake eyes where slim to none) The Lone Wild rider charges my cannon crew, they save the fear. and the Rider kills one crewman the other two crewman respond and kill the Rider, (yeah cannon crew). The Spellsinger and Glade Guard miss my preceptor. He kills another GG, making CR another tie.
(turn 5- Bad move, my Free Company goes it alone)
(Turn 5- Wardancers mow thru my Swordsmen, FC s routing, General is not yet in the combat he tried!)
Turn 6- Empire
Movement- my General who was heading for the Wardancers seeing the swordsmen go down, decides taking the remaining 6 wardancers down just isnt feasible so he heads over to Felix's left Table quarter to score.
Magic- my wizard cast s 2 mistress of the marsh trying to slow down both the Spellsinger General and the Wardancers, Felix dispels the one, but the other succeeds although we definitely forgot the Wardancers magic resistance, its doesnt really matter.
Shooting - Cannon shoots at Wardancers, my intial guess is good but again I roll a 10 on the arty die shooting wayover thier heads. My Handgunners shoot a full volley at the Wardancers all 10 shots miss the mark.
Crossbows and archers have no target.
Close Combat- My Preceptor misses all his targets (Felix saves) I lose combat and fail my break test and he runs. I roll a 8 on 3d6, Felix pursues and rolls double 6"s on 2d6- another full unit dead for me.
Turn 6- Wood Elves
Movement- Wardancers are slowed moving only 5 inches they cant reach either my handgunners or cannon crew but they challenge the quarter.
Magic- Spellsinger General casts another "Fury of the Forest" on my Wizard and crossbows, I dispel it.
Shooting- His General and last few GG shoot and kill my last couple crossbows, the Wizard alone breaks and runs felix is too far to bother to pursue, in retrospect he probably should have as he would have challenged the quarter as my archer detachment was the lone non-fleeing unit in the quarter.
Close Combat- none.
(Turn 6- His GG and General finish off my Crossbows and send my Wizard running in the bottom of turn 6)
Enemy Units Destroyed - 525
Spellsinger Captain - 137
Glade Riders- 120
Wild Riders-148
Waywatchers- 120
Enemy Units at 1/2 str - 108
Dryads 2 of 8 - 48
Glade Guard- 60
Captured table quarters- 200
Empire Total 833
Wood Elves
Enemy Units Destroyed - 792
Battle Standard Bearer 120
Swordsmen 179
Archer Detachment 40
Crossbowman 100
Knightly Orders 139
Pistoliers 114
Great Cannon 100
Enemy Units a 1/2 str- 25
Free Company Militia 3 of 10
Captured table quarters- 100
Captured units standards- 100
Captured Battle Standard- 100
Wood Elves total -1117
Point difference- Wood Elves + 284
Result -Wood Elves -MARGINAL VICTORY
(next week- 1500 points!)
Posted by JPL at 10:58 AM 2 comments
Labels: Battle Reports- WFB
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Battle Report- Empire Vs Wood Elves
Felix and I squared off again tonight at GW Oak Park for our third 1000 point match up
Army Lists
The Empire- (John)
1 Mounted Captain ( Army General)
1 Warrior Priest
24 Swordsmen- Full Command
10 Free Company (detachment)
8 Archers ( detachment)
10 Handgunners- Marksman w/ HLR
5 Knights - Musician, Preceptor
5 Pistoliers- w/ Outrider
Great Cannon w/ crew
The Wood Elves- (Felix)
Wood Elf Noble ( Army General)
10 Glade Guard
5 Glade Riders
8 Dryads
5 Wild Riders
8 Wardancers
5 Waywatchers ( scouts)
Same 1000 point list I have been using for the last few months, Felix brings a noticably different list with no infantry with all shooting and calvary.
Deployment was pretty straight forward, basically a three lane setup. Felix won the die roll deployed 1st. Screens are done in photoshop and are just rough sketches of how it went down.
Should be self explanatory, Thin red lines are Empire shooting, Green the Wood Elves shooting, the Blue line is spells cast from the Spellsinger, black arrows are movement.
Empire- I win the die and go 1st. moving everyone forward, I deploy my Handgunners 10 wide fire a volley at Felix's Glade Guard, 10 misses. While range guess is good, I throw an "8" on the Artillery die overshooting way long in the direction of the Wild Riders and his General. My Archers get lucky and take out 1 wild rider at long range.
Wood Elves- Felix comes out of the gate swinging, his spellsinger throws "fury of the forest" at me, I use 2 of my 3 dispel dice to dispel it, FAIL, he kills one of my 5 knights. He then fires 20 arrows from 3 of his units at my Handgunners, killing 8 of the 10 of them and routing them for good. (less than 25% cannot rally) my priest cast armor of contempt on my General giving him a 4+ wardsave in addition to his 1+ armor save
Ouch!! on the first turn, lose all my gunners and 1 knight.
I have my Swordsmen, my Militia detachment and my Knights all charge his Wild Riders and General hoping for a easy kill. Stupidly I forget they are fast cavalry and can get away easily, Fleeing with thier "feigned flight" I have three failed charges and am now setup for him to charge me. My priest casts unbending righteousness on himself, making the whole block of swordsmen "unbreakable". My archers, again get lucky and hit and kill a wardancer.
my Pistoliers trying to flank and harass come up empty being out of range to hit anything
Wood Elves-
Felix charges his Wardancers into my Swordsman block, my militia detachment counter charges, His wind riders easily rally and reform. I get lucky on escaping a flank charge from his Dryads because they were too far back in the woods to see me to charge, so they fail.
His Spellsinger again hits my knights with "fury of the forest" I throw my last dispel dice in vain and fail, losing two more Knights, they then fail their break test and rout. While the Waywatchers and Gladeriders open up with arrows on my Cannon crew killing 2 of them.
Close Combat begins with his charging 7 wardancers, dropping 21 attacks on my units, HOLY S***.. He kills my Swordsman Sgt and 6 other Swordsmen and a pair of kills on my Militia.
Crap!, I thought this is going downhill fast.
Empire- My General charges the wardancers flank, at this point my Priest starts trying to cast
Hammer of Sigmar on my General so he can reroll all misses, Felix wisely uses his dispel scrolls and his dispel dice in later rounds to nix it. I never get it happening, I kill two more Wardancers,
(Warrior Priest, Hammer of Judgement)
I win combat but since everyone is unbreakable we are not going anywhere.
My two remaining knights rally and turn around hoping to go next turn, my archers and pistoliers come up empty AND my Militia unit takes some more hits decides to fail the break test and rout AND I forgot to shoot my damn cannon ( not that I have killed anything with it recently).
Wood Elves- Wild Riders and the Wood Elf General Charge my Pistoliers, who "stand and shoot", coming up huge blowing away all the Wild Riders..leaving the General to charge the 5 of the them solo, I am totally psyched at first..but then realize that the stand and shoot during their charge does NOT count toward combat resolution. So his General going first in close combat kills a Pistolier and I lose combat. I, of course fail the break test running on rolling an "8" on the 3d6 and his catches me with a "9" just like that I am overrun and lose the four of them and he runs smack dab into my Archers. OUCH, so much for a break, Felix finishes off my Rallied Knights with the rest of his men.
I dont have much left to do at this point other than slug it out in this big melee we have going
I am weeding down his Wardancers, my General is killing one a turn and the swordsman are hanging in there. My Militia unit Rallies and turns about for turn 5, my Archers slug it out 8 vs 1 against the Wood Elf General. My damn cannon with one crew member cant hit a damn thing
my ranges are ok, but I keep rolling "2"s or "8"'s coming up short or overshooting.
Wood Elves-
Felix decides to hold his Dryads instead of moving and joining the General against my Archers...he probably assumed he'd need them as his Wardancers where going down, ( slowly) (this turns out to be a boon for me in the end.) Everyone is in CC except my rallied militia who now number 3 men, they somehow dodge a hail of arrows and make it to turn 5, the last cannon crew doesn't and he goes down.
Empire- I sacrifice my three remaining Militia guys up to block the dryads from getting to my Swordmen before the last round. My General polishes off another Wardancer, and my remaining Swordsmen have an exposed flank, the Militia keep the Dryads away until the last round, this is good. my archers are somehow surviving as Felix's General is throwing "1's
its still 6 vs 1 over there.
Wood Elves- The Dryads swat my Militia guys like flys and set up for the last turn.
The Wood Elf General is under some kind of bad mojo and cannot kill my lowly Militia archers. Felix is thinking about the end of the game now and positions his remaining units in separate table quarters to score victory points.

Empire- Finally I take out the last Wardancer- those guys are a royal pain in the ass, I'd been fighting the seven of them since turn 2, I still have 16 Swordsmen remaining and my General at full strength but they cant do anything else other than defend from the incoming Dryads. My 6 Archers attack the Wood Elf General and I come up with two hits and then 2 wounds
Felix has a dice hex going and fails both Armor Saves and then both Ward Saves taking the two wounds and dying, I kill his freaking 152 point General with 48 points of Militia in close combat-
That's why I love this game, it can turn around in a heartbeat and it did. I pick up 100 extra VP for the General and 100 pts for the Wild Rider Standard he had in the unit with him, and my archers stand alone on that table quarter.
Wood Elves-
The Dryads charge and take out 3 more swordsmen leaving me with 13.
I cant respond since noone is left on the flank to attack back, Felix's other units
have all dropped back to scoring position. Game over.

Final Scores
The Empire
Enemy Units Destroyed-
Wood Elf General - 152
5 Wind Riders- 130
8 Wardancers- 144-
Enemy Units at 1/2 Str- NONE
Bonus Points
Enemy General Slain 100
1 Table Quarter Held 100
Empire - 626 Victory Points
Wood Elves
Enemy Units Destroyed-
10 Hangunners - 105
5 Knights- 139
10 Militia -50
5 Pistoliers -107
Great Cannon and Crew-100
Enemy Units at 1/2 Str- NONE
Bonus Points
2- Table Quarters
Wood Elves- 601 Victory Points
The result is 25 Victory points or a DRAW.
Obviously I was surpised I came out ahead on this, my Archers killing his General allowed me to pick up 300 points, (the General Bonus, the captured Standard Bonus and the Table quarter bonus) IF Felix had killed my Archers he would have picked up an extra 164 points
while denying me the 300 bonus and the 152 for General, making the score 765 to 274 in his favor and a Solid Victory for him. ( which is how the game felt as it was played out).
This game was kind of trainwreck for me a few levels, my cannon, knights and handgunners, never showed up to play and I failed every freaking leadership break test I tried to make. There is no doubt I need to add a Battle Standard Bearer to any size Empire army I play, as he allows me to re roll any failed break tests within 12"that's key. I a few more thoughts on this game but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
Edit- along with totally botching the magic phase and the rules violations that have been pointed it, I have also realized, I was not eligible for the unit standard bonus in my scoring as it fell uncaptured when my Pistoliers gunned down the Wild Riders during my stand and shoot.
I have corrected the score.
Posted by JPL at 12:56 AM 5 comments
Labels: Battle Reports- WFB
Saturday, September 8, 2007
New Pics!!
Finally got the camera back and set up, still working on an ideal lighting source, thankfully I have Lightroom and Photoshop, which help alot.
Pistolier/ Outrider parts make great swordsmen conversions.
I dont love that parchment/scroll on the one guy -I need to redo it.
So do the Free Company /Milita heads, I wanted my army to
have a ragtag whats left after the Storm of Chaos ravaged our province "look"
veteran looking troops, pieced together uniforms, etc.
Rank of swordsmen, all out of the box.
Here everybody 5x5, 24 swordsmen, with warrior priest (spot 1)
Side view
Other side, with back of banner, I hope all the little details
free hand, etc..pop thru.
Next up 10 Handgunners, only 120 more models to go until Adepticon, LOL!
Posted by JPL at 1:33 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Late Night Painting
Finally winding down on the last 5 empire Swordsmen in my 1000 pt Empire army, I should wrap them up and dullcote them by the weekend. 25 units total and its taken me about 5 weeks to paint them. Although I've done textured move trays, terrain and have been assembling dwarfs during my hobbytime time as well. Painting wise if I work at a pace of 5 units a week, its going to take me about 5 more months to finish my 2300 pt army for Adepticon 2008, that should give me roughly two months to work on a display base and tweak stuff. Still its pretty daunting project.. considering I have another 24 Swordsmen and 19 Flagellants in the Army. Empire figures are a difficult unit to paint in comparison to say the "Skull Pass" miniatures because they have loads of little details that are time consuming, I took a night off to mess around with Skull Pass a week or so ago and I painted up three dwarfs and a night goblin in an evening, certainly makes me pause at going with the uber-detailed army. It's the same thing with my Ultramarines, they take awhile too, granted I am faster and better at prioritizing details than I was earlier this year, but still I can't do more that 2 or 3 marines in a week and that's a good pace, the highlighting just takes forever with those guys. Anyway Late night painting it's almost 3am, got to be in the office by 10:00am..Photos are coming, just been lazy with the camera.
Posted by JPL at 2:23 AM 2 comments
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